Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 52: Warts and all...How Karl & Judi entered into Keto, to save their lives

Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 52

A tad dramatic?...Absolutely not at all. Driven by a need for few more guaranteed breaths of life. Two almost terminal conditions resolved by doing something unimaginable from their experience. I was interviewed by a radio station (naturopathic content program) to disclose why we are so driven and passionate about the Ketogenic diet or way of living. This is our story. A candid open disclosure, which has apparently received a lot of attention. There are some definite transferable lessons here for many people suffering from “chronic” and over medicated conditions.

Got questions…. Send them in. We got answers.
 Simply email me at drgoldkamp@ketonaturopath.com

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Until next time, Dr. Karl