Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 73: Controversies in Keto

Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 73

 Not everyone is ‘on the same page' regarding some topics in the Ketogenic diet community. This podcast is about some of those issues. On some of those topics, they have made me reconsider what my perspective is and frankly now I no longer think as I did. Listen in and maybe you too will reconsider some of your previous assumptions about the Ketogenic diet.

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Hi, This is Dr Karl Gold Camp. If you're interested in learning about the ketogenic diet like I was to save my own life, then this is probably the podcast for you. Eight years ago, I knew nothing about it. Six years ago, it saved my life. Three years ago, I started researching and talking with some of the authorities in the field and attending medical conferences about this. To understand why and how Kato so dramatically changed my my wife, studios lives. The first of his podcast is to share our journey of discovery with you and understanding how Kato is so effective improving so many different conditions from obesity, epilepsy, diabetes, infertility, M s, Alzheimer's heart disease, a name a few. So take a step away from all the hype you've probably heard and roll up your sleeves with me and join me weekly to explore this living miracle. Then anyone can access. We'll talk science. We'll talk food. Well, explorer, its history and evolution to today, which is that the sheer wonder the ketogenic way of eating has changed untold number of lives, unlike anything before and in case I forget to mention it, please join our Facebook group. Kato Naturopath five His Doctor Gold Campbell. Welcome back to another episode that kiddo naturopath. Today we're gonna talk about a couple of things. Some might be actually too much detail for some, but I'll try to put it like I hope that you think that I always do into simple or terms so you can understand some of the bigger, a more complicated explanations. And by the way, when I see more complicated, in no way does it mean that Oh, I'm the one that understands us. And you don't you know, in some sort of condescending way. No. I find that everything is complicated when you don't understand it. So I was talking to a plumber. I'd be lost after the first sentence. If I was talking to a another kind of physician, I could easily get lost as they get into the details of their work and their specialty. So I hope you take it at that. And in that perspective, So I think it's a gift to anybody. Teacher, plumber, rancher, dairy farmer, marine biologists. They can take the details and you say these air the see these different numbers here, see how they're important and then put them into a context that you can grasp why they're important, not just because that person says that they are okay. So just when I say these things that could come across this kind of sending. So it's been about two years since this podcast has been going on and in the course of that time obviously have interviewed a lot of people, and I hope you've enjoyed that. I've learned a lot. I got to meet, meet these people you lease. I've seen a couple of their presentations of various conferences and we've talked. And then and that's how I was lucky enough to be able to know them well enough to ask them to be on the podcast. So we've learned a lot is the point. So now there's another sort of wave of issues that are coming up. Maybe not so technical. Initially, these first part of this, uh, podcast, but they're interesting concepts to consider, So I'm just gonna jump in and these air I would call them Controversy and Kato. It's not like there, really, you know, knives and forks and people calling each other out. No, it's a polite disagreement um, among people who have a lot of experience, and so if somebody has a lot of experience, physician preferred. So we got the blood work on everything else but non physicians. There's plenty of people who have been on key toe that are not physician son Eamon, certified nutritionist of any sort. But they've been on Kato, and they can say, This is how my life has changed and these are my labs that have changed and consequently they're following has gotten to be so large that they haven't authority of what it is they're talking about. So I appreciate leasing to those perspectives as well. So I just got through watching a couple of presentations from some such people. One is a person does a lot of cookbooks, and so the question is, this person's now pretty much a carnivore, so I like that, too. That's pretty much what we are. And it's the issue of So what's your carnivore? You're basically saying hardly any veggies. It'll not only no carbs, really. There's nothing left, but if you're really a carnivore, you're not having any veggie. So within the 20 grams or so of carbs per day, some carnivore say I have some broccoli or whatever else. Certainly not gonna be a lot of Irakly, but they've just let go of all these things. And so one thing about being Carnivore and I'm not here to convince you about being Carnivore, I'm here to explain. There's certain advantages for my perspective and listening to others that is really presented in one clean sweep, something that I spent decades doing with patients and what that is when patients would come in and say, This is my issue, whether it's Joe I n Menopause PMS, PCOS, or if it's joint pain or if it's men coming in for back pain and so on so forth, you'd have to look at their diet and you have to pull things out. But the top peaks that you would look at it would be looking at what kind of foods they eat in terms of our the eating whole foods or not, right. So are they actually going to the grocery store buying that bring it home and cooking it at home? That's the whole food scenario stripped down, and in that the division is Are they buying organic or not? I'm not trying to be a snob here. I'm trying to say that non organic veggies have a lot of pesticides and herbicides on him. In fact, you can look up, you know, environmental Working Group, the dirty dozen and the clean 15 as they call it. And they've been around since. I would give every patient the link that that probably since the early two thousands, whenever Environmental working group got started. They become a political force since then. But you know what? They would do the shoot survey across the country of all the vegetables and produce in the country, and they would bring it back and tested, and they drank it each year. They would do that. It's a lot of work pretty neat, though. But then they would say, This is what we found on your average broccoli on your average blueberry of your non organic and of your average and see you there we give a ranking, which is the most contaminated meaning which had the most pesticides and herbicides contaminants, and then they would say of the contaminants. We found these the ones we found, and these are the effects. This is what that thing does and these three effects that has caused in in my reference study. So therefore in mice and rats, and it might reference whatever data there is in humans. So it's absolutely wonderful, absolutely wonderful. So back to Carnivore is like when you're saying that's not too veggies. First of all, for anybody who hasn't even thought about Carnivore, they're gonna go seriously well, on the very simplistic, superficial, even side of looking at things is that you no longer have to tell people about pesticides and herbicides because they're not gonna eat that. So the whole idea of organic or not? Oh gosh, it's such a It's such a over flog horse of a topic that you thank goodness I don't have to do this for the like the 15,000 time explaining the difference in that and telling all about what I've just told you. An environment, mental working group. So that's the one thing. The other thing you get by being carnivore and saying, Hey, veggies, they're a thing of the past is that and we've talked about this lightly, and it usually it only came up in my practice and talking with cancer patients primarily to go this deep and that is the anti nutrients that are in that she's in. You can look up there's ranking So you look at the fight eights you look at the ox awaits and you look at the lignin ce. And so these are the things that bind various nutrients so they don't ever x get out of the what you're eating and into you Now, In all fairness, our ancestors weren't stupid about this. You know, they knew that well, in order to get laid booms out, you would let being soak for a while and so you would never just cook raw beans up directly. They would be soaked for overnight or something. That's why you're so beings is to get and you toss that water out of being, for instance, that I don't know the treatment for all of these OC slits wasn't so much address. But that's very high. And a lot of dark green leafy vegetables like kale like spinach. And these can and do cause kidney problems. In essence, they're little pieces of glass. It sort of just it gradually start to destroy your primary ally in your kidneys. Very fine. Tubules. Right? That filter, huh? Thanks. You know this. They filter out what's going out with a yearn and what's gonna let pass back into the blood system. So that's a big deal, so I could start various kinds. That's why your kidney stones are called various times of oxalic kidney stones in a calcium oxalate kidneys on magnesium oxide, kidney stones. So that's why that's even mentioned because it's wrapped up and tied to the ox. Let's bound these things these nutrients and started plugging up your kidneys and you got the kid, he says. So fight aids her whole nothing. So anyway, you you now have these things that when we hear about how healthy some of these veggies are, we have that list you can who go anything and say These are the nutrients in kale. He's the nutrients in carrots or beats, and so on. Some. And whether superfoods right, what we have to do is you take that list, call that a number. It's it's 15 15 goodies in there. Well, then you have to put a subtraction under, you know. What does it have? What does that veggie have? Her plant we're about to eat, have in terms of lignin is fight, aids and excellence. That's sort of a subtraction. So the nutrition that is often hailed as in this veggie is not something that you receive. It's it's, you know, so tractors, other stuff, and the Net is what you will get and will benefit from you anyway. These problems, these three anti nutrients will call them or something. I don't have to consider your carnivore that goes away as well. But those kind of the oxidants, the fight eights and the lignin CE they do cause gastrointestinal stress. You'll feel that some people after they eat veggies, you know, whether it's a salad or marinated spin it. Sure, kale, they'll feel. I really it tasted great, but I just don't feel great. And they just sort of accepted that as that's part of the digestive system. Also, you know, you're you're big word microbiome that is the bacteria. The virus is the park mia, the whole stew of what ends up being your feces right, and it's a living organism. They one of the inside references to talking about microbiome. They say Microbiome is the only organ in your body, and the changes every day And that was it's determined by the diet you eat the things that you comes into your mouth, goes near stomach, goes in your small intestine, et cetera, and gets worked on that. That's what calls up the various kinds of not just bacteria, but the virus is in the archaea to digest these things, so you get him situated by the diet you eat. Two asking for those particular microorganisms to come and help you digest. When you change your diet, certain populations are no longer needed, right. Where do we don't need to digest sort of carbohydrates ever not doing? Carbs are low carbs. They all kind of disappear, that is, they're there in the background, but their numbers totally almost disappear. So when somebody does have a cell, especially with Nikola Brassicas, Nebraska's air, the kale on the broccoli and cauliflower and I'm probably missing a few, but you get my ical ical Robbie and so on. Is that the Then have this At another time, I'm not saying there's not good things toe having these plants facility go cash. This didn't like my gut is just not feeling comfortable after something. I used to have a couple years ago. Well, it's because you have stopped having that. Those particular parts your microbiome is kind of in dormant are minimally helpful. They're still there and still be measured. But they've now have receded. And another curious divisions of these things have come up to, um, help you digest the proteins, the meats and the organ meats and the fish and the fats that you're now having. So it's a whole different set. So when you said they have something you don't usually have you caught here, system unaware and you'll feel uncomfortable. And the other thing is, um, the veggies tend to ferment in your gut. So that deluded feeling I'm not saying everybody feels this way. If you're a vegetarian, I don't know how that would feel, but a long time ago since I was a vegetarian. But if you're a vegetarian, maybe your gut has been more habituated to feeling this way and having those various resource is, you know, at the ready to do this. But veggies, for the most part, ferment in your gut. And so how did they know that? Well, they compare your gut, your small intestine versus your large intestine that you're seeking in particular. So when they say What is the human? See? Come, which is See comms are the last part of your small intestine, for the most part, so ends up that are seeking our get is more like that of carnivores, specifically a lion, his line like a tiger. I'm pretty sure they're kind of identical yet, and it's not like a baboon. It's not like an ape that actually eats a lot of you here, the about that the big ape that they did a lot of veggies, and so it's interesting. Their God is different. So that's part of the argument that is used to say that humans are actually meant to be carnivores because look at how they digest things. They're more prepared to digest meats and organ meats and, ah, high fat diet. Then they are veggies and fruits got about fruits. So there's that. That's where that argument goes, and I think it has a lot of legitimacy in the and it's an interesting perspective to have. And so how we got our digestive system speaks of evolution. It didn't just happen, and it won't just change. Over 100 years It's thousands of years. It's millennia. Many millennia, actually. Right, So there is that. So in all this thinking that for the sake of this conversation, I hope I've convinced you that there is a I'll say overwhelming predisposition that human should be carnivores. It's no longer my prejudice. I know I feel definitely better and gone on Carnivore and let me give you a little bit. It's a great example. We went to a conference a couple weeks ago in San Diego, and we just didn't do a lot of I'm gonna bring some special oils. We just pack small and did carry on. So we got off the plane with her hair clothes over there for the conference, and so consequently, because it was carry on, we couldn't put any oils or anything in it. Wes, no mayo, no male, Horrible that mayo. So we just went with what we could have there with a focusing I meet. So when you'd have a salad with your dinner that you bought, I would have that. I was bloated for a day or two, and I just had a small little side couple. Call it of coleslaw. One night in a very small side salad, and that was the extent of my veggies for the weekend three day weekend, and I felt bloated for two days. I thought, Wow, that was a slap in the face. So that made me wake up to, you know, putting a demand on my gut that it wasn't prepared to do and makes me a little more willing to buy in to the idea that our ancestors were carnivorous. Then they were herbivorous. Or he or even I'm Nurit omnivorous. So there's that still haven't come to my point, still working you there. So the point is in the don't say it's the controversy, but it's a point of disagreement. I've heard this by a number of people. I certainly was true when I was up to at Duke with Dr Westbourne it. I've heard other presentations about this, and so the issue is this. So whether it's carnivore or not, just in the realm of key toe soak Ito is no carb, high fat and moderate protein. So let's just start with their oral agreement about that carnivore or not. It's that well, if you're here for weight loss, which is 95% of the people come to key over is for weight loss 4 99 So are you gonna tell that person or if you are that person, are you going to have to increase all the fat because clearly is gonna be an increased high fat and low carb high protein. Are you gonna increase all that fat you are? Are you going to believe that? Heck, once your key to adapt it right, Once you're fat, adapted once your body can convenient and you sort of have to wake that system up a cz. Well, just like your microbiome in the sense you have to wake up the system. If the trends transform your metabolism to be able to be efficient again at burning fats and making key tones, all three of them that well, you know, if you're overweight by a lot or you're obese. Mike, one of the groups I'm working with now it's a group of obese men that they should have plenty of that. Right? So let's not worry about that. Less to say. Get your protein in and keep your carbs under 20 grams a day. All right, don't worry about your fat If you want some fat, have some fat. But don't worry about Oh my gosh, I need all these extra calories of fat. I have to go have a stick of butter. I have to go have four more scoops and mayo. I have to have some See eight or whatever. Well, I like that. It's as nice. It's a nice, clean, mechanistic way of looking at you now. Hey, I'll be really croupier. You're a fat person. Meaning you have plenty of fat on you and that's a big reserve. And now that you've become metabolically efficient at burning fats, just burn that. I told if I was didn't have any experience in my own life and working with people. Now, a lot of people that I would totally buy sounds good to me, you know. Usually the simplest answer is the best. You know Malcolm's Rachel kind of thing? Well, having gone through a number of coaching programs and having the privilege of when you're on chronometer, that's the tracking after we ask people to track because I can look in and what they're doing is that I get to look at various correlations, you know, as I get to how much, especially after they dump and putting in their data a month or two that I can go back and saying, OK, if they've lost £50? What is that most correlated to is that their carbs is It's there. They're exercises that they're fat. Is that their protein intake? Is it there? You can even go right down to various constituents. Is it there? If there plugging in their glucose levels, you know you have to do with her glucose levels. I look forward to the convenience of having insulin levels in there, ebony or, if they're doing, taking key towns, which they own, too. For me in our program for into the second month, we just focus on glucose for a while. So what? The correlations there? So it's interesting and more than a few people, I would almost say across the board, it's a bit tedious to do this, but you can print out the reports and make a nice graph encircled points and all this other stuff is that actually having, ah, higher fat diet. Even though these people were overweight, so they had their own reserve, it was there. They found that having higher fat in their diet they didn't find. I found it for them by looking at these reports that higher fat, who was when they got to a certain point who is correlated with the weight loss? The fact that was the only thing that, you know, we haven't go through fasting phases as well, and you get to see, you know, the drop off and so on. But it's fat. It's the fairly high level higher than they were before their work. Ito, for sure, correlated with their weight loss with their net with their weight. We just do weight loss and don't really make the difference between fat so they can and water separate issue. So that's an aha. So if I didn't have that set of data for me, however, these individual people were that I'd go, Yep, I totally buy that. You know, just keep your fat down, keep your carbs down and have your protein. Well, I don't you know. So there's a disagreement. I would like to believe that I have not seen that to be true, and I really like to drill down to see these correlations so people can say certain things, but I like to have a little deeper understanding of why these things come about it. Is that always true? So there's that. So I would call that a controversy. Do you just drop your fat and burn the fat off? If I was to elaborate what I found that and I don't have enough data. So sorry to say this is now etched in stone in my mind, and that would be that after a couple months of high fat diet, low carb, high fat, moderate protein and if there really are carnivore and people usually just don't jump on Carnivore if they haven't even done Kato. But if even when they go to Carnivore just they eat the protein to your until you're satiated and, you know have fat until you're satiated, don't worry about it. But if they're eager to lose fat, I feel through the people that I've worked with the first couple of months and really pays to keep them at a high fat percentage, you know, within the percentage calculated by a kid object that right 20 grams fat and 1.5 to 2.1 point 5 to 2 grams of routine per kilogram of body weight. That's how I calculated. So if they did that, I would see you. We left Some people have a problem off coming in. Taquito ongoing. I got eight more that I want to lose that I gotta eat more fat and I have to lose fat. You're a crazy person. And then eventually I wear them down, probably because they're paying for a course human now with us. I wear them down, They see the light they get into increasing their fats. They hold on to that for a couple months. And then I say, Do what you want. You don't have to sort of do this academic thing of increasing your fats on a daily basis, and that seems to work out. So I think this idea of being fat adapted in my words, now is boxing in your metabolism. So it has to be fat adapted, and it doesn't happen in a week. You'll start producing key towns in a week, but that doesn't mean you're fat, adapt and you're producing key tones. And that's a start in the right direction. That Theo Complexities is much larger than that in my mind. in my view. So I think of you. Box it in. Say, hey, for two months we're gonna be in a high fat diet and you most likely we're losing weight. So you'll be happy about that. And then and but the hard part of that is really encouraging people. We're going to step up to it. Yes, we're gonna stuff up to having more fat. Let's go do it. And I really discouraged about having dairy and discouraging about having nuts. Um, so the box it in for a couple months, then you can drop the fat. I think that's gonna be the reality that, um, I have we've seen initially now have to track people out in six months and a year and so on so forth, So that should be interesting. But that's my belief. And I think that that's a truism. So I politely disagree by saying this idea of drop your fast just worried. Just have a lot of protein is now in the Carnivore arena that that's fine. It's probably fine if you're having things like rib eye that Avery fatty meats or you're having liver, which is a fatty organ, or if you have another fatty organs. If you're having brain, few people that bring I do know at least one. And you get that in the South. A big brain, by the way, Cal Brain. And so these air fatty organs. And so you're probably getting a fairly high fat if you have your organ meats. Most people do not eat that way. We've lost though that interest, that cultural interest of saying, Oh my gosh, this is a fatty organ. Let me just get at it. It's what I've been waiting for. You know, the killer has come home, so most people just eat me on meat is actually a very most. Meat is lean, and they've even been habituated into cutting off the fat of their meat. Imagine that. So you're having to change all that. So the degree they actually were carnivore and add fatty organs. They were probably on a pretty high fat diet. Anyway, I think that's where where there in lies. Reality. So if you're just gonna have muscle meat, I think you're gonna have a problem. If you're not having fatty pieces like the rib eye, I think is the fattest. And then at the strong. Encourage people to get in deliver. Make that taste good. Make your liverwurst by your liverwurst. Better to make it sees you make. So there's that. So that was the issue. Don't have fat or half fat when you're in taquito. I think having fat is part of that. So the other thing is about what they call M. C. T oils, says topic to hep C. Diaz. Why have m c T oils? So I'm C T oils, Coconut M C T oil is C eight and see 10. For the most part, it's about 50 50 or maybe a little more. See eight. And certainly our product is a C H M C T. Well, exclusively is it so? No doubt nobody's saying, Hey, that doesn't produce key towns. See, it is his talk about efficient that that, in essence, is as efficient or more efficient than an exogenous key Time. Don't believe me. This isn't an ad. Take some measure your key towns. Within 15 minutes, you'll see you go. So that's yawning. Lee. Excuse me as yawning Lee. New news It's just not new at all. So but but for everybody having more key tones going to give him that mental clarity. And if your Alzheimer's it's a great thing for part all the neurological diseases, all the auto immune diseases. You bet, baby, you have M, C T or C eight and you mix it in. Don't just drink this stuff And don't ever have Fat Street. I hope you don't be dumb. Don't be done. Don't be dumb. Don't have that straight. Makes it in. So if you're gonna have see a putting all this something, we put it on. I got on my meat. What else is there? Put it on anymore. So in our mayo and sometimes even added to that. But, um, it is a point to consider that if you are taking something that is making key tones, then should your body will your body then resort to using your fat that is on your body? The fact that you want to lose Will it be taking that to make he turns. What they do know is this they do know in the world of exogenous key towns, which is the synthetic one key tone only the synthetic GHB beta hydroxy beauty raid that they those who take GHB Nijinsky tone for weight loss does not work. Does know, or it doesn't mean they don't get elevated levels of key tones in their blood. It's good for all those other things I just mentioned, and certainly there's a value for that. Epilepsy, neurological diseases, Alzheimer's, mental clarity. Etcetera. However, is it obstructing or impairing your bodies? Ability to act as your fat so you can make your key tones for you. That's since they know that about exaggerates key tones than that begs the question of, Well, wouldn't EMS is M. C T C A. C 10 even see 12 extent? Aren't those kind of exaggerates key tones? And I don't know what I knew. No is by themselves. They're not exigent ski cones. You take them and your body digests them. Go into your blood. See it goes right into your blood for you. It goes right to your liver and your liver transforms the C A and two key towns, which is different than taking BHP. It doesn't need to be worked on at all by anybody. It is BHP goes into your bloodstream and you have instant key tones, and so therefore, it's a feedback mechanism that shuts down your liver from producing key tones following that. So I know what you're you're you're taking the thing that you want to make. So why is your body going to say I think I'll make some, too. And by the way, that's a general rule of supplements. Is that let's say there's a gentleman taking melatonin because he wants to sleep. Sounds good. But if you're not deficient in melatonin and you take more melatonin, that could be a problem. And your body gets a feedback and says, You know, I only need X amount of melatonin. I know my range. You're giving me X. I know about that. I need So I'm going to subtract. It has feedback, I guess, attract what you're taking, and I'm gonna produce less military. So that's fine. You're still in the normal range, but you're not like getting a bigger hit. Initially, you will, but your body adapts to it and produces less. It's now you stop taking militant and what happens well, for a while, you're gonna be deficient in melatonin because you've trained your body to produce less because you were taking some help. That old situation so that cause Let every every vitamin and nutrients that you're taking that unless you're deficient, you start taking something, your body gets feedback. It's not stupid. It doesn't say, Hey, we're gonna go 150% of B six b 12 be to be one. It then cuts back. It tries to still stay with it like a recess tries to stay within that range. So what happens, though, is that it's not always so perfect that you when you have a deficiency and you take something to fill that deficiency you then over time become excess. Your body compensates by dropping its own production. And if you don't keep taking it, you know, if you stop taking it, you're gonna have this, what they call rebound deficiency. Hope that wasn't too complicated. I may give another simple explanation. Vitamin C, you take vitamin C. Everybody used to take vitamin C a lot. Some people still do. Um, you need a lot less vitamin C. By the way, when you're on Kato, you drop your sugar, you need less isn't amazing. You drop your glucose, your your carbohydrate and your vitamin C requirement goes down anyway, So you take your vitamin C, and you had canker sores and so on. Then your canker sores went away. Then you ran out of vitamin C. On one day you're taking a couple 1000 units, maybe even 5000 years day people taking up to 50,000 units a day. It's water soluble, but still your body gets habituated to that certain level and suddenly ran out. And you're at a pretty high level. You are going to get with the rebound scurvy for the next a couple weeks, if not a month, you're gonna be into a vitamin C deficiency that in part, you created for yourself. And then your body's gonna kind of self adjust, probably being a long term deficiency but less deficient than it was right after you stopped taking that suffering. So I hope you see that concept. So we're applying that concept to exogenous key tones, and we say, Yeah, that's correct. I'm taking exactly that thing. The body could have sense that it's going to say I don't need to make a CZ much hold the production on that stuff and the production on that stuff dependent on your fat that you wanted to lose said. Therefore, it slows down. Your ability to lose fat through the ketogenic diet is the same things. The first question is the same thing. True with M C T oils ch cie. 10 c 12. We don't know. No, he's in the study. Nobody will do you study. You know, this stuff out there is, for the most part, cheap and, um so it won't be done. But it begs. The question isn't that interesting? So what I've also seen and working with people that are on various medications. There's a class of medications called, uh that gather receptor agonists. Fancy words I gather is a gamma amino benzo Cassidy, and it is a neurotransmitter. And it is something when you are on the ketogenic diet that only do you produce three different execute times. Put your gather increases when you're gather increases. It's kind of the tranquilizing neural transmitter. It doesn't put you into la la land, but it puts you in a more reflective mood. So when you meditate, I hope you meditate. So when you meditate and you get into that sort of not attached, not attachment world that your GABA has increased when you get feel that you're in the zone, you're gaga has increased. You know, if I went on with more Nelson tones of my voice and read you a little story, they gather in your listening mind would increase not to the point that you would go to sleep. So Gabby is the opposite of what is called a inhibitory. Neurotransmitters doesn't necessarily and hit you. It relaxes you because it balances excited torrey neurotransmitters, which are, for the most part, glued May glutamate are your picture a wild child or adult? An 80 HD adult or child? Whoever running around the house screaming and so on so forth. That person has a lot of very specifically glutamate running around in their brain, making them wired, and you think of all the things like carbohydrates and sugar, mountain dew, caffeine and sugar. They will kick up their gabba, and it diminishes there glutamate. So the thing is, people who take these medications take the medications that hit thes gaba receptors that produces make forces your body to produce GABA. So now you have another thing that doesn't necessarily have to do with weight loss, but it does have to do with something that is also produced on the ketogenic guy. So if you're giving one of those calling an end product already giving that, does your body then have a feedback mechanism by saying, Well, hold the presses were already got enough gob of floating around in the body. Found pretty good. Don't need more. So it actually starts to inhibit your own production of GABA, which means inhibit your own production of ketosis. Perhaps? Well, it only hit inhibit a portion of it. So what I've found in a couple of clients that it appears that when you look at the date is not so clear because the drug companies don't have to offer this kind of information. So you have to go to, you know, the Reddit files the various conversations. That weight gain is indeed one of the things that comes with these GABA, um, drugs. So benzodiazepines is the class of medications that GABA is in, and you've heard a gala Penton So God repentance also called Neurontin. So it's used for pain and so on so forth. So when you think you're blissed out and you're not in pain, let's part of the side effects positive side effects of having elevated GABA and decreased or balanced good to me. So that wasn't that complicated. So now you're now you know, there's this question. So this is the question I asked myself. I mean, we have a product that I feel pretty proud of, Um, that we spent all that time sourcing and so on, so forth. So the question that comes in my mind is it appropriate for weight loss? So we've run various experiments on ourselves, studio and myself and sort of done non see eight for a while, you know? No c eight in any of our coffee. Usually it's a was only a noon coffee. It was kind of the ritual. I think we've stopped that now for a couple months. So if we have coffee, it's just coffee. And I even pulled back. And my Stevie is that I It's almost a home here path Expedia. Now I have some stevia. She could have a black good for her, um, and just backed off to see what affects us are like I have no black or white, so I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I've lost all this weight. I didn't have a lot of weight o lose. But I like playing around with some of these things I like playing, See with, you know, you take that away first. Insane period time. Do I notice anything? And one thing I can speak from my experience. This is now an end of one. Is that especially after the conference, having no veggies, my gut feels great. And that whole blooming thing interesting. I've also come to question Well, you know, hold some of these other questions I have, um, for future topics because they're kind of like how long it took me to get into this one, right? Yeah. One of the other topics is how do you measure protein requirement? Well, if anybody's in our group, they'll see in the file section, I guess is about a month or so ago, I basically said, Here's how you calculate your Mac Rose, and I believe I guess I'm old school or I'm just too old now that I like people doing it manually. They know what's going on. Don't go. Hey, here's my app. I used the app on Johnny's website. Oh, don't you think you should know? I, you know, calculate your APS Goto. Once you calculate your APS manual, calculate your macron's manually. You now know what is reasonable, so if you go toe somebody's app, you can tell if they're correct or not. So that's my prejudice. And I push on that everybody we we coach and in our group that do this manually anyway, So I do. Ah, a document that says he's, I calculate Mac Rose. Here's how you calculate your protein and I did it both ways. I did it. I said. The ranges between 1.5 and two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So you take your body weight Gentile. She divided by 2.2 because £2.2 for kilograms. You get your body weight in kilograms, and then you times that by 1.5 22 and you'll see your range of protein. And then I did the other way. The alternative way of calculating protein is 0.8 times your lean body mass, and I explained this in my document as well, because it was a fair question somebody asked, has seen more sophisticated when you did 0.8 grams of protein times the body mass and weird gift lean body mass lean body mass to get off a lot of wait scales and violent peons analysis, which we certainly used to do in the office. But now, people yet that capability and some of these nice scales that cost 62 a couple $100 to anyone who would pay but pretty fancy, and you could see it on your phone. In fact, you contract out on your computer and it separates out water and fat, so staying on track. So your lean body mass is your bones. It's your muscle. This is really what you wanted to know. And it's all of your viscera. So all of your esophagus, your stomach, your intestines, your spleen, your liver, all that. So that's all you're leaning body tissue. So that number varies a lot. If you measure that number after you fasted for 12 hours or 16 hours or in a couple days, you're gonna have basically an empty gut. You've digested everything and you're pooped it out. So you're you're lean body mass is gonna be dramatically smaller, dramatically lower. So there is that aspect. The other part is, you're really only interested in just your muscle mass and we don't have a mechanism, says your muscle mass exclusively is ex. That would be really great if we could do that, because then you'd have a very tight amount to measure protein needs on. It's not that your viscera gets intestines and so on, so forth. Don't need some protein, but they don't need to prove the protein is mostly about most. So why so It's a way. So I can't really did it on a woman, I think 55 and showed how to calculate your BMR and you're being my and, you know, created it. And so we did it both ways, and the numbers were almost exactly the same. So I find it's just a lot more convenient and easy to do. Kilograms 1.52 kilograms, 1.52 grams of protein for kilogram for anyway. So since they're neck and neck, I really don't care how you get there. I think it sounds more sophisticated. Go 0.84 times lean body mass, good for you. But now I know you're on the right track, and I'm glad you're doing that either way. The other is now that I've we've sort of migrated into Carnivore is that I'm not quite sure how important it is to measure protein amount is long as you're getting a sufficient about. So what if you want more protein? I think your own appetite is gonna determine what you want, and that's kind of where I am. I have not measured macros, probably in a month. I do it every every so often to find out. Do I have I just drifted off into space and not paying attention to anything anymore? No, I I now do it by appetite, and we primarily have a meal a day, and that's it. The whole mad. And I'm not trying to keep myself to a nomad. We do have so like, actually, I don't think we do it don't matter, because here's my lunch, which is more or less what Judy Excellent lunch is taking care of sardines dumb into a bowl. I give the Joost our cat, and I add in a little apple cider vinegar and either Mayo and or C A, and I mix it all up. And that's kind of my tuna fish. And that's my lunch. A can of sardines with some fat in there and then I'm good. I'm good for a while. Then we usually have some meat, and Judy makes up a big stash of liver for me that I kind of munch on throughout the week. So I always have that. So there we go. That's how that works. And we've sort of settled. You know, Tastes have changed. Appetites have changed. And so now Judy and myself have felt over the last who probably the last month that we've kind of hit a sweet spot of our weights going down. You know, I have some fat to lose. Two. I'm not overweight by any stretch of them as the I'm fine. I think my bm eyes. Ah, 24 something maybe 23. So but I'm not. I think my percent is under 20 by a little bit. Always hangs around 20. No matter what I do, it hangs around 20 but that's come down a little bit. So I just think that this pattern have works for us very well. So those are my little experiments along the way. But I wanted also to talk about No, I don't think there's really enough time to talk about it now is hormones, and it's really interesting because now that we've been developing a coaching group are coaching group is getting more and more sophisticated, and we've offered it a cheap enough price. But, uh, these last few groups have had to pay for their own tests and their tests in themselves or $1500. And so they did a metabolic panel penalty put together. They did an inter cellular nutrition panel from Spectra Cell. They pay for that and they did a hormone panel and they did have their genome. So the genome, if you had to 23 me pass it over to one of these other APS and it runs it through. When we look at your snips, there's that part. And then we do a heavy metals test, and I think I'll probably be leaving out the environmental analysis part for our comprehensive sort of Kyoto group, because the reason why would we do all this right? There's the question. You have to ask why somebody need to do all this testing when Kato are so darn simple that all you have to do is drop your carbs, increase your fat and moderate protein, right, because it doesn't work for about 50% of people. Why doesn't work for 50% of the people? Are you going to say they don't like full instructions? They're undisciplined. They're uneducated, some sort of disparaging thing. No, I don't think so. I think there's other issues that make it very difficult for them to adapt their body to being fed, adapt to change metabolism, to be fat, adapted so they need help. So we found things along the way it could be the site of They're really five reasons that I found collectively, and that's why I like to test with ease. But anyway, I just stay focused on the hormone part. We might continue it next time. From men for men and women, some general aspects. And so one of the general aspect are, Let's talk with Why is it for menopausal women? Some average aging menopause is 49 almost across cultures with any years out, so post menopausal women across cultures tend to gain weight. Why's that? Um, one of the beliefs is it is a decrease in estrogen, and so now when I see some of the tests, I see from post menopausal women. You bet. There estrogen, Stan and the progesterone. So all there estrogen, progesterone, pastor in their testosterone. All their hormones of sex hormones are down and estrogen, so you have three difficult of estrogen's. But we're just going to say estrogen in general has a lot to do with sensitizing your insulin. So unless estrogen, your insulin is less sensitive, so you tend to tack on more what you need to pump up more insulin. Do you have the same effect on glucose? Consequently, more insulin stores away the glucose into fatso you gain fat. That's one theory, and it seems to be born out pretty well, So that would beg the question. What about the women that go on by identical hormone replacement? And how did they will? How do they do? Well, generally they're leaner, and but this particular point was really addressed. And the questions that are still up in the air unanswered about women's bioidentical hormone replacements HRT, is that well, can they sustain this forever? And we had a few bad examples back a late 19 nineties and earlytwo thousands with the Woman Health Initiative study that showed that there were elevated, elevated rates of breast cancer with women taking estrogen. And it was a bit mucked up back then because really, the conclusion waas women who were taking estrogen that wasn't also taken together with progesterone. So they called unopposed estrogen, and there was That was true. There was that connection. But that isn't the same as women and bioidentical hormones. All right, so there's that. So I'm sort of parking that interesting idea. Take that. Life will be better. Maybe certain things will change and women do it for a number of reasons skin libido, issues that have to do with sex and so on. You know that Joel dryness, etcetera, but what's also true as people get older, not necessarily postmenopausal might have started earlier is they work out less so their muscle atrophy. But they call Sarko Pina. They're getting less and less. Muscle is when you have less and less muscle. That's his muscle tone. Less and less muscle. This measurable Sarka pina, your hormones and men your test around draw here testosterone drops. And in women, all your hormones drop. And so what happens if you had a post menopausal woman that started resistance training H I t. So or slow high intensity training, which actually was the reason slow came into it was because they started with osteoporotic women and they had to go slow enough so they didn't want to risk, you know, throwing things up and coming back, that they would be bad for their joints and or cause a fracture. So they go very slow. That's where God got started by interesting. So now they realize all the other minor miracles were created with slow, high intensity training. So what if they did this? And they find that those women who have taken resistance training hi it's called hip high intensity training, resistance training that they're hormone levels have come up. So it's not just a JJ related. It's it's the habits. It's the lifestyle, age related things that our modern world has allowed us to do, which is to work less toe workout less and so, consequently, these are some of those latent or later in life effects. Less muscle mass drop in hormones drop on hormones, increased body fat, especially for women and men as well. There's other things with men, so it's not interesting, so that begs that question, you know, bringing these things. So some people, half the people I talked to want to know what supplements do I need to take you Tell me what I gotta take it. I'm not changing my life, you know? And I think all this business about diet really always busy news about that. All this business about lifestyle well, actually, it's important. It's important, very important. So I thought that was worth putting it out there. So when you start looking at hormone levels, it's fascinating. So I bring it back to the person because whoever I'm talking about even collected later, don't do a collective spreadsheet so we can learn from each other. If everybody's willing to share, it's embarrassing, and what we see is there's an age related decline. Hormones. But it's also an agent is a hormone decline associated with activity decline associated with muscle mass decline. And once you start having elevated, once you start getting fat getting overweight and obese, that further exacerbates the decline slightly different in men and women. But it's the same net effect, so you need the activity. That's a general statement. You probably knew that that's done. A I opening response. It's the resistance training and the Muslim masses. A big deal. Those two things and a little job if you they will drop together. You are fat percent. Ah, and there is a man who was taking testosterone and the thing with men taking testosterone on like that, says one little hormone. Is that testosterone and men, um in and women as well. But testosterone, if you have too much testosterone and or conversion problems, will say it gets converted into estrogen nearly right away, so it passes through testosterone. And so your your net measurable amount of testosterone is not very high, so that, again is a decrease in muscle mass. Increase in fat drops down your testosterone, measured as by blood measured, has by urine in your so is understating. Get the muscle. Just the fat your testosterone comes up. Could you? On top of that, have they consider a little more comprehensive androgen support hormones support, Just like with women? I think so, and I think that's where we are. But I think you can potentially also get into issues like this one panel that I saw who is yet we could certainly see his his testosterone. They was taking works. He was in excess, not just high normal in excess, and that drove his estrogen into high normals. And you have three kinds of estrogen, and one of them can be potentially toxic if it's not metabolized detoxified by the liver correctly. So you get to see all these things. So these are some clue conclusions that make me realize how some real basic activities building muscle mass and paying attention to you or your fat Whoever you are being more am, I are pretty healthy. You can take some little supplements to help work in that direction, but I don't think your life has to be supplement ized. The thing about taking supplements against. As I said before, you go from a deficient to feeling great and whoever told you to take the supplements. It's a god in your eyes for a while, and then your eyes starting to get excess of that, and you're starting to have the side effects of that. And then your life starts to become uncomfortable, so there's got to be a middle middle ground. I am going to end on that note. I hope you found this sort of almost stream of consciousness conversation Helpful because these air topics that air certainly floating around in my mind that I think about And, um, you know, they're not nailed down yet. So I I love talking to people to have their own experience. And I have to, for one, assume they're honest and don't have an agenda to push. And then I have to match it with my experience. What? I've seen people do Okay. Til next time. Thanks for listening. Talk to them. Ah, this is Dr Gold Camp. I just wanted to encourage you to send in your questions too. Dr Gold, Kampuchea naturopath dot com Many of you have and so what I've done with these questions that I've gotten back to mostly people I email. But some of the questions that were so good and if they're overlapping to other questions, I would combine them and try to put that into the topic of a podcast, either via one of the micro topics that are covered in an interview. As you know, we cover a lot of topics and any given interview or some of my own sort of reporting, if you will on some of these issues, So please keep the questions coming. Feel free to send in an email and I will get back to you. One thing I want to say. A number of questions have come in in which I've given this answer and the email didn't work. So just make sure that you're receiving at the same email that you sent it in. And I think that might have been the difficulty. So I look forward to your questions. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm open to answer your questions. And I think this world of Kato is not just black and white. You know, it's nice that it's simple, but it's not simple for some. I'm really trying to, you know, go down as anybody, any of you who have listened to all my podcast. We started way back when history, evolution, epilepsy and so on so forth, you know. Now we're seeing some tremendous overlap in various mental disorders, schizophrenia or neurological disorders that are not just epilepsy and also just for people and losing weight. It's sometimes pretty complicated for them to engage in Kyoto, and so they need some help. And so that's the whole point of please. That's what I think I'm doing is exploring the world of wires. Why are there other factors? So in exploring some of those other factors, we've covered addiction. We've covered hormones, have covered nutritional deficiencies. We've covered certain metabolic lab results and we'll go further. We'll even get Theo moron, genome and aspects of these air all just contributions that make for an obstacle for some people to engage easily in the ketogenic diet. This my belief and these are things that I've discovered, and I think other people have discovered some of these things but not ever put them together. So stay listening. Send in your questions and I will definitely get back to you.