Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 41: Prequel to interview with Dr. Seyfried part III

December 09, 2018 Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 41

The Shot heard round the world.


“… the origin of carcinogenesis resides with the mitochondria in the cytoplasm, not the with the genome in the Nucleus.”

Researchers have transplanted the nucleus (it’s DNA) of a cancer cell into a healthy cell that had its nucleus removed. When that new combined cell with healthy cytoplasm and mitochondria but DNA from the cancer was injected into mice no cancer developed.


But when the cancer cell with the nucleus of a healthy cell was injected into mice, those mice developed cancer. No one saw this coming or dared to predict such an outcome.


It is evidence that the promoter of cancer was not the ‘cancerous DNA’ genes of the cancer cells, but the mitochondria in the cytoplasm of the cancer cells. This event, repeated many time since, invalidates the assumption upon which cancer treatment is based today.



Cancer As A Metabolic Disease, Hardcover


Tripping Over The Truth

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Until next time, Dr. Karl