The CHAARG Podcast

#49] Cat Aldana: Meditation For Beginners

January 08, 2019 CHAARG

Cat [@cataldasana] answers questions from you guys -- everything from "how much is meditation mental vs physical" to "how do you stay consistent with your meditation practice" to "should you keep your eyes open or closed?" Cat + Elisabeth also talk about Cat's meditation practice + how it's evolved throughout the years! Cat is a leader of the Body Positivity Challenge ++ meditation is a big component of the challenge -- join us here!

-- Body Positivity Challenge
-- Cat, Podcast Episode On Eat, Stretch, Nap
-- Cat, Podcast Episode On Ayurveda
-- Cat's yoga schedule
-- 3 Kim K Makeup Youtubes: Makeup Mistakes to Avoid, PatrickStarr, Smokey Eye Tutorial
-- Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up Podcast
-- Book Rec: Untethered Soul
-- Podcast Rec: The Embody Podcast [Candice Wu]
-- Meditation Resources: Insight Timer + Danielle Laporte
-- Cute meditation timer
-- Who brought meditation to USA: It’s not 100% certain, but a lot of sources say Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Founder of Transcendental Meditation
-- Who brought meditation to Chicago: Swami Vivekananda brought the philosophy of Vedanta and Yoga to Chicago at the World Fair! There’s a street by the Art Institute called “Swami Vivekananda Way”