Stop Chasing Wellness

Have You Tried: Steamed Hard Boiled Eggs?

November 30, 2020 Kristin Season 2 Episode 9

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Have you ever STEAMED an egg to hard cook it?  You should.  Once you steam an egg to hard boil it, you'll never do it any other way.  Steaming the egg for 10 mins or less allows the peels to come clean off without any struggle.  Check it out! 

Stop Chasing Wellness is an online wellness coaching company founded by two Holistic Health Coaches, Gina and Kristin. Be sure to check out all of our offerings including our book, Stop Chasing Wellness; Create It, and our growing catalog of Hormone Specific coaching courses. All of our courses and offerings are designed to help you feel and live your best life in a simplified way that works for you. You can find Stop Chasing Wellness on Facebook and Instagram

Hey everybody, this is health coach Kristin.
Welcome to the Common Sense Nutrition Podcast.
This is the Have You Tried version of my Common Sense Nutrition Podcast and I'm so excited
that you're here with me today.
I am going to talk to you guys today about roasted walnut oil.
I want to know if you've tried roasted walnut oil.
But before I get started, I just want to remind you to go ahead and check out my website, for more information on what I do as a health coach.
Because, you know, we talk a lot about food when we're health coaching and walnut oil
is one of those things.
I absolutely love this.
So, there's a lot of health benefits to this, but mostly what I love about this, I discovered
this roasted walnut oil a handful of years ago.
And I can't, you know, not all brands make it, so it is a little bit hard to find.
So if you just like, if you search online for the roasted walnut oil, you'll find walnut
oil very readily available, but I like the roasted walnut oil.
And I just love the flavor of it.
And we'll talk a little bit about some of the health benefits of it as well, but you
can find it in some grocery stores.
I usually grab it when I can find it because it's not that easy.
It's not that easy to find the roasted version.
So keep an eye out for it and grab it if you can.
Just I'm going to talk about a little bit about some of the benefits of walnut oil and
then I just want to talk about what to look for when you're buying walnut oil.
So you know, we need, one of the best benefits about walnut oil is that it is high in omega-3
fatty acids and omega-3s are a type of fat that our bodies can't make on our own.
So we need to get this from healthy food sources.
And typically you, you know, you're steered toward getting back from like fish and you
know, I, as a health coach, I agree.
Walnut oil in particular is a good source of omega-3, but I think our best source of
omega-3 fatty acids or any omegas in general come from plants.
Anytime we can get nutrients from plants, we get an insane amount of benefit without
any side effects.
We're not getting any of the bad stuff that we get from animal foods like cholesterol
and saturated fats that the bad saturated fats.
So when we are getting omega-3s from walnut oil, I mean, there's just such a great source
of omega-3s and this is really good for our heart health.
It helps reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease.
It basically helps to reduce inflammation.
So the omega-3s basically just, they reduce that hardening of your cells and it's basically
just kind of makes things, you know, our cells are supposed to be fluid and soft and
squishy and it helps with that.
It helps to lower also the levels of triglycerides in the blood that are bad for heart disease.
So we want less hardening and more soft, squishy, flowy blood.
So it's really just omega-3s in this case with the, with the walnut oil are really,
really good for cardiovascular health, but omegas that we get in particular from walnuts
are also really good for brain health.
And it's interesting when you crack open a walnut, what does it look like?
It looks like a brain, right?
Like a walnut in the whole, in the shell, it looks like a brain.
It's just amazing that nature provided it that way because like, what is this good for?
This one must be good for my brain health.
And basically just same thing, omega, any of the fatty acids that we get from, you know,
nuts and seeds are just helping reduce inflammation and increase circulation.
And really when it comes down to it, that's kind of just the nuts and bolts of what you
really want to know about omega fatty acids.
The inflammation is the root of disease, omega fatty acids, and there's a broad spectrum
of them.
We always focus on three, three, five, six, seven, nine.
We need all of them and they work synergistically together.
And what they do is reduce inflammation and inflammation leads to the two disease.
So we're reducing inflammation and increasing circulation.
We're increasing circulation to things like our heart, our eyes, our skin, you know, all
of our brain, any of your soft muscle tissues.
We need that stuff.
It's really important.
So I love when I can find something that's healthy that also tastes freaking amazing
and I can eat it without guilt because I mean, let's face it, food brings joy, right?
So what you want to look for when you're buying a roasted oil in particular, like any of your
raw, you know, when you're buying nuts in general, raw is best.
Raw almonds, raw walnuts, raw peanuts, peanut is a seed, but we put it in the nut category
in the nut family.
Anything raw is best because it hasn't been roasted.
It hasn't been altered.
Sometimes with some manufacturers, you just don't know how they are roasting and if it's
done at too high of a temperature, the oils in the foods can turn carcinogenic, which
is bad for your heart.
So you want to look for an oil where, where it has been like what they call it cold pressed
or expeller pressed.
And that basically means that it hasn't been cooked to this really high temperature that
can be damaging to the nature of the benefit, the good benefits of the food.
And this, I just, I love the roasted flavor of a walnut oil.
It's just, you can like taste it.
You can taste that rich, roasty, nutty flavor, but it's like delicate and light.
It's not a super like really rich, overwhelming heavy oil.
I love it in particular on salad dressings and I love to make my own.
So whenever I, like I said, when I find the roasted oil, I usually grab a can, it's about
eight or nine bucks a bottle and I use it for salad dressings where I can add my own
I'll add a little bit of Dijon mustard, throw in some fresh herbs from my tower garden,
salt and pepper, blend it up with an immersion blender or in like the food processor or in
a blender and I put it in a container and keep it in my refrigerator.
And one thing I love about making salad dressings with the roasted walnut oil is that it doesn't
A lot of salad dressings call for olive oil and I agree, it's a great oil to use, especially
at a cold temperature.
But when you refrigerate olive oil, it's like waiting for a stick of butter to thaw, right?
It's like sit there for 20, 30 minutes waiting for your dressing to thaw so you can put it
on your salad.
When you use roasted walnut oil, it stays fluid in the refrigerator, like huge benefit.
So the taste, the fact that it stays fluid, the fact that it's high in omega-3 fatty acids,
all amazing.
I also just love to slather this onto a piece of fish before I roast it in the oven.
It just adds another layer of taste.
I just love this oil.
So I was wondering if you've tried it and I would love to know if you have.
I think it's a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, but this oil in particular is also
really good for your hair and skin and that goes for also if you ingest it.
So I mean, some people will put it on their skin and I don't know if I'd use the roasted
one because then you're going to smell like roasted nuts, but you can certainly use walnut
oil in general, like on your hair, on your skin, on your cuticles, in your nails.
Like it's something that's good for you inside should also be able to be used on the outside
of your body as well.
So I love it and I hope that you're going to try it and I want to go ahead and wrap
things up for us today and just want to say thank you for listening and I hope that you
found this content to be of value and if you like what you hear, I hope that you'll share
this with a friend.
And if you do love it, I hope that you'll subscribe to my podcast.
I've been trying to do a few more of these Have You Tried episodes here and there and
I always want to know what you are curious about.
If you see something on grocery store shelves and you're wondering, I wonder if anybody's
tried this, shoot me a message on my website and let me know because I can check it out
and I'll do a podcast on it.
I would love to and I'd love to give you a shout out if I do that.
So while you're, go to my website to message me if you have a topic that you want me to
touch on and that's
Shoot me a message in there.
Let me know what you want me to touch on and while you're in there, would you please click
on the programs button that's on the front page of my website and learn a little bit
more about a clean eating program that I leave each month where I've taken my knowledge of
holistic nutrition, health coaching and preventive health and I combine that with my knowledge
of different dietary theories and I use it to help coach you through a lifestyle program
with a 10 day monthly jumpstart.
I'm really excited for you to check it out once again through
to get started and until next time, this is health coach Kristin Peterson.
Stay healthy, eat clean and thank you for listening to my Common Sense Nutrition podcast.