Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 74: The 5 Things That Metabolically Block People from Achieving the Results They Seek With Keto

August 20, 2019 Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 74

For some, this is the long a waited topic, conversation, that many feel represents their experience most accurately.  It's for the people who have endured the often unnecessary work of getting started with the Ketogenic diet only to have it become a thoroughly frustrating time and effort. For others, this might be too ‘granular’ in terms of talking about the specific variables required to create a successful outcome. For me it has become a realization in my ‘quest’ of how to have Keto work for everyone (barring specific medical conditions). The realization is that living in a progressively more unhealthy world we have to think about what it takes to be truely healthy in a different light.  

Please join me in this quick review of some of the main obstacles to achieving great results with the Ketogenic lifestyle. I’m sure some of this will apply to your situation.

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Until next time, Dr. Karl

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Hi, This is Dr Karl Gold Camp. If you're interested in learning about the ketogenic diet like I was to save my own life, then this is probably the podcast for you. Eight years ago, I knew nothing about it. Six years ago, it saved my life. Three years ago, I started researching and talking with some of the authorities in the field and attending medical conferences about this. To understand why and how Kato so dramatically changed my my wife, studios lives. The first of his podcast is to share our journey of discovery with you and understanding how Kato is so effective improving so many different conditions from obesity, epilepsy, diabetes, infertility, M s, Alzheimer's heart disease, a name a few. So take a step away from all the hype you've probably heard and roll up your sleeves with me and join me weekly to explore this living miracle. Then anyone can access. We'll talk science. We'll talk food. Well, explorer, its history and evolution to today, which is that the sheer wonder the ketogenic way of eating has changed untold number of lives, unlike anything before and in case I forget to mention it, please join our Facebook group Kato Naturopath. This is Dr Gold Camp and welcome back to another episode of the Keeter naturopath. Today I want to go over in essence, five points. We'll see if we get through them all but five points that I think applied everybody. I've been working with a couple of groups lately. Once men and others mixed and one's focused on immune issues of their immune issues. And it seems like these five points are relevant across the board, perhaps a little more point towards men, but you'll see that they show up in all panels, so we'll start from the top down. And here's why I go down this road of even looking into this direction because we start with the ketogenic diet, which, as you know, from my story, it's something I feel has been absolutely life changing and therefore my passion for it in my wife's passion for it. So going further, Tony another a lot of medical conferences and so on and learning sort of some of the basic stuff. When I first showed up, I go, Wow, um, some of these things that they're discovering our things I already knew. But why do you just not listen to that voice, Carl. Dr. Gold Camp And just hear what's new. What? What? Didn't you know? So I mean, obviously the high fat in a little carb, the moderate protein that actually always knew to be. I never really thought through the lens of macros, So that was new. And I think that is probably if I was a do practice again from the beginning, I would probably be doing I'd be Akio doctor. I'd be doing Cato Medicine first, but that leads you to the question of why doesn't the ketogenic diet work for everybody? So now that I just said that and basically it comes down to it works for about 50% of the people what I mean by works that needs to be defined a little further because it sounds crude. It sounds unsupported. It's founds argumentative. So is my wife, has encouraged me to say is to define that. It's not that it doesn't work. It's that this 50% that show no results. We'll say our nine complaint. But yet that's not true. Her point, which I think is the point of a lot of people. It's like don't say if you said this diet doesn't work 50% of the people, and why bother? I don't mean that. I think it should work for 100% of people barring people with inborn errors of metabolism or some very specific genetic and or I'll leave it a genetic disorder that puts him in a special category. So let's say 100% minus that group is the percent I'm talking about, which is probably 99 point something percent. So why isn't it across the globe? Those who are doing it because you're implementing it are not getting results, and I understand there's politics and anything else. That's why I said, those who are doing it, I understand there's a vast populations of people, have no idea. So we have talked to doctors that have this as their practice, and they say we have a 50% compliance great and 100% success rate. So those who do it have success. Okay, so then this 50% that they say are non compliant. Meaning they're not following directions doesn't make you sound like a school child. What? You're not falling two directions, Johnny, you get in the back of the class, and until you have the attitude to follow directions, you just stand on your you sit on your hands. I just don't think that's a very satisfying answer. They're not non compliant. Something else is in the way. So I've taken it on, probably for the last year now and starting various coaching groups. And now it's getting into formalized programs, and it's led me down a path that it's become pretty interesting and you'd have to dig further. You know why everybody wants to lose weight for the most part. But why is it many cannot lose weight? It's a huge market, but can we be a little more intelligent about how we talk about it? For me to be a little more intelligent about not dismissing major factions of the population that don't get results? We can't just say, Oh, it's emotional, they have a mental block. Oh, they're not disciplined and you know they're not complying because they can't follow directions. The problem is some of that in there, but that's usually not even the top 15. I would say it has to do with other other issues first, because we're just my reality. Now you know everybody that I work with, I require them to go on chronometer so I can see with reading. So I know what they're macro czar. So I'm going to assume that those I'm working with that are paying me to work with them are gonna tell the truth to me. Why waste their time? Why waste my time? I waste their money. So I get to see that every day. So that's kind of the beginning. And certainly in some of the former programs that we've been launching lately, you know, it's required for the first couple of months. We're just gonna lock in, get this down, you know, help him set it up correctly so I can see on the same set of Mac Rose. For the most part, some people are getting tremendous results and some more so it's clearly not a case of compliance. They are compliant. There's a huge difference in results. Now I know it's not about. Didn't you hear the directions, Johnny? You could go back to your seat now, by the way, it's it's something deeper. So this is what I've sort of filtered out that I think a really pretty relevant in terms of things that I believe I need to be in place. So certainly the Mac rose for you. Can you could say dropping your carbs is clearly the number most important thing you can do, and you can even reference it by car. Carbohydrate taxes. Carbo toxicity Sounds like a car, is it? I'm driving a car boat tux, carbon toxicity, and it really is so unused. Breakout carbohydrates as a single topic you find. And that's everything from sugar. And we used to use to talk about this topic. As in what. There's refined carbohydrates, and there's unrefined carbohydrates, meaning basically vegetables with the unrefined. And, you know, white flour was refined and sugar certainly was refined and candy was refined. But no, it's put them all in one big pile. Same category. Carbohydrates by themselves have an addictive quality, in part because of how it affects your glucose and then your insulin, then your glue gone. Then you're so on, so on and so forth. It's a big story. So the issue that is just now coming to the fore is Theoden active quality of carbohydrates in general. So I think all carbs are bad. No, I mean, you have to choose from that. Um we're pretty much of a car bliss diet because carbs air not essential to your diet. You don't have to have one carbohydrate for the rest of your life, and you will do fine. Obviously, you need to choose good quality food choices. You can't be doing processed foods and all this other, which would be primarily carbohydrates. So the issue of carbohydrates is amazing. So you have people drop your carbs first. Hence, that's the old news of about 100 plus years ago when they started the ketogenic diet. And 19 24 okay, but is because people are basically have a toxicity reaction to carbohydrates. Therefore, it affects their immune system. Therefore, it affects their inflammation. Therefore, it affects a lot of things. You go on Microbiome if that makes you feel better. But that's hold down stream of X. You know, that's you start with the mouth. Everything else follows. Don't you think so? After that is, if you really drop here carbs low enough, then you really don't have to calculate how much protein you have. But how we set it up his 20 grams card. Classic ketogenic debt. 20 grams carbohydrates. Have them be leaving green vegetables for the most part. In essence, a salad protein is anywhere between. I put, uh, one and 1/2 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body. Way easy to calculate. Sounds fancy to say That's how you do that. You can compare it to all the research papers you read should you want to, as opposed to doing it for lean body. A lean muscle mass, your body mass, which is a bit vague reference. So when you have those two things locked out, you're on your way. You're not clear on a lot of people like the 50% that I'm talking about. Still, don't make headway was said about why you know they can add in the fats, right? So they're the part that I left that was threats this fast. The first controversy you come too is on depending. Who? You see those say Well, if you have a couple £100 of those, you really don't need to add fat to your diet because you're gonna be eating your fat. You know you're gonna be digesting the fat and losing weight. You know, mechanistic Lee. That is a great idea. And I fall in love with simplicity that but I have not seen that ever to be true with anybody I've dealt with. So it's a very small population. Obviously, I don't have decades of information, but I don't think anybody else does, either. I think it was a great idea, but I think what does happen at least what I'm saying With this metabolic transition from burning glucose to burning fats, it doesn't happen overnight. Yeah, you can produce key tones. You can see him on a year on strip, and then after that you can start C'mon your blood Tom Attar reading. But I think true transition to burning key tones as a primary source of fuel really takes a couple months, but you'll see some actual changes. First, you your body learns to make him, and then it learns to use them so it's not, is not a hand in glove in the process will continue for a couple years. And by the way, that's not just me saying that it's full X t. Finney, just those who have worked with athletes. You'll see that they're getting more and more refined that metabolic flexibility, especially with athletes. It's more more efficient as time goes out. So I know he's the carbs first, then the proteins. Let's say they do that. What I've seen is, yeah, they do need to eat a lot of fat, probably for a month or two. You're not hyper caloric, not a lot of calories. You just heat to your calculated basal metabolic rate within that, and they're gonna still gonna say that's a lot of fat. What I've seen, I can't sort of speak to what's going on under the skin. I could just sort of guessed that that what I've seen is that after a couple of months, then they start dropping down their dietary percentage of fat. I think they've made that conversion. And so now it's a very easy for their body, too. Utilize their own fat. I have not seen the advertisement of you don't need the fat. If you're right, if you have £100 or £200 so you're good to go, you just you just use that. So I've not seen that and that's well, I don't know if that's a point or truth or not, but I think that does come in time. So if you saw a patient once a year, you wouldn't notice that difference. If you saw them once a week for the 1st 6 months, you would see that difference. So and also patients need to see progress. Go lose what? Everybody leaves this water weight the first couple of days, and then they, you know, jump up and click their heels. But that's not the real situation. Okay, so anyway, so beyond that. So now I've told you, I've seen people basically with down to the gallery, eating through the same set of Mac Rose for their particular calculations and calculations that I've helped calculate. So they didn't go off and do it on their own, and I trusted I calculated for them. So what's with that? So here's what I've come up with. You know, some of the things that real life imposes on mucking up our metabolism is that since what I'm saying mucking up, they make it less efficient. They make it so we can't just jump back in time to be the hunter gatherer and have this perfect, perfect metabolism. The world we're living in and the world we have lived in for really the last 50 years is different. Completely. Then that's ever existed before. I mean, in terms of yeah, environmental pollutants. I mean, yeah, in terms of the kind of food we eat now, your grandmother wouldn't even recognize, most of which, most of what most of us eat. She'd recognize what I'm eating, and she recognized what we're eating. But those were big changes. And then to that, you can ask, you know, what was your mother's diet like, How were you born and so on so forth? C section versus agile breastfeeding versus Not so those air also. But these are bigger issues now than they were 5200 years ago, for sure. So apart from those and that's that's important, not even get into epi genetics, which is really what's the history of your grandmother and your mother and your great great grandmother? You've inherited those jeans thing. Grand parents. I should say the first is processed foods. If you look at somebody macros, macros, one of the finest, saying this is the definitive obstacle if they stop doing this. So get a breakthrough. You know all the ice will melt and things will flow. Um, it may well happen, but the biggest thing that people need to dio and find difficulty doing is getting off of processed foods and processed foods really line you up to addiction again. There's that word, really. Lines really solidifies that. Carbohydrate toxicity, carbohydrate addiction, I should say. And it's not just that you love those quit is that you would love. Ah, you love that soda. You love those chips. You love those nuts. You love those poquito chocolates that aren't really Kato. These things have a lot of additives in their additives. Could be food, color and could be sweetener insulting All the things alter the tastes, especially if it's more commercial. If it comes from a big brand company, you have more of that stuff in there, and they don't have to declare it all, not to mention artificial sweeteners and so on, so forth. They affect us. The fact that we know how they affect us 100%. We don't know how they affect 100%. That doesn't mean that we know everything about them. We're just starting to because there's a lot of money on the table and And also, why would one study that where they're gonna get their research paid for? Unless there is some sort of health calamity that is reasonably associated with these particular things, You're sitting like the artificial sweetener, so that's part of it. I want to go too far down that rabbit hole. But processed foods, in my analogy to process foods, is that it blocks certain receptors or makes those receptors partially occupied with these things. So when your other hormones or other other things that were supposed to be hitting those receptors Ah, it's blocked. So you now have a compromised metabolism. You can make it a very specific and hard to understand story by going right down to different pathways. But my generalization works for me, and it's true. But the science behind this really comes from this level of understanding comes from Dr Joan. If Flynn was on a few podcasts ago that this is not just happen, says this is engineered neuroscience, food additive work and what is trying to do is trying to not have you think about what you're eating, so that thinking so that thinking is that word thinking. I'm thinking about something. You know, when if you're married like me and your wife says, Did you hear what I said? A good answer all the time is I'm thinking about that thinking about that. Well, that means that I'm in my prefrontal cortex, the part right at your eyebrow level, you know, right up there. That's where I'm thinking. Well, if you're eating your favorite chips and so on, so forth, those additives. They're making sure that that connection doesn't exist, that you don't go thinking about why you should or shouldn't be eating those favorite chips. You go right to go right to the dopamine producing. You know, you make this person, you make me feel happy and that's it. I chips. I feel happy, and I don't think about it. So there's two things going on. What is that? They have a strong connection to dopamine, which is your sense of life is good and so on. So forth, and the other is a disconnect, your thinking part and as well as getting the way of other fat Bernie aspect. But primarily it's a cerebral thing that keeps you eating, keeps you not thinking about what you're eating, and then you have all the downstream metabolisms, the tablet IQ problems that come with all the additives. It's gotten to the point that it the references and I think it's quite justified. It's like food companies are putting drugs in our food. That's really what it comes down to. The correct name for this food additive addiction or refined is a food additive. It Dixon or refined food addiction in truth. So whether it's a doughnut or a package food, So why was it doing it? So what you're saying? Well, that seems like a whole food. It's not a whole foot is very refined. Gluten and gluten is actually very addictive. Gluten is very addictive. Case seeing which comes from dairy is very addictive. You probably heard me talk about this before, but all this happened in the eighties when the tobacco companies shifted off into this started buying food companies. So they took their know how and went to a different football field. And you can see this you get those graphs of this inflection point just started to rise. At that point, it's amazing. So you say, Well, what did we eat before processed foods. It was closer to food, for sure. I mean, obviously, we had white bread and so on so forth find very highly refined foods. But we didn't have that much in the way of processed foods, sodas and other things that are high phosphates and processed foods. They're pretty interesting because, um, they block your ability to burn fat. They usually lead to high blood pressure, and they decrease your motivation for working out. They keep you on the sofa, in other words, so where would you find those sodas? Frozen foods, packaged meats, bread, bakery items, fast food shrinks your brain seriously? Fast food shrinks your pay. Punched that into Google, fall it up as a thread, and it's basically pro insulin resistance and neuro degeneration House, right? You want an elaborate elaborating. Is your vory pro glucose Very anti fats. You have a lot of additives and you know instantly. Resistance clearly leads to weight gain for the narrow to generation. Think of dementia. Think of Alzheimer's in the very least, especially when you get to ultra processed foods. They have higher risks of cardiovascular coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular disease. You pretty much know the list. My analogy for this that I think is pretty clever is that I don't know how much you know about greyhounds. You know, they run around the track and it's a big deal. I mean, it's just like horse racing in certain areas. I grew up in New Hampshire and they have dog dragged on and Rockingham and have a few places in Massachusetts I don't know about down here in the South now, but they have to be trained. So dogs, greyhounds do like the chase rabbits and so on, so forth. That's part of their kind of wolf like heritage, like most dogs. But they're cold out and those who respond to chasing the rabbit and after chasing the rabbit, you know, chasing a rags are they trainable? But the rags that they have to chase in the actual competition, and prior to that they should never catch are soaked with chemicals. It makes them so addicted that they were part of their brain. That is, dopamine. The anticipation that you are gonna get so jacked on dopamine, right? You're gonna get such a dopamine rush when you get to that rabbit that you can't think of anything else, but 100%. You'll go, Go, go, go, go! So that's what processed foods like it's the same. This is not made up. This is actually true. So we're saying the first secret is have weight loss is processed foods weighted Carpet toxicity actually should say, um, in processed foods, which is really part of that, so time to get off the track and reconnect with the front part of your brain. So what is that being? That usually means that you stay away from the places that caused those trigger? So if you can identify in your life that it is processed foods and obviously stopped buying it, you stopped going to the stores. You stopped going that I'll that has that food. You walk away. You don't expose yourself. If you're an alcoholic, you don't go back to the barb, and I just approved. You can be in that environment and not drink. That's a little bit. That's a little bit counterproductive. If you're giving up cigarettes, you don't go to the place. Everybody's smoking, so just learn where these things are and don't go there. So it was in the grocery store. Don't go to that part of the Gro seizure, which is the middle, by the way. So the second thing and this is a bit of discovery. So when I started the ketogenic diet, since we're basically whole food, we didn't have to deal with that. So for us, it was pretty much just learning about macros. And, um, we weren't on or I think I was just getting off my medications from my crones and ulcerated colitis. So but the second point, it's medications I've seen again. Apples, apples, people and some people be on certain medications that I really had to research the medications if they weren't obvious and find out that actually weight gain was associated with this and waking was usually due to a neurotransmitter or something, you work it into it either blocked GABA or it stimulated Gather game. I'm you know, Ben's OIC acid and, um and therefore by feedback would stop ketosis or minimize Kato's so you couldn't burn your own fat. If you couldn't get into ketosis, you couldn't, you know. They said, Well, because GABA is one of the things that were produced in the ketogenic diet. That's the bliss part. That's the balancing neurotransmitter we talked about before. So at this point right here, some people are saying it is way too technical. This is way too technical. It's way over my head, just not way over your head. What I'm saying is medications keep you from burning fat and keep you focused on having to have more carbs, more glucose. So burning it down bring it down to something real simple. The fact that I've seen this fleshed out and the fact that you don't hear about this from other people that medications I'd almost put medications at the top of list. When when you work with diabetics are in seven medications, they're locked in, others they are on. So you heard Dr Paul America's for Palmer speak on a podcast a while back. You know, look at all the medications. They have locked them into the same situation. So those were kind of extreme special special cases or their whole category around mental disorders, whole category around insulin problems, diabetes type 12 and so on so forth that okay, what about the rest there that are not so grandiose in terms of their diagnosis? Well, it's still as applicability there's different medications, and the problem is, and you probably didn't know this is that I think it was after 2000 2001 or two that the drug companies. So the pharmaceutical companies no longer have to report to the FDA if their products, if they know that their product blocks various vitamins, various nutrients from being absorbed or said another way, if they know that their product will cause certain nutrient deficiencies. That's what I'm talking about. So this is how you measure. When you take somebody on so many medications and you given blood work like we do, we do. Ah, an inter cellular nutrient panel from Spectra Cell. It's no big secret. Been doing that for about 15 years and suspect yourself, By the way. For those who know Tim Ferriss, his book was for our body. It was about came out about 45 years after into Specter Cell, he was all about Spector's sound because it's a good test. The test is blood. It's looks inside yourselves, not in your blood that in your serum and so inside yourselves is where it all comes together. It all works very accurate, and so we find those air on various medications. These air the nutrient deficiencies at that level that our cause from the medications who would have known that? And unfortunately, this is the only way to really detect that. Now you can go back and research, and you can go into the various users group and see what is a chief complaint. But that is a lot of work to get that kind of information. So we use that panel to discern that. So I'd say this is the third thing. That's a big deal. Medications, Medications stop you from burning fat, Really, no matter how much you exercise, because they've blocked these various resected receptors or they've overstimulated the receptors to the point that it's caused another problem. The thing about medications is that they're most effective when you just started taking him, and after that, their effectiveness, so I don't care. It's a diabetic medication. Are for mental disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar or for cardiovascular issues? Heart disease, uh, headaches, whatever gastrointestinal you name it. So they're only they're most effective when you just start taking him after a day or two. Certainly after a week or two, their effectiveness starts to decline, you've learned to. Therefore, your body compensates that up, regulates down, regulates or learns to clear it out more effectively. And so that, as an analogy, is like the use of pesticides. So if you have a crop, obviously we're not talking about organic here. Um, if you have a crap and you're being annihilated by a certain test for a couple and you come in with pesticides and it cleans them out and you go, Whoa, hallelujah the pasture gone or they've been killed. And yet, maybe later that season, they start coming back. You spray again. It's effective, but not completely. A year later, it's a little less effective with less effective, a little less effective. And so what do you have to do? Will you then have to use other pressed the science and so in medicine, you then have to use other medications, too? Do the same effect is losing it's effectiveness and medications have side effects used. The side effects are due to nutrient depletion. Sze. It's cause, and now you have other medications that have to come in to support this one minute medication that you started with. Now your list gets to be a little longer on the average American. We're speaking the average American from 1940 from 40 years old to 60 years old, and it gets higher after that is on 4 to 5 medications taken daily, 45 medications per average American quote unquote from 40 to 60. It goes up after that, and that's the reason. And then you. Then you have the different doctors ones, the heart doctor and the other is the diabetic doctor and the others, the hormone doctor, perhaps, and so on, and it gets pretty complicated, and it's EIroy in this someone. But that's what happens. It's just like pesticides. They get weaker, you need more you. Then you don't have to start thinking about the polluted soil, But you can do with that if people notice or care to. Nice. Um, here's some examples, by the way, so ended. The presence tend to block D 12 cookie 10. Anti inflammatory. We're talking basic anti inflammatory aspirin, Advil, Motrin, the black, your vitamin C and full eight full. It's very dangerous. Toe full weight is start blocking fully. You started liking Cokie 10. You're now down into the mitochondria, and you now have a lot of systemic problems. Prednisone and cortisone. High end steroids They will block vitamin D. Folic acid, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, statins. They blocked cookie 10 that's been known for at least 20 years. B 12. Vitamin D E folic acid. Vitamin A Hormone replacement therapy. That's a big topic, so you'd have to be specific. But right now, this is a reference to estrogen replacement there. Sorry, HRT, which is Esther Noon. Progesterone replacement at spa fee to vitamin B to vitamin B six. Vitamin B, 12 vitamin C, full eight magnesium, zinc so lets gets bigger and bigger. And so not to look at these things. So they did agree that these particular medications are effective for doing what they're supposed to do. And I was arguably statins or not. But the others you know, your hormones. You're feeling better because you've replaced your hormones and so on. But you're gonna start to feel worse because you created all these other deficiencies. So the very least, if you're using these medications, think about the nutrients. Depletion is that air caused Annalise support that. But for that you need to get tested to see if you are depleted, and so this is just making sense. So it's, it's, you know, the idea that you could do one thing. You don't have the change. Anything else that's naive. Ah, perhaps it's certainly ignorant, but it's naive to think that way. You affect everything, and now we have a way of measuring what you're affected so you can make your medications a little safer. In the very least, ideally, being off the medications and thinking of a better way is a better way. Anti hypertensive Cokie 10. They blocked Cookie 10 Vitamin Or these nutrient deficiency have been found in patients on anti hypertension. That is, hype blood pressure medications. Coke you 10 vitamin B six sink, vitamin B. One. What would you experience because of that? So let's take that as an example. What? So people were taking blood pressure medications, and I'll say these are Alfa two agonists Cap Atrous Al Demet to be very specific, so I'm not too general here causes. This is not about cam calcium channel blockers. So what would you experience due to the nutritional deficiencies of Cokie, 10 Vitamin B, six, zinc and vitamin B one. You'd have more cardiovascular problems. A weaker immune system, low energy depression, sleep disturbance, increased cardiovascular risk over, he said. That wound healing problems decreased sense of smell, taste. Sexual dysfunction kind of goes without saying irritability, memory loss, muscle weakness. Dema. So isn't that fun? An ace inhibitors are another set. So you basically, with research, confined the medications a year after and you could find out not just what their side effects are. That's a clue. Your side effects are a clue of what they're depleting you of or blocking. And then that will probably lead you to, uh to, uh, user group if it's not covered already, and some of these drugs, like statins, go back a long way. So the information's out there in Stanton's, that's easier to find. Okay, I'm not gonna go into antidepressants, but they're interesting, I would say if there was one category of clients. Patients that I have have had is that those air on antidepressants definitely gained weight. Those Iran antidepressants are hard to motivate. It's really hard to reach those people there in kind of this, neither high nor low, and so there has to be a channel through which you kind of talk to them directly. But if they feel really tied to their antidepressants, it's gonna be hard for them to lose weight. Do I have a direct mechanism of action there? Um, no. Be too complicated to go over here, but I have some ideas, you know, neural transmitter problems, et cetera. So there's a better way. You know, there's another road to consider, obviously the one that leads to better health. But that better road is to no longer need medication by making the appropriate lifestyle changes and identify an address for national nutritional deficiencies. You know what it comes to getting the idea of analogy across of basically understanding, you could be a fat burner and a car burner. I use the analogy of we now have different cars out there. We now have cars that run on electricity. We have cars that run on gas, and it's just a different fuel for a different car. I think this whole ketogenic, low carb, high fat movement is making us aware of what the right fuel is for our bodies. And I do believe it's that I think there's way a life, uh, untold volume of research that supports that whether it gets, you know, the public attention, it's hard to know there's a lot of politics involved in that. Um, the other thing across genders now is low muscle mass. You're really slow muscle mass and just happens to us. And it's It's not because people have been avoiding purposely avoiding the gym. Or so it's just that I think they grew up in a time that their lives became so busy. The idea that exercise was something that you had to do That was your responsibility to you and your body that wasn't there, in fact, just after me, where it was this generation of grammar school kids and all the way up through high school that didn't have gym class. So gym class was taken away from the curriculum in lieu of something else, and that's a big mistake. So that lesson about how we're going to go to gym class, that generation when they graduated high school and college, they were so going to gym class, all right, they're still going to the gym or going to the pool or going to whatever. They're still maintaining their activity because they saw that it was part of what they had to do to live a healthy life. That lesson was lost. So therefore the doing if it was lost. And so consequently have generations of people coming in to their older years, older years being 40 and above, they are way under muscled. And when you're under muscle, your muscle is an organ. You are gonna be having far less in the way of a number of hormones but testosterone and in the case of, uh, men and women, but primarily men when they're under muscled. So the fancy word is circle pina under muscle. They got fat on the outside than any inside trophy skinny fat. All this is reference to the same thing. So if you're skinny fat ah, you're under muscled, you automatically having less testosterone being produced. Therefore, you're burning less fat. Therefore, you're gaining more fat, more fat in itself, especially belly fat becomes another organ that transmits other hormones. And so that in itself is another additive. That man or women in terms of keeping down testosterone and making it even more difficult to burn fat. But it can be turned around. So just it's just like Oh my gosh, have to go back and have ah profile of ah of a body builder? No, not at all. You just got to get into the gym or there's ways you can do this at home as well, so it's not a gym thing, only it's just convenient. You can get in there and get out very quickly, and it is about building muscle. It's not about cardio, and if you're doing nothing, something's better than nothing. So these are the reasons that I find that have blocked people in that 50% that there aren't getting results for ketogenic diet. And it's not because the diet is not working. This has to go. Why are they noncompliant? That's a better way of saying it. Why are they noncompliant? This is why they're noncompliant. Is this other stuff got in their way? There are other stuff got in here into their receptors, got into their hormones, got into their brain, disconnected parts of the brain. It all starts to add up and so therefore looking at these things separately is really, really important and we'll go into that on a future podcast. But I think at least in my mind and In my world, these things have to be looked at. And so how do you look at muscle mass? That's pretty easy. You can just look at your lean muscle mass. You have some scales. Now you can buy. And that's good enough. Two, get going. In our office, we used to have a V i A violin peons analysis. And now most scales can do that as well as we could have done in our office. And so you get to find what your muscle masses muscle master or some define muscle mass, others to find lean body mass. And the differences lean body mass is all of your organs all of your bones, all of your muscle. So it varies a lot. If you were to go fast, that means you're organs would get thinner because all the be empty, right? Nothing in your intestines or liver doesn't have to work much or Spain. And so they get smaller. So suddenly it looks like Oh, my gosh, I lost all this muscle mass. No, you didn't. He lost your lean body mass. And that's because you're of your organs not having to work there on vacation. Hey, I guess the simple truth is, if you don't have the muscle, you can't burn your fat. For the most part and size matters big muscles burn a lot of fat. And there again, you don't have to be a bodybuilder, But you have to have sufficient muscle this And so I see it now, looking back. And perhaps it was always the perspective in our family that, uh, this was your personal responsibility. You had to be physically active. That was your personal responsibility. Excuses can only go so far. Maybe you had an exam or something you just couldn't do. Obviously, for that day, it's fine. But you had to work it in, you know, you breathed, you bathed, you trust grooms yourself, and you had to take care of your muscles. You had to be physically active, whether that was sports game or whatever, but it was part of it. I think we've lost that back to the gym class analogy. Kind of. I guess the last thing that I would 0.2 is we can look at hormones and hormone panels are really interesting. Look at And the reason I say that with a sort of pregnant pauses because people see hormones as the panacea. It's gonna solve everything from low testosterone. I'll take testosterone if I'm low on do hormone replacement therapy. People have their choices. I'm saying that's a component, and you can do that. But I think there's other things, like like muscle mass, like losing weight, like getting off processed foods like reducing your carbs. That is a big deal that says you clearly on your way. And none of them have to do with medications or even supplements, for that matter. Submarines that I do believe in supplements. But they're like feeling in the potholes on the road so you can then achieve some progress. You're taking out the obstacles to cure. In essence. Okay, so the last one is is about hormones. And yep, if you're low testosterone, for whatever reason, both men and women you're gonna be getting fat. We can talk about PCOS, but that's a whole different thing that's basically high glucose. High insulin leads to low estrogen progesterone, so the relative differences You're high testosterone in those women of childbearing years, but it changes as you get older. Okay, so those are the five things I hope this has been helpful. This is a scan, remember, I've said in some of my podcast, you should always be able to go about What is Karl talking about? And does it directly have to do with the ketogenic guy? So this directly has to do with the ketogenic diet and why there's 50% non compliance, if that's what you want to feel is a better way to say it where I say it doesn't work for 50% of the people. It's not about the diet. It's about how all the obstacles have been placed in front of the people so their biology does not work is cleanly as it would 100 years ago. So if I took back in the day of Banting 18 61 I believe itwas Banting, remember he wrote the letters and corpulence. That was the first, the fact that was the first weight loss book letters and corpulence because he was very successful undertaker in the UK and got fat because he had a great time and he wanted to know how to lose weight. Finally, somebody, one of his doctors said, Drop the carbs and you're up the car so wasn't about high fat back. Drop the carbs and he lost his way. So then he wrote a book on letters, a corpulence. So the point there was only had to do is work with food, didn't work with relative to pollution. Maybe there was some cold, you know, sit in the London air back then. But clearly it's not like I didn't have to worry about environmental estrogen's. He didn't have to worry about heavy metals much, and so it was a whole different world. It was really just about a food conversation, this guy, and he certainly didn't have these injurious medications that block you from burning fat. So it was a simpler world. So when somebody said, Drop your carbs, that was one suggestion. So for the people that I see now that have had a really hard time and still believe that the ketogenic diet is right for them, there's layers we have to go through to make the ketogenic diet as easy as it was for Banting back in 18 61. I hope you follow that because a lot of the conversation that we have between people and I mean kind of ignorant, stupid conversation, for the most part, just revolves around diet as if all food is clean and all we have to do is that level of relating to food of No, just have don't have carbs, and you'll do fine or or whatever it's the food is polluted. For the most part, first choices have not polluted food. Okay? And I'm not speaking organic, actually. Okay, I'm speaking of stepping away from processed foods and ideally, if you can step away to certainly your greens, your veggies being organic because otherwise, if you have not organic greens, you're having pesticides with everything you eat. So it's like Think of it this way instead of putting salt or sugar on your lettuce. It's already been pre contaminated with various pesticides and some of those pesticides air directly associated with the incidents of Parkinson's and others. Parkinson's the only one I can think about the top of my head, so that's the difference. So if you really wanna have non polluted food without being such a purists, not be too anal about it, you know, go non processed, then move on to organic. And then I guess if you want to improve the quality of your meats, but I'm not even arguing for that. You know are telling you to have to do that. So I hope that message got across. Um, it's interesting the questions I get back from the audience because the people who listen, you know, some go, but it's too complicated. I don't know how to make this any simpler. I absolutely do not know how to make this any simpler because I'm working for the 50%. They didn't find their body and suddenly have you know all these before and after pictures. They wanted it but couldn't find that man or woman. And I think it's unfair to have them saying, Come across with Oh, you weren't compliant. No, they're actually equal to If it's 50%. Even Verte Health only had 53% success. So what about the others? They were just lazy, unmotivated, couldn't understand the directions. Not at all, not at all. So we haven't gotten into genetics, but that's a lesser thing. So I hope that's been a somewhat exciting podcast for you today. It's from the heart is their big deal big issues for May, and it's interesting to have to sort of plow through. This is like, how can you build a plan that works with these people? That's more or less what I've set out to Dio Because anybody can say, Hey, high fat, low carbs, Murder of protein Go, go do it. We do do that. But it's what you do after that her and during the that gives you success and not everybody gets there at the same time. One of the key things is having people not compare each other, compare themselves to somebody else because we're just too different at this point. Okay, this is Dr Gold Cam signing off. Have a great week. Bye bye. Hi, this is Dr Gold Camp. I just wanted to encourage you to send in your questions too. Dr Gold, Kampuchea naturopath dot com Many of you have and so what I've done with these questions that I've gotten back to mostly people I email. But some of the questions that were so good and if they're overlapping to other questions, I would combine them and try to put that into the topic of a podcast either via one of the micro top Exeter covered in an interview as You know, we cover a lot of topics and any given interview or some of my own sort of reporting, if you will, on some of these issues. So please keep the questions coming. Feel free to send in an email and I will get back to you. One thing I want to say. A number of questions have come in in which I've given this answer and the email didn't work. So just make sure that you're receiving at the same email that you sent it in. And I think that might have been the difficulty. So I look forward to your questions. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm open to answer your questions. And I think this world of Kato is not just black and white. You know, it's nice that it's simple, but it's not simple for some. I'm really trying to, you know, go down as any of you who have listened to all my podcast. We started way back when history, evolution, epilepsy and so on so forth, you know, Now we're seeing some tremendous overlap in various mental disorders, schizophrenia or neurological disorders that are not just epilepsy and also just for people and losing weight. It's sometimes pretty complicated for them to engage in Kyoto, and so they need some help. And so that's the whole point of please. That's what I think I'm doing is exploring the world of wires. Why are there other factors? So in exploring some of those other factors, we've covered addiction. We've covered hormones, have covered nutritional deficiencies. We've covered certain metabolic lab results and we'll go further. We'll even get Theo moron, genome and aspect. So these are all just contributions that make for an obstacle for some people to engage easily in the ketogenic diet. This my belief and these are things that I've discovered, and I think other people have discovered some of these things but not ever put them together. So stay listening. Send in your questions and I will definitely get back to you.