Stop Chasing Wellness

Have You Tried: Intro

Kristin Season 2 Episode 8

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I've decided to add something new into the podcast mix

I'll still have my once monthly meat & potatoes topic where I'll explore a topic more in depth but I thought it would be fun to also sprinkle in some smaller thoughts a few times a month.  

My Health Coach brain is always thinking about new products, cooking techniques, or just things that might help expand & simplify healthy, clean eating for my friends & family & coaching clients & I thought it would be fun to share some of these ideas with you as well.  

These HAVE YOU TRIED Podcasts will be short & sweet & to the point.  

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hello friends.
How are you?
This is Kristin Peterson.
Welcome to the Common Sense Nutrition Podcast.
So I've decided to add a little something new into my podcast mix and I'm going to still
have like my monthly meat and potatoes topic where I explore something a little more in
depth and really dive into something.
But I thought it would be really fun, you know, as I've just been doing this for a little
bit longer.
It's not like I do a ton of podcasting.
I feel like I should be doing more to be more consistent and more regular and more available
and in front of people, but the more I'm doing, the more I'm kind of realizing that this is
okay to have it just evolve into other things as well.
And I thought it would be fun to sprinkle in some smaller thoughts a few times a month
as well.
And, you know, my health coaching brain is always thinking about just like new products
and just even like cooking techniques or just things that might help expand and simplify
healthy clean eating for myself and my own family and my family and friends and coaching
clients and just, you know, people in my inner circle.
So I thought it would be fun to share some of these ideas with you.
So I'm going to call this Have You Tried.
So these are my Have You Tried podcasts and they're going to just be short and sweet and
to the point.
And I'm just going to explore like just small little things that pop into my brain and things
that maybe I just kind of take for granted and I assume that everybody knows, but it
might be stuff that you don't know about yet or maybe that you haven't tried.
So because I think with clean eating, with healthy eating, with keeping yourself motivated
to stay on track, it's good to just have these ideas bouncing around and keep throwing things
out there and, you know, give people some fun things to try and fun things to do.
So I really look forward to doing these with you guys, throw a few out there every month.
Like I said, I'll still have my Meat and Potatoes podcast and I'm really excited about those
and I'll keep doing those and keep building on those as well.
But I want you to keep looking for the Have You Tried podcasts.
They're just going to be short, sweet, maybe a couple of minutes.
Just explore a quick topic and on that note, I would love to hear from you guys.
If there's things that you do that are in line with clean, healthy eating that you would
like to share with us, shoot me a message.
I'd love to hear from you guys to see what ideas do you guys have and we can explore
those on the Have You Tried podcast or if there's things that you want me to look into.
I get a lot of that when people are grocery shopping or they see products or commercials
or things for different food products or different cooking techniques and they'll ask
me, have you tried this?
Hey, Kristin, have you tried that?
And so often I will look for those products when I'm grocery shopping.
I'll read the labels, I'll do some research, I'll explore those things so that I can get
back with people.
So if I can broadcast it in my podcast and share that, give me your thoughts on what
you're running across and wondering, is this healthy?
Is this in line with clean, healthy eating?
And I can check those things out.
I'd love to have more content to create the Have You Tried podcast.
So throw those things at me.
I'm always looking for that stuff.
So I'm going to go ahead, I'm going to wrap this one up because I really just wanted to
use this quick podcast just to introduce the idea of Have You Tried.
So thank you guys for joining.
Thank you for listening.
I really appreciate it.
I love when I get the updates from Buzzsprout that tells me how many more downloads I've
had each week.
So people are listening and I love that and I'm super stoked about it and I'd love to
expand this.
So if you found this idea to be valuable and you want to hear more, I encourage you to
subscribe to the podcast.
I'm available through most of the major platforms and through Buzzsprout and you'll see the link
here and you can subscribe or forward it to friends.
But also check out my website, and shoot me a message and let me know, like
I said, what you'd like me to touch on for these future Have You Tried podcasts.
And while you're in the website, make sure you click on the programs button that's in
We'll learn a little bit more about Clean Eating Program, that Clean Eating Program
that I lead each month where I've taken my knowledge of holistic nutrition and health
coaching and preventive health and I combine that with my knowledge of different dietary
theories and I use this to help coach you through a lifestyle program with a 10-day
monthly jumpstart.
We're actually getting ready to do our December Clean Eating Program, the final one of the
It's a little more relaxed, but it's always a fun 10-day program to kind of just get people
set up to get through the end of the year a little more successfully to get through
the holidays.
So I'm really excited for you guys to check it out and then message me through the website.
Once again, to get started.
And until next time, keep your ears open and your eyes open for my first Have You Tried
podcast, which will be coming out really soon.
And so until next time, stay healthy, eat clean.
And thank you for listening to my Common Sense Nutrition podcast.