Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 81: What Would I Do Differently If I Started Keto Today

Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 81

It’s been at least 6 years since we began our journey on the Ketogenic diet. Learned a lot that I didn’t know when we started and the technology has most certainly changed as well. Put both of those together and it is an entirely different world in which to start Keto. I think you’ll get some insight bits of actionable recommendations when you listen to the story.



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Until next time, Dr. Karl

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Hi, This is Dr Karl Gold Camp. If you're interested in learning about the ketogenic diet like I was to save my own life, then this is probably the podcast for you. Eight years ago, I knew nothing about it. Six years ago, it saved my life. Three years ago, I started researching and talking with some of the authorities in the field and attending medical conferences about this. To understand why and how Kato so dramatically changed my my wife, studios lives. The first of his podcast is to share our journey of discovery with you and understanding how Kato is so effective improving so many different conditions from obesity, epilepsy, diabetes, infertility, M s, Alzheimer's heart disease, a name a few. So take a step away from all the hype you've probably heard and roll up your sleeves with me and join me weekly to explore this living miracle. Then anyone can access. We'll talk science. We'll talk food. Well, explorer, its history and evolution to today, which is that the sheer wonder the ketogenic way of eating has changed untold number of lives, unlike anything before and in case I forget to mention it, please join our Facebook group. Kato Naturopath Hi, This is Dr Gold Camp And welcome back to another episode, the cuter naturopath. Today's topic is going to be What would I do differently now if I started Kato today, as opposed to six years ago? A lot has changed both in terms of knowledge but also in terms of technology. So I thought I'd cover some of those things. Might be kind of technical, but I'm assuming that people who have been listening this long have covered a number of the previous listen to a number of the previous episode. So you have a pretty large context of what I'll be talking about, okay? And if I get to certain topics out, simply refer to the fact that they were covered and feel free to listen to those pet podcasts. All right, so let's get started. Well, the reason we started, by the way, I'm not here to sell you on the ketogenic diet. This whole premise for my cuter naturopath is to bring you along in my journey. That's the difference here is not even monetized for better, for worse, it's not even monetized. So this is information, ideally, that you can use and that we've used. And so I'm coming from a medical perspective. I'm coming from a naturopathic doctor that did not include this in my practice, and to me, that's like, really, how did I miss this? Well, because I think there's a huge prejudice and naturopathic medicine, at least then and I think, probably still now against the ketogenic diet. It was referenced obliquely if you had patients that were epileptic and then it wasn't covered very well, you know, maybe you they covered it for an hour in some particular class. So it's not much better than MDs would get, but we understood the biochemistry a lot better. That was something we thoroughly had to understand. So may maybe perhaps we didn't need to cover it as much. So given that I was not really exposed to, it, wasn't in my consciousness is certainly certainly did not ask my patients to go through it, and the only way I got introduced to it and learned about it was through personal need. Judy situation. She had a brain tumor. She had him in Ngoma removed in a 12 hour brain surgery. I had extreme crones and ulcerated colitis that I got through the stress of the previous year. Mother's desk brother's deaths. Judy's brain tumor we had to file for bankruptcy is my gut blew up. So given that we had some pretty dire choices, so it's amazing when somebody puts a gun to your head how you're thinking changes. And that's pretty much the analogy of how we were, you know, time to change As much as I thought I was a fairly knowledgeable, naturopathic doctor. Certain things were not helping me. So I did explore a lot about the Microbiome. That sort of the obvious thing. You have a place you would go for gut issues and learn a lot about that. You know, by I'm testing FM, t et cetera, et cetera. Traveled internationally to go to gastroenterology conferences, got to know and talk to an exchange with e mails and texts and so on, so forth with the experts in the world Belgium, Canada, Australia, for sure. And that was a great start. I don't think that put me into complete remission by any May. Anyways, it took me out of a cute, but it did not cure me. So long comes the ketogenic diet that started with bone broth. For the most part, thinking that was soothing for the gut and from bone broth led me into ketogenic diet before any of these medical conferences were out there. So read the books that were on low carb. That was interesting, started reading a lot myself, and it said it looked like there was good logic to that. But there really wasn't a how to book and it was innocent. It was a more innocent time than and since then, commercialism has come in place and you have a lot of extreme views. You have a lot of untruth sit out there and you have a lot of commercial manipulation or omission of the truth and a lot of Kato stuff. Okay, so when we got started first it was about, you know, measuring your food and finding out how many carbs you were actually having per day. And you had to miss your food. How many cars were in a salad? Well before we started using any app on her phone, we had to look it up the hard way, so it was pretty archaic. Then we got into my fitness pal, which is help hopeful. And then we went over to Kanaan winner, So we could then start calculating some of these macros we've been reading about in terms of taking your glucose readings from a click click Ometer. That was something you could buy at CBS and get the strips and the lance It's and go to town on that. In terms of key tone meters, there were there was really only one. I think you have it had the only one out there at the time, and then Akita Mojo came along and did a combo. But at the time, the strips for your key tone reading blood key tone readings were over $10 a strip. So it wasn't something you were going to do a number of times per day in Kita Mojo. Single handedly got the price down on those strips to under a dollar. So it's amazing. So when people start now they go. The strips are expensive. You have no idea. You have no idea. So, anyway, we started with that. Getting the macro is down and primarily on reading, and our goal was pretty much from the get go. The medically therapeutic ketogenic diet a 20 grams per carbohydrates or less per day. And then it came to How do you calculate your protein, the protein mount that we pretty much settled on? I forgot where we started. We settle on, you know, 1.6 grams a protein for Kelly, gram of carbohydrate. If you have any questions on that, see previous broadcasts. Also, there's probably of documents in the file section to our Facebook group called Catered natch Bat. So that's where we started. And then we say, Well, kind of fast you to use and so on, so forth And now I think we over thought a lot of that. I don't think it has to be that complicated. I would say the premise I would put so if somebody showed up. Now we've coached a number of groups to come through probably well over 100 people, and I now speak through other lives as well. You're looking through the lens of their their eyes as well. And I would say the first thing that really needs to be conquered is getting people back to eating whole foods so away from processed foods. So those air the big fork in the road is processed foods to the left and whole foods to the right, and I don't mean the store. So whole foods are green leafy vegetables, things that are from Earth to you in terms of those carbs from Earth. You in terms of animals, that's fish and poultry and eggs and steak and organ meats. And so that's That's pretty much what we consume now. Pretty straightforward. And then you can use or make whatever you want. But that's that's Whole Foods diet right there. So food side, it's not like I'm gonna go by, Kiddo. Chocolates. I'm gonna go do this. We're gonna do that, Forget about it. Just don't eat out of a package anymore. And so probably a better example of processed food or something like Captain Crunch or or or salted nuts. And so on so forth. I mean those air. They drive an addiction so processed foods driving addiction, whether it's just a carb carbohydrate addiction or if it's about all the additives, they're designed to drive an addiction. And even if you concentrate just salt and sweet and fat together and various ratios, you will find it over, stimulates you. That was never found before. And now you're It's a process. Food is not from earth to you. Perhaps that first goal is too much for most people to see. They're looking for the for the hack for the for the supplement or two that's gonna change your life. I'm not going there. So stop listening. Now, this is I'm giving you the truth and you really have so whole foods. It's something you have to do. We obviously warranted that already. Because of our way of living. The second you're gonna have to think in terms of your own diet is about addiction. What things are you addicted to is that alcohol? Is it coffee? Coffee would probably be in my life, but just acknowledge these things. But most people are going to say there's two or three foods they have to have, and it's not just chocolate is gonna be a certain kind of chocolate. And I would ask if after you identify that, say, why is that important to you? Why is that? You can't let go of that. You got to be somewhat conscious about your diet and I wanted to read you something. I put it in our Facebook group about die in general, and this is kind of the premise from which everything flows and I'll read this to you, and I think it will be helpful. Okay? And it's based on. It's basically tough love. It's tough. Love on diet advice is how I referenced it. I've often thought that through all the patients and clients from my counsel and coached about their diet over the years, it really comes down to this. You really can't talk about diet without talking about suicide. Ouch. That's the heart of it. Your diet is either fulfilling you nutritious Lee metabolically or just killing you. Rather, you're killing yourself. Technically, some parts of that conversation are easier to point out, are easy to point out, don't consume highly contaminated foods with pesticides, eliminate junk food. But other parts of the conversation or not, Most people who ask for dietary advice really want to have their view endorsed, sympathize with and confirmed and confirmed that they are doing all that can possibly be done. They really want a sympathetic pack in the pat on the back. Ah, hug a blessing, a kiss on the cheek. Dietary changes are hard for many for nearly all. For most of us, who we are, we had to learn to be taught with the better and often more cumbersome choices were and implement than through our own trial and error. Or, if you were like me, required to clean everything on your plate at dinner regardless of what was on it, primarily because my parents lived through the Depression and still felt that sting of fear of food scarcity, they remembered when times were really tough and made sure we didn't forget about either. The steps between knowing and doing are miles apart different countries, different mentalities. The real problem for all of us today is that the standard American diet is not healthy and by default, dangerous if not very dangerous. Which brings us back to the uncomfortable realization that by making no changes improvement via the above effort, one is left being a loyal follower of a dangerous diet. I call that a slow, self inflicted death, a suicide. Today you can't look for the easy answer the hack the supplement. To do this for you, you have to consciously choose to participate, to learn. And yes, this isn't something our parents or grandparents ever had to do, But we must do it. The alternative is a grim, slow decline. I've seen this. I've watched this. It's the inevitable flow of declining health towards progressive and feel mint that most certainly can be avoided up to you. So that's the premise from which I I come from. That's a high C diet. That's the big deal. So diet isn't just diet. It's choosing life. Where is choosing get and however conscious you wanted, A degree of consciousness is required. So that's why so, as we're entering into the ketogenic diet, it's a degree of consciousness. That's an ingredient. We did it out of necessity. I hope that for whatever reason you're coming into the ketogenic diet. You're doing that as well. And so whether it's weight loss or some sort of auto immune condition or all these other conditions that could be addressed by the ketogenic diet, I know there isn't a lot of information on that outside of a neurodegenerative disease, epilepsy and L S and M s and Alzheimer's, etcetera, etcetera. The world was new and it's just being explored, and it's amazing how many specialized conditions can be addressed by the ketogenic diet. Okay, so we then learned chronometer. We learned howto map out our macros and so on, and periodically would take our glucose readings. And very rarely would we take our key town readings because it was really too expensive. So today I would still say do the same thing. I think that's important. I think you should track not forever. You should do it for the first couple months. Make it a routine. You really want to do this? You got to do this if you're looking for the easy way Wrong vodka. Sorry, but what has changed in addition to the chronometer is a continual glucose monitor. They used to be very, very expensive. And then Abby came out with this thing called Freestyle Libera, which is like a little cartridge that you put on the tricep side of your upper arm. And it doesn't directly measure your blood glucose, but it measures it in directly. So it's not like with the cola, Dex. Calm thinks they're six and $7000 to buy. This will cost you that most $75 for the meter. And if you have an iPhone seven or above. You don't have to buy the meter and then each cartridge for us cost $35. You have to ask your doctor to prescribe it to you. Then you don't need to be a diabetic. You just simply say, Hey, we prescribe this for me and you go pick it up as CBS. And if he needs a reason what you don't because it's not a drug or anything else, that's you just say you want to track your blood sugar readings. So why is this important? It's really interesting. It really gives a transparency because up until this point, you've had all these different people pitching their version of Kato Lazik Ito Clean Kato Carnivore Kato Vegetarian Kato. Well, that's fine. The idea of ketogenic diet. Now let's let me get get you into some terminology. So you've heard low carb, high fat, so low carb high fat is a general reference to obviously low carb high fat, as opposed to the American sent American diet, which is high fat, high carbs and moderate protein was gonna call it moderate protein. Okay, So low carb high fat really is about in terms of a terminology is 100 grams of carbs or less a day and very low carb. High fat diet is 50 grams of carbohydrate a day, and so a medically therapeutic ketogenic diet is 20 carbs per day. So a ketogenic diet medically therapeutic ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat diet. But a low carb, high fat diet is not necessarily ketogenic that right? So if you're just, if you're having 100 carbs a day and you're technically on a low carb, high fat diet, that might not be low enough for you to get into nutritional ketosis. So that's the difference there. And that whole variation that the people like to really stretch beyond belief, if you ask me, is what they call carb tolerance. We started at 20 grams or under an hour, even less than that, and how, when we work with people, if they feel that's too much, I say, All right, while you're working with me, this is what we're doing. After you stop working with me, you can start increasing your carbs and you contract what happened? But the problem was starting easier at 100 carbs. Today you may not get the effects and people are probably not going to want to continue. So start lo, get the effects, see the change and then it's up to the person. But least now they know how to track. And they know the variables, and they know what they've changed and why they aren't getting the results that they wanted to get. Okay, so that's the freestyle Libra and let me give you a real life. So I said it. It makes your ketogenic diet much more transparent, so we're pretty much Carnivore. And when I say Carnivore were know, consciously, no extra carbs other than that comes who Meat, fish, eggs. So that's that's us. And so we did get the free. Sally broke both my a Judean myself. Mine ended up being defective, so I have yet to actually use mine. But she uses hers, who's a good weekend to it, and each cartridges 14 days. It measures things every I think it's every five minutes measures, and so it will transfer this graph to your phone or to the meter that you have. And then from there you can transfer it onto your laptop, and what's interesting is so we went out last night just to a burger place. So, uh, they have interesting burger. It's called your arm if you want to know. I didn't have a beer. And so I had my hamburger, and it did have a little dairy on it and some fried onions and so on. So I'm gonna phobic about carbs. We just don't have him in our house. So I had mine. I liked it. That was pretty much it. And so Judy had her burger, and she had a side of sweet potato fries. And so she had her for soup. Potato fries. Certainly wasn't gonna have the whole thing. And she did a foreign after testing. So before she started eating, she tested It was 70 and, uh, look over accuracy in a second. And then, after she 50 minutes after she had her sweet potato fries, went up to 1 30 then it continued to rise for a couple hours after that. So that's significant. So now you think about how ah, potatoes and sweet potatoes and so on were considered this resistant starch and they were good for you to have. And it's okay for you to have that right now. It's according to my understanding of these numbers. That's now bullshit. Let's toss that sucker. I always thought that was really bizarre. So now we know that they are clearly glue pathetic. They create glucose sick. They increase your blood glucose levels, and so it makes it more transparent. So a lot of these diets so you can have this. You can have that. And they know that most people don't take their glucose readings on a regular basis before and after. That's really asking people to do too much. But for this tracking mechanism that puts it into a whole new ball game, you get to see what affects you immediately or within a couple minutes. So now the accuracy it's it even says it's off by 10%. So what we've done when it goes down low or Judy is done goes down low to 60 or so on. You'll test with the meter is also ah, glucose meter commoner, even though we have our own and so you measure it. And so when it red 60 she measured it, who was actually in the seventies, which was pretty ideal for her. So and also when it was I think reported when? 40. When she had her sweet potato fries, it actually was 1 30 So what you're looking for is the pattern. So the pattern is correct. The numbers may be off, so when you see and it will graph it out for you so you get to see, for instance, if you have ah, piece of pizza, perish the thought. If you really are the ketogenic diet, that would be kind of inappropriate. But you did, and you wondered, wanted to know how it affected your blood sugar. Well, you would see probably like Judy saw 130. But what you find is it. An hour later, it's probably 230 and two hours later it's probably 300 plus. Four hours later, it might be maybe even 400. So these things continue to rise. And so people would not have seen this as conveniently as immediately as they would. You know, wearing the freestyle labor, the C G m continual glucose monitor. So it's a real breakthrough, and it's very helpful, so that will whatever Kato plan you think you're on. And if you think you're Kato, this is going to say you're not Kato. You know, you're you die. Objective of being on the ketogenic diet is to produce key tos, uh, and being what they call a nutritional ketosis. So this now gives you the reference range for your glucose. And it's very, very, very helpful because from there you imply what your insulin is. And you can guess what your key tones are. You are. You can certainly measure them. So that's a big deal. So I would definitely do freestyle Libra, and it's cheap enough, and it really allows you to understand what you're doing and to be very in transparent about how food affects you. So if you're the type that's looking to wing it and just do it without all these complications than ignore these suggestions, I my focus is get the data, lock yourself in for a couple months, learn how to do this and then be free. You've learned all the lessons there are. You now know how things affect you. You know how you had to go through and measure some food initially, you know, find out about carbs and so on, so forth. All that's behind you. You don't have to do that anymore. That's a big deal, Okay? We talked about terminology, and where we are personally now is where are what I would say snugly Carnivore in the sense that and people use that word a lot. Yes, we eat a lot of meat. We also have a lager lot of organ meat. So I eat liver, a form of liver. We make a liverwurst for ourselves. So there's some liver I can have every day, and liver is very important. And so if one is Kato and they're just doing meet and they call themselves Kato, I call them stupid because they are going to be in a nutrient deficient diet and they gather, get smart and you have to have You don't have to eat from head detail, as they say, but you can't just eat the muscle meat, so organ meat is basically liver. Yeah, you can go on to spleen and fly miss and all these other things, but very few people do that. That's a little esoteric. I won't discourage us from doing that. It's a little more difficult down here in the South. They have historical Piggly Wiggly and all those things are actually available. You can you can. Pig's brains haven't tried it, but it's on my list. Okay, so those are the things that I would have changed It just want to say when people ask about what's appropriate for Kato. So why would you be on, kiddo? Well, you have to choose what your reasons are. The most common reason is obviously fate, weight loss. And so this is the number one reason people come to see us to be in our program. And because we do labs, we've really box them in and saying these air the things that are wrong with your blood work you should think about and why we do this is one. We are going to address this and make sure that that gives him a little more motivation to ST Adherent two. You know, learning the Mac Rose in doing this, and once they start seeing the weight come off, it's very impressive. But we need to give him often more of motivation. They think that they can kind of wing it. They think that they're gonna be getting a certain supplements gonna help them. Supplements are helpful, No doubt. Not just in terms of that burning, which is actually not what we use supplements for, but to support some of their lab work. Look at things from assisting which have talked about. We address that insulin resistance obviously appearance than your glucose drink Lyssarides HDL inflammation. So those are the things that we can bring people up to a more normal range of these particular labs, and it's an easier for them to engage and also to get effects from. They're ketogenic guy. So it's, you know, we do the metabolic level. We do nutrient efficiency level. We do hormone levels, and these things need to be looked at that. This is the world we live in now. Today, it's no longer simple unless you live on a farm that has very little in the way of pesticides and the whole foods. The rest of us have to think through this and have to get checked out. Per my view, what else can I say? The idea of no carbs versus some carbs and of those carbs. So we're talking about carbohydrates. We're talking about plants, right? So you used to be before the world of Kato and my life issue. We talked about carbohydrates and refined carbohydrates and talk and tell people about time to refine. Do complex. Now it's about don't do carbs or, if you're gonna do carbs, have it be green leafy vegetables. The question comes, well, aren't plants necessary for? And the argument goes like this plant's gonna put in the positive plants. People believe plants are necessary because of fiber. People booed believe plants are necessary because of fighter nutrients. And that's pretty much those two. And so on the issue of fiber that's been debunked. It used to be Well, I need fiber because I need to produce short chain fatty acids. Well, actually, you don't need to produce that, because when you're on a ketogenic diet, short chain fatty acids called beauty rate and key tone is called Oh yeah, three key tones but beta hydroxy beauty rate. It's basically it goes back and forth, so you got that covered. They can introvert. So the other things that come with plants are with the call anti nutrients or things that are actually bad for you, injurious of your gut and those air Aqsa lates fight aids and ligaments, and you can look those words up, but they bind with a lot of things that are in the plants, and some are actually damaging to the gut wall. So when I ask myself, why am I totally healed from XT from the worst ulcerated colitis and the worst crones this hospital has ever seen? How is that? I'm not completely healed, and I can't even find the scar tissue and I've been and disco ped many times. So is more than well documented is because I stopped having plants is because I dropped all my carbs. Is it because I have key tones? These are all good questions that nobody really knows. But I do know when you look at people who are very vegetarian base. So you have vegans, which are only vegetarian based. They cannot sustain. They need to supplement their their lifestyle. They need to supplement their diet. Vegetarians also need to supplement their diet if they're exclusively vegetarian. So what about carnivore, say, well, carnivores or the other extreme? They're all about meat and organ meats, by the way, and organ meats, organ meats. You get your B 12 your full late, and you're egg yolks between liver and egg yolks. you have it covered. So what about the argument of a final nutrients? Aren't they? What happened to them? I don't get them through meets. Well, you give them indirectly through, you know, you get them indirectly through eating the meats, eating the animals that ate that stuff. They ate the plants. So if I was to argue from, well, you need plants because one of my questions the back my mind that I had wondered about thing called keratin noise, corrupt noise or the things that give vegetable colors the reds, yellows, blues, the greens. And there's two in particular that have to do it. I held the crowd noise or big about eye health, and that's lutein, which is yellow. You get it in egg yolk. Also, get it in all the yellow veggies and zia xanthan, which is basically certain allergies and marine meats and krill. Lt's was something that you can take, but that's those are two keratin Lloyd's and I often wonder, will do you get enough Well, if you don't get enough in your deficient of these two things, you will get a condition called Mac Macular Degeneration, which means you're losing the vision in front of you can only see peripherally, and it happens as you get older, which happens as you get older because you've had a deficiency over time. And that's what happens. I wonder about that. I mean, there's no studies that say that people who are carnivores or ketogenic diet get macular degeneration. But Nora's anybody ever looked right. So it's one of those things that's not answered, not asked and not answered. But it's interesting the idea fiber that's still with. And then I wonder about vitamin C, and when you drop your carbs, you actually need a lot last vitamin C. So maybe you don't need that much vitamin C, and you get the vitamin C thru meat, which is obviously little. But maybe you don't need much, so those are my questions that I have their kind of unresolved. However, I don't have a vitamin C problem deficiency problem. I don't have a corrupt, annoyed deficiency problem, and it's very easy to take some months of others. If anybody wanted to, it's not a bad thing. Okay, so those air that my whole focus now in terms and I'm still saying before and after what's different now my different what's different now is not realized that 50 50% of the people, whether it's perverted health, talking about their their selective group of people that came into their study to reverse Type two diabetes did not get any benefit. Or we're talking about the hospital situation. Let's say through Dr Westman, it's he doesn't get more than 50% success rate. This is for both of these people saying it's not a sneaky little secret, so it's basically agreed upon. That's all. You're gonna get us 50% success. So what happened to the 50% that did not do well scented? Not too well. Well, they call that noncompliance, So noncompliance is like not showing up for unemployment. It's like asking you to go make the coffee and you didn't go make the coffee. You're not compliant said. That's kind of patronizing is kind of condescending is kind of saying, well, that those 50% of people just didn't get the message. They weren't motivated where they stupid were they an intelligent where they just why were they not compliant? If that was the case, so I don't accept that. I'll say there's probably a percentage. You know these people came looking for a benefit, came to you to ask for, to get help, to lose weight or these other serious issues. And they didn't get a benefit. It can't be just not compliance that they would come back. They'd ask questions. That's the nature of a relationship. So I had to be something else. And so that's why I do these other tests and I find I think I found some extraordinary truths. Certain labs that are generally out of range four people for this particular crowd, and I've already mentioned them to you. They have hormone disturbances, word that come from well, more than likely it came from their diet. The other independent factor, which is really important to look at, is stress. I don't mean like just getting angry or being upset at your boss or not liking to do certain things. It's it's that it's the degree that you have superimposed on yourself. A chronic stress, a great book to read on stress, by the way to understand stress is called why zebras don't get ulcers, why zebras don't get ulcers, said his third edition. It's wonderful. But accepting chronic stress for whatever reason, your job, your family, your finances, emotionally tough situation, you can say in my year, accepting that crying here chronic stress drives is a high carb diet, so stress equals a high carb diet. What do I mean? When you were under chronic stress, you're cortisol is always high. Your stress hormones norepinephrine, knepper, different are high. What does that mean? So the cortisol drives elevated glucose. So you are giving yourself by creating your own glucose, a chronically high glucose just as much as the person eating doughnuts just as much as a blissed out person who eats Donna's 15 times a day or Twinkies or whatever those refined processed foods. So now you're equal to them, minus the processed elements, right, because you're just making your own glucose. But nonetheless, you can drive yourself into pre diabetes diabetes. You could still burn yourself out, and you can you get into Type one diabetes, so stress is a factor that directly affects your glucose levels, which means it directly affects your insulin and then all the things that chronically elevated his little effect mentally as well. You'll have early onset. Alzheimer's are vascular dementia. You will have a cardiovascular diseases you will have. And of course, diabetes and blood circulatory problems, which is pretty much cardiovascular. So stress is an independent factor to know that. And then to see that in the population I worked with on their hormone panel and then in their blood work was really interesting. It really brought that home. So how do you treat that? Well, you can do some supplements, but you really have to bring. There's a behavior therapy. They're here. They really have to be aware of what they're doing. And there's different therapies can be cognitive therapy, anger therapy. Um, NLP therapy. But there's a number of weight yoga. Our exercise exercise is actually really, really big deal and is one of the things that adding to what I know now and I didn't know before is high intensity training. So if you're really doing hits slow, high intensity training and I won't say that acronym out is that you are breaking your stress yourself, inducing yourself too high stress. So you are crushing yourself with increased quarters, all stress hormones. But when you stop, you end up getting a very relaxed state, and so that tends to break the stress cycle that in itself, exercise and general will do that, but specifically hit, you know. So if you could do you're five or seven hit exercises for 45 45 minutes a week. Ideally, you could do this in 15 minutes a week, if that's what you needed to do. We do ah, half hour, twice weeks or an hour a week. It's very important, absolutely, very important and go into things like sleep and so on, so forth. But that's secondary. So if you're not doing good, so you're not getting a good night's sleep. It's probably because of stress. I clearly because of diet, and we've already kind of covered the causes of those things. And I would address the causes before you just go into how you're gonna Manipur manipulate yourself through whatever means into a better sleep. Has my food Lis changed at all? And I would say the two foods to be really concerned about would be that Ark Ito Foods quote unquote Kato Foods. Now remember, let's pretend you are wearing the freestyle Libra. See GM and you now have this list of Kato Foods, and if you don't want the key to foods are in going our into the file section of our Facebook group and you could find it there. Well, dairy and nuts are on that list in kind of loose quotes of being Kato foods. So now that you're wearing your c g m, you go have that cheese or that you know, Hi. Hi. Heavy whipping cream in your coffee. See how that affects you. Now you have that transparency and you're gonna know just on the way it affects your insulin. Apart from the fact that there is very addictive and covered that in a couple podcasts. But nuts. Why Nuts, nuts or so? Especially if they're p Lena's, especially if they're back. And Damian nuts. Bollocks. I just find that such B s because you can only have a few nuts and you love them so much You end up having more and you end up having too many carbs, and it keeps you from being in ketosis or pulls you at Iquitos is however you want to look at it. So my reference for nuts is that you buy nuts. You can have all the nuts you want as long as you buy them fully shelled and you have the crack of help and, like walnuts, pull out the meat. It's gonna slow down your consumption and make it more reasonable than that. Don't have nuts. They're too easy to have a whole bag. And it's addictive food. All dairy products are addictive, specially cheeses. You know that. That's why you love it. So and also my little axe to grind on dairy is you know, after 16 years of seeing patients, if I did nothing else but have them eliminate dairy completely for at least two months and then reintroduce it the story, people would tell me think Wow, I didn't know dairy had that effect on me, regardless of whether it was menopausal R m s or migraines or low back pain or arthritis or osteoarthritis or you name it multiple sclerosis. If you took dairy out, everything gets better. Not completely. I say it gets better by half. Well, now you have a smaller target to work on, and you can work on other issues in their in their lifestyles and now enter good diet, right? We just take Gary out, things get better and entering good die thanks to get better, even more so. That's the general approach. But it's because I've seen this experience. I just don't I just don't buy people going. Oh, Dairy. Such a great Kato food. It's never talked about at any of the medical conferences because it's a thorny issue. You want to make things nice and clean, you know, here's our patient population. They did X and they had a wonderful outcome. Then he okay. What happens if you take that away? Well, that about more wonderful outcome. What about Fats? I would say the one oil do not have don't have seed oils, general. So no safflower, sunflower and certainly no can oil on canola oil. Canola oil stands her Canadian national oil. It's actually Rapeseed oil. It's highly GMO, and it's pro inflammatory. We'll leave it at that, and you can google all that and there's plenty of information on there. But that butt you have fish oil, olive oil, avocado oil and you can even use as this like I use C H M C T oil. It is very ketogenic within 15 minutes, but I wouldn't use it as a crutch. I my treat is an afternoon coffee with collagen and M. C T. Oil. It just keeps me focused for how it's a four or five hours. However long I need to be the other thing that's changed now. It's no longer a lot of things are no longer hypothetical. I mean, we have conditions anecdotally still that are being addressed. But you now have verte health, which has now shown beyond any reasonable doubt that you can reverse diabetes. He now have clinical guidelines and carbohydrate reduction, general intervention for anybody, any doctor to do it. So this is out there, and none of that was there before. And so this makes the ketogenic diet not being a guinea J guy not being a fad diet. Also, there's now plenty of information in my view of the uselessness, the uselessness of using cholesterol to total cholesterol's meaning, anything as LDL, meaning anything. Triglycerides are very important. HDL high density lipoprotein is very important. So these are the things that have changed. We've talked about labs before, and I would use both these technologies. I would change your food list. I would learn about your macro, set yourself up and progress. I mean, now you have ways. You can really see yourself. And I love the transparency that the C G M Freestyle Libra allows you to understand how you're reacting to the food. So when somebody says, Oh, that's Akio food, Let that issue go. You have that. You try it and see how you react to it, not just in a moment or time, but see how many hours it takes for your body to recuperate from that key toe food. Okay, cheeses, taquito food. See how long it takes you to recuperate from cheese. So I hope this has been helpful. I hope this sort of puts you on a positive path of all right now I can do this. It's actually a lot simpler now than it was before. And you don't have to get so technical. I love labs. And so that's why in our coaching program, we have evolved very much in the direction of bringing in more data, and I think it absolutely is necessary for some people because not everybody 50% of people do not get a benefit on Kato. This is one of the reasons I look at labs is saying, you know, this is what we can address and send him off on low carb, high fat diet. Till next time. Take care. Hi, this is Dr Gold Camp. I just wanted to encourage you to send in your questions too. Dr Gold, Kampuchea naturopath dot com Many of you have and so what I've done with these questions that gotten back to mostly people I email. But some of the questions that were so good and if they're overlapping to other questions, I would combine them and try to put that into the topic of a podcast, either via one of the micro top Exeter covered in an interview. As you know, we cover a lot of topics and any given interview or some of my own sort of reporting, if you will on some of these issues. So ah, please keep the questions coming. Feel free to send in an email and I will get back to you. One thing I want to say. A number of questions have come in in which I've given this answer and the email didn't work. So just make sure that you're receiving at the same email that you sent it in, and I think that might have been the difficulty so ill afford to your questions. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm open to answer your questions. And I think this world of Kato is not just black and white. You know, it's nice that it's simple, but it's not simple for some. I'm really trying to, you know, go down as anybody, any of you who have listened to all my podcast. We started way back when history and evolution, epilepsy and so on, so forth, you know. Now we're seeing some tremendous overlap in various mental disorders, schizophrenia or neurological disorders that are not just epilepsy and also just for people and losing weight. It's sometimes pretty complicated for them to engage in Cato, and so they need some help. And so that's the whole point. Of least that's what I think I'm doing is exploring the world of why are there other factors? So in exploring some of those other factors, we've covered addiction. We've covered hormones, have covered nutritional deficiencies, we've covered certain metabolic lab results, and we'll go further. We'll even get Theo moron, genome and aspect. So these are all just contributions that make for an obstacle for some people to engage easily in the ketogenic diet. This my belief and these are things that I've discovered, and I think other people have discovered some of these things but not ever put them together. So stay listening. Send in your questions and I will definitely get back to you.