Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 86: Men and Low testosterone...What you can do about it and why Testosterone Replacement Therapy won’t be effective unless you focus on these things first.

November 27, 2019 Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 86

Low testosterone isn’t something that just happens to men...Of course getting older is a reason for everything to decline...But guess what??? It really doesn’t have to be. This is especially true about testosterone for Men.

First off...Lets understand how this happened. The number one killer for men’s testosterone level is completely in your control to do something about it, and that’s Insulin. Learn to keep your insulin level down by dropping your carbs. Low carb, high fat ketogenic diet will bring you testosterone back to life. Then there’s your stress levels, which is your cortisol level, which drives your insulin levels...and a few more factors that you can easily take care to change. Listen in and change your life by changing your testosterone level.

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Until next time, Dr. Karl

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Hi, This is Dr Karl Gold Camp. If you're interested in learning about the ketogenic diet like I was to save my own life, then this is probably the podcast for you. Eight years ago, I knew nothing about it. Six years ago, it saved my life. Three years ago, I started researching and talking with some of the authorities in the field and attending medical conferences about this. To understand why and how Kato so dramatically changed my my wife, studios lives. The first of his podcast is to share our journey of discovery with you and understanding how Kato is so effective improving so many different conditions from obesity, epilepsy, diabetes, infertility, M s, Alzheimer's heart disease, a name a few. So take a step away from all the hype you've probably heard and roll up your sleeves with me and join me weekly to explore this living miracle. Then anyone can access. We'll talk science. We'll talk food. Well, explorer, its history and evolution to today, which is that the sheer wonder the ketogenic way of eating has changed untold number of lives, unlike anything before and in case I forget to mention it, please join our Facebook group. Kato Naturopath, This is Dr Karl Gold Camp and welcome back for another episode of Cute a naturopath. So today we're gonna talk about testosterone, and it's not meant to be the authority of broadcast on testosterone by any means, but I think it will make you more interested in understanding your own testosterone. We're gonna focus on men because we've been focusing on in our programs lately. But it's of equal importance to women. Still have a few comments relative for that as well. What you really need to do to find out about this. So we're gonna basically talk about testosterone in men, and it's not what they think it is. And the remedies are not what they think they are meaning testosterone replacement therapy. So let's start with the obvious that you need testosterone and women need. Testosterone has a lot to do with bone strength, mental health being with think straight heart health, etcetera, etcetera. But as men both get older and as they lose muscle mass and as they gain weight, get fat, especially as they approach obesity, their testosterone tends to fall. That's kind of the general profile that most people know And the thing about of what I just mentioned so far in those three attributes is that the heavier they get, especially around the belly. So you have that kind of beer, Billy or visceral at a post issue or simply visceral fat. You know, the one that sort of jungles in front of you. That's the one that does two things. One is, if you have mostly that kind of fat, your testosterone, and it also drives your testosterone down even further. And it increases your estrogen because you some of your ass training can be produced from your fat cells now of what you have more off. So it's an ongoing sort of snowball that gets progressively worse. And so unless you intervene by education first, unless you intervene with some way to help instruct these men and I'm not talking about testosterone therapy that that's on the table, it's just gonna get worse and worse. They're gonna become heavier. Their muscle mass is gonna become less unless they really were taking upon themselves to work out. And then they did that. Everything would change, loving him, lazy or less motivated, probably depressed. The thinking will become more and more clouded, so it's not a good picture. So in going in that direction is pretty common, you know, saying, Oh my gosh, I How do I know first, that I have low testosterone? Well, the first thing that people do is they get blood work done on low testosterone unto saw Astra and the problem with blood work. So you go to Quest or you go to lab core wherever your lab is. Your doctor's office is that your blood work disaster rises and falls in the course of the day. So where are you in the course of that day? What is your cycle look like? You don't get to see that cycle. You just get to see a moment in time. It's a 10 o'clock. Where did you go into two o'clock? Fasting doesn't have that much to do with it, though. Glucose does, so you can sort of save. You ate and you had high glucose. You would definitely affect your test US testosterone in terms of blood work. So it's not the best place but his place to get started. It's I use it as a cheap backup for a more comprehensive tests and I'll tell you what I mean. So what I do to test men for testosterone and myself as well as you go to a urine test. And so the company I use is called Dutch, which has nothing to do with Holland and stands for dried urine, dried urine, comprehensive hormone panel and so what it is. It's actually four pieces of paper that you urinate on, and it basically gives you nearly a 24 hour window from early morning to night. And so you get to see the rise and fall of testosterone. You can see the rise and fall of other hormones, and that's the beauty of all this. You have to see the context of all the hormones together, and it's not his nearly an issue. As you may think, it's it's anyway, since the bird's eye view of a lot of things. So the primary difference of blood versus urine is that you're in when you urinate out your urinate out waste products. So those air metabolites those air metabolites had already been used to came from something else, right? So when you break down your quarters all on your hormones, it goes into urine And that's what's being measured. Your measuring metabolites at four different times during the day, at night. And so you get the overall rise and fall, so it's like putting these pieces back together, and that's how they graph it out for you. So it's very accurate. Where is when you, um, you could possibly do the same thing with blood, but you'd have to be going in four different times, more less 24 hours, so it's impractical to do it that way. This is why you do it. Then you send in the strips and then they send you back the results and you get this nice graph and it breaks it down in a lot of different ways. So what we find in the group of men that I'm working with it, which is between 40 and 65 for the most part is that I can't say across the board that those who I'd seen that they had low testosterone. No, but I can say the heavier they are with belly fat visible at a post issue. The lower testosterone has been across the board. That's a pretty 1 to 1, and it's also out there in studies. That's not That's not entirely a big surprise. That's pretty much pretty well documented. So it's been 100% with me, and the documentation is mostly around 70% so pretty high. So what am I gonna do about that? Well, it's really interesting when I get to see these panels. Is that I see that some one man one man has very basically no testosterone zip. But when you look at their his estrogen and there's three different estrogen's primarily look ATT yesterday i'il But you look at all three is that they are max out. They have excessive testosterone and go, Huh? I'm sorry. They have excessive estrogen. So you have no testosterone. They have all this s urgent. One of the things you need to know about is that all your estrogen, for the most part, comes from your hand regions, if not directly from testosterone, 100%. But think of androgens than to estrogen. So for them to have estrogen, it came from engines first and testosterone. So wow, it all basically just moved over to estrogen. And that's correct. They didn't stay, is Toto testosterone and yet they need testosterone. So What's the problem? What's what's happening here? Well, um, first off, you can see the problem, and that's good. And you see the problem. Maybe there's something you can do about it. And here's the sort of universal truth I'm trying to approach here. Is that with these men across the boards, I told you they're heavy. I think they're all obese, were pretty darn close to it. And they were within, uh, five years of each other that they had across the board elevated insulin. They had elevated fasting glucose. Their glucose wasn't terribly out of range. Nobody had taken their insulin before, and that was a good point of way out of rage that so I only even tell you about that, because some some talks are more about, Let's see, there, insulin, their insulin, Where is in their mid to upper twenties? Where should it be? It should be ideally around 12. How's that? So they have quite a ways to go. The top of the normal range is 18 or 19 so there fairly high. They're not diabetic, for instance, to compare with diabetic that would be in the fifties and sixties. It's very high. Insulin and they're probably giving themselves insulin as well. So they realized, Gosh, they have a high insulin. Why would you care about high insulin? All right, now, back to the hormones. Well, I told you, testosterone and estrogen, you have to go testosterone first. And estrogen that comes from testosterone. It gets converted to testosterone and testosterone goes to thing called Esther dialectics. Call it estrogen, and it happens almost spontaneously. So when your insulin is high, it triggers fancy word coming out. Call it a room, Mrs Ation. Call it a conversion. It converts your testosterone to estrogen. So in your insulin is high meaning out of range bit. It will convert your testosterone to estrogen so you will be estrogen dominant. You will have all the features that estrogen would give a woman. There's a difference between men and women with estrogen is that women have far more receptive, so they're much more sensitive. Estrogen less so, testosterone. But both are important. It's kind of the opposite with men. Two degree So But when you have a lot of estrogen, perhaps all three estrogen's were certainly yesterday i'il it becomes a problem. It's not just there's a couple things so on the immune side of being high. If you want to call estrogen dominance and that came into fashion and the lad in late eighties early nineties estrogen dominate that you, then we'll most likely have. Or you're now hoping to or being estrogen dominant. Having high estrogen correlates with a lot of auto immune diseases. What's an example of an auto immune disease? Hashimoto. Sarah dies The Duluth irate. So your hypo Thyroid, the auto immune form of low thyroid, is Hashimoto's tired eyes. But there's a crones is not on you. A lot of other auto immune DS and auto immune conditions. Autoimmune disorders, our associate ID more with women. There are men. So when you go look up all these disorders, we're gonna find out higher than women than that hiring the women than men right away. That puts you into ah hormone. It's predisposition is determined by hormone ratios. Therefore, women more than men. Okay, now, if we're just looking at men, we can say the same thing. Auto immune disorders will have a preference who have a a higher ratio, higher rate in men that have estrogen dominance. So you could say I didn't want to use the word feminine side. But the women and the men who have high estrogen will have a higher correlation for a variety of auto immune disorders. Period, What else would they have? Well, actually, elevated estrogen puts you at risk for prostate cancer as well as autoimmune disorders. And now we have that out of the way. Okay, that's probably not what you thought about the obvious thing. When people think I'm high, estrogen is you will, for a man will go on to have some secondary growth characteristics that are considered feminine. So that's growing breasts. They call it kinda master. And it goes on from there you will have, perhaps Boone issues. You have mental clarity issues and you'll have some tea can zone. So four. So how do you rectify that? So what? I just did hope and I'm trying to make the steps very simple is by saying men they're overweight, obese, for the most part, so not just a little bit overweight a lot or wait, have low testosterone high estrogen. Why's that a problem for her first, how that happened because those men will have higher insulin. You have higher insulin. It drives the conversion from testosterone to estrogen. Call that aromas, ization, fancy word if you like to use those words. So now it's pushed it wherever it Astra gin, and now it sets us up with estrogen issues. Since you're not in balance at all, we're way over there and we're gonna have all the things that have those problems. So now a man finds out that he comes in to see his doctor, and his doctor says, You know, I'm more likely he'll make this diagnosis from blood work, not from this particular really good a hormone panel. And I'll say, Well, I'm going to recommend, you know, testosterone replacement therapy T R T for disaster on therapy that's become really popular in the last 10 years. Here's you. Here's a cream. Here's a shot and so on so forth. There's different ways you can take it. Most men take it as a cream that they put on themselves. It's obviously effective. So now they're taking exogenous testosterone, right test answer from outside the body that now goes inside the body that can be registered and and measured and observed in the blood. Also, it can be measured and observed through this urine test from the metabolites will then graff it out and you'll be able to differentiate from what is exogenous and what you've made. So now you've bumped up your testosterone. But the whole thing's a fallacy. If you've done that and it will bring up your testosterone somewhat, in which if I did this year and test after you started taking testosterone for a while, I would see Oh, you have some testosterone now. Well, now you have even Maur estrogen's. You've just exceeded your way off the scale in terms of estrogen, and it's a little bit like pouring water through a sieve. I hope that's a good mental picture point water through a sieve. Why would you do that? Well, unless the water is pretty bad, you want to get all the stuff out of it. But for the most part, it's a useless exercise, right? Let's you're rinsing out. This is It's nothing of being caught is the point. Nothing's being caught in The civic goes right through, and that's exactly that's exactly it. So if you were to maximize just on the thought alone, have testosterone replacement therapy. If you were to maximize the benefit, really get the biggest bang for your buck. You, as a guy who's taking testosterone, should do everything he can do to bring his insulin back into the normal range. If he brings his insulin back into the normal range, he's now stop that automatic conversion of testosterone to estrogen. You know, some of it happens automatically, of course, but has now made that ratio the rate of conversion far, far, far less into a quote unquote normal range. So that would be a big difference. So, to summarize, is it for men getting testosterone therapy? This astronaut place in therapy, Whether they're having it done to them or they're doing it to themselves and they're paying for it and getting monitored, they're wasting their money, and they're making themselves potentially for greater risk of some serious disorders. So to get the biggest bang for your buck, drop your insulin. What does that mean? That means go work out. It means drop your carbs. Ideally, goto Akita genic diet And that's the tie in for this whole cuter naturopath podcast series is that that is a big deal. If any of those heavy guys that came to me initially, and obviously they're on a ketogenic diet. There wouldn't be heavy and we were on the carnivore. So I don't think you have to go that far. But you have to be someplace that you really know the carbs you're having in my data driven way of starting people, is it? Let's measure exactly the kind of the carbs were having. Let's log it out, you know, into chronometer, whatever their app is. And so they know if they're truthful about logging things in and they knew how to measure their food up front. So really get an accurate understanding. They can let all those, you know, ah, tedious things to do about measuring and tracking. Let that go afterward after awhile, but at least they will know how many carbs were having. And therefore, you know, what is the glucose? Therefore, what is the insulin? And so it's a very easy thing to drop it down. Drop it down, drop your insulin down. We're dropping your insulin down because we want your testosterone to come back to normal, whether you're taking testosterone as replacement therapy or not. Okay, so I'm hoping I really nailed that home that we are slowing down the conversion of testosterone to estrogen simply by dropping her insolent and bring it into the normal range, which obviously means changing your diet. So here's another little stick in the mud and the stick in the mud might be that you have a good diet. You tracked your stuff on chronometer or fit. Bids were all these other the laps and you go, I swear I have had no carbs. Very few carbs under 20 carves a day, which is the classic ketogenic diet. Used her epilepsy. And so you swear that that's you. And yet you still have high insulin. How would that be? Waiting for an answer if anybody wants to give me one. Well, that could be because you got a lot of stress in your life. You had a lot of stress in life. Whatever it is, you know, as domestic stress, financial stress, emotional stress, work, stress that stress. Now going back into the hormone panel is going to show up as elevated quarters. All quarters all is a sugar making machine. And you've heard me talk about quarters all before. Is it? It is making you make sugar. So stress in the healthy sense of the word is acute stress. You swerved out of the way of that car and avoided an accident. And three seconds later, you were safe again. You were very was chasing him in the woods and you got away. The unhealthy stresses the chronic stress. You can't run away from it. You're living in it here in massive financial debt. A lot of people live this way. They can't shake off, kid. Shake off the debt like a bear can check off the water after coming out of a river. It just hangs on you like a code that's very hard. I know that in there. And so what you do, you have to focus on what you have to do with life, of course, but you need to take things like meditation. You need to do things that are going to break your stress time. SATs were working out. Go for a swim, go from run, meditate to these things that directly can drop your stress. Drop your quarters all. So if you're working on dropping a cortisol, even though you have other external things, you still have to work at that's a big deal. But if you don't and we've seen this with people, too, they have elevated quarters all. So it's almost a moot point to work on their diet when the cortisol, when they're making their sugar. So if they're making the sugar faster or as fast as you are changing their diet, all right, you've made it moderately better, something that you've now minimized. The aural total X You know, the anxiety, the dietary source of glucose carbs. You've minimized that yet they're storm still making their glucose and your body, and you don't really need a carb in your life. There's no such thing as essential carbohydrate. So you make all the glucose we need. And for whatever reason, you're just pumping out sugar, you're hitting your liver, have livers making sugar as best as possible. And that's the way that goes. You really have to take care of that. I've seen that we've done a lot of work with some people, and yet, you know, their life was limited. Their situation was limited by their ability to be able to reduce their quarters all and to take that aspect of their health seriously. So in showing them the quarters always elevated in there, consistently elevated. You know there's graphs for this and where it should be in the rise and fall, so nothing stays a straight line. It's the rise and fall. When you show that you know they're way off, what is their adrenal glands are gonna burn out at some point. You can only keep pumping, pumping, pumping for so long until finally your body can't make that much anymore. It makes a little less, and then you start to get burnt out, literally what it is. Adrenal fatigue is another way of saying it. The fatigue, meaning they can't make near Drina hormones, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol. And then your life starts. Then you're very much open to auto immune disorders, a lot of sickness. So those air to areas you have to take care of. And if one has that perfect diet, but they're really stressed. This makes me wonder about models. A few who understand, you know, what were their hormone panel be like? Because I hear it's pretty stressful, and if they're so stressed, they're always going to be pretty heavy or they're never gonna get to their spell figure I'm thinking of females, of course. Airmail miles by the same thing. And so there again, if they don't address their glucose wherever their glucose is coming from the known director glucose levels, they're not gonna be able to address their insulin levels. They don't address their insulin levels. They're always gonna be packing on the pounds Justus attention, By the way, that a lot of people take way protein. There were u H E Why? And it's usually a protein shakes. And I take way protein because Michael work out well, way is interesting in the sense that it actually does not increase your glucose. You know, that's a good thing. That kind of goes along with most proteins unless you're taking a lot and all different issue. But if you're taking away protein, it does increase your insulin, so they call it insulin a genic. But it's not clay scenic. It doesn't glue Kajinek so it doesn't make your blood sugar go up, but it makes your insulin go go up. So if you're on way and you're thinking a lot of weight protein and you're a stress guy and you just heard me say, go work out and you're gonna go work out your way, protein, because you know that's gonna help you build muscles, etcetera, etcetera. You're now are taking the thing that I'm telling you not to do because you want your insulin to drop your insulin to drop so you don't consistently just immediately convert your testosterone to estrogen like that water going through the sieve. You want to be pouring your testosterone into a bull. It stays his testosterone for a while and then gradually converts to estrogen. Okay, she got quarters. All you got your either make your sugar where you eat your sugar. It's been the same old story, but we're saying insulin, and there's a lot of factors we can talk about. But I'm trying to convey this rather easy saying for you to know that you gotta get your insulin down, get your insulin down to normal. You tossed testosterone certainly is now gonna be given a break. At least they can come up to some extent. So if you're heavy and then you pretend you just took this lesson and now you've been transformed into a lower estrogen person, the hello are sorry. Insulin person that your testosterone will come up if you actually do, go to the gym and don't take away protein that and you do some resistance training. Ideally, H I t. High intensity training. We talked about this before, especially with Dr Ben on this that that's another way that you will be able to get your insulin levels down lower while you work out to go up, because that's what it's about. But long term they will be much lower, so that's a big deal. Just don't take the way. And here's another key thing that most people don't think about because everybody so got so many things to do. So if you're a parent, you got all the parent things to do, plus your finances, plus your relationship with your partner, plus bless, bless, sleep. So where and when is it is testosterone made? It is made at night. It is made at night in your deepest part of the sleep, so you have to make it so you get a deep sleep in order to get a deep sleep, you got to pay attention to, you know, people go Avery very deep on what they call sleep hygiene. One of the factors that when you set up, if you do that consistently, more than likely you will have a good night's sleep. Well, you need a good night's sleep because this is where you're gonna make your testosterone. So if you're preoccupied, for whatever reason, or if you're taking coffee or medications for something, you name it. Whatever your dorie, even too much alcohol is going to affect your sleep, and therefore it's going to affect your testosterone. So that's one more level. So sleep is a serious component. Think of sleep as the source of the river. So you think about the 18 hundreds. There's all these explorers went to Africa to look for the source of the Nile. It was this mythic river source of Wow, Stanley Livingston and all that other stuff. Interesting time anyways, the source of what is the source of your testosterone. The source. Your testosterone. The time when it's made, is when you're sleeping well and sleeping deeply, and you need to do the things around sleep so sleep would mean you go to bed the same time every night. Ideally, here's sleep by 10 o'clock. Ideally, you sleep eight hours, so that would mean, you're a puppet Sex. I mean, it's just the way ghosts. At some point you have to step up to be responsible for your own help. And that means 10 to 6. You're sleeping. I've even back buying up. I've changed my working hours, so it seems a little weird. I go to bed at eight, and I'm up at four because I like working in the morning before the world wakes up. That's when I actually wake up with a nice cup of coffee, do some meditation and get the day off, and I find that it's new in my life now to really move in that direction. But the point was, I go to bed at eight. Get up before I got a couple hours of good work, focus before the day, actually get started. So that's a big deal. Um, so sleep. So sleep is the source of your testosterone. Just like Victoria Falls is a source of the Nile. Okay, hope that helps. So now you have a couple of things you need to think about the sleep, which obviously will help with your stress, your stress, which is specifically quarters. All we're talking about your stress. Who push cortisol, Make that sugar make your liver Luego neo genesis, Right? So those are the things. And what I would say is, and I had some people in our Facebook group you arranged with Quest, which is actually the labs for the public to have really to check two tests that I encourage them to offer for nearly free. And that was insolent fasting, insulin and fasting glucose. Now it doesn't tell your whole story, but I think it tells a big story the number of people I've met that have never had their insulin taken and they've just had their glucose taken because you're fasting. Glucose is pretty, a pretty normal part of what you would get when you get your go to your doctor's office and even if it's a within 10 points out of range or doctor isn't gonna stand up and say, Oh, my gosh, your glucose. I'm sorry. Your glucose is 10 points at a range. We got a problem. He's going to kind of let it drift. But if he or she knew here, she being your doctor, knew that actually, you're corresponding. Fasting insulin is 30 points out of range. That would be huge. They say I You know this means your pancreas is failing. I mean, you are. You are overworking your pancreas, and it can't keep your glucose in the normal range. And therefore, we have to pump out more and more and more insulin, so you may not be diabetic and maybe your fasting glucose number. He doesn't put you in the pre diabetic, but you could be pretty darn close. But what you don't know is where is that insulin number and that insulin number? Remember, the whole your insulin number is that thing that drives the conversion from testosterone to estrogen. See, really Gotta find that number out. So anyway, you anybody can get those two tests, both chest, you know, Are there 10 or 20 bucks a piece that it's not huge? He's not gonna break the bank. And if you just did those two tests, you'd find out something that you probably never knew before. And then you could bring it to your doctor, and then you could expand and calling that so I would recommend that. So it's insulin Now, you know about that easy to get and just go do it. So what else is going to say here, um, you know, know about estrogen dominance. And I told you why we get there, Desmond. But the three big factors, actually, four factors for men driven into higher estrogen or lower should say lower testosterone. You can even say andropause. That's kind of a fancy term. But this could happen in one's twenties. You could have implying my age. Now, anybody in their twenties a kid. So people in their twenties guys in their twenties can have low testosterone for the same reason. So that's a shame, because having low testosterone is gonna have, you know, lows from a genesis it's going to create. Perhaps infertility or certainly conception issues could be very difficult to conceive with your wife so it could happen at any age is just not getting older. So the whole idea of insulin driving your testosterone, huh? Get driving your testosterone down can happen at any age. We have also insulin resistance, which is basically when your insulin has to be keep pumping out larger and larger numbers. It becomes less and less effective. Talked about court is all, and when we just have estrogen, that's estrogen dominance. I think I will leak it. Leave it at that other symptoms you say that go along with high cortisol level over the other way of getting high blood sugar and high insulin. Consequently, you have high blood pressure. You have You're a beast. We've been talking about that weakened immune response. No thing called metabolic syndrome. We talked about that before, so I would suspect that your truculence rides would be higher age deal below. Inflammation would probably be pretty high. And you be verging on adrenal burnout. And so you probably have fatty liver. You probably have elevating quarters, all because cortisol is the precursor for your whole rooms. Cortisol. Sorry, elevated cholesterol because cholesterol is the precursor for cortisol. So what can you do about this? Told you some things to do. Focus in your sleep and stress and keep your insulin down. A few things you might want to look in to look into your zinc levels. Watch your alcohol use because that affects your sleep. Also affects your insulin, actually kicks up your insulin and drives down. You were glucose. We talked about that. The oxidative priorities from that. And I think we're good with that. Check out things like I don't think I'm going to submit, but drop your car. But you know the list by now. I don't have to spit out the specific things. And if you're like me, if you're really gonna take this seriously than you do have to document. So go on one of the APs put in your what you're eating on a day to day basis. So very least you understand that amount of carbs you're having cause that's gonna drive your clickers and then your insulin. Okay, I hope that's been a Rudy pretty zero in. And so I want you to walk away with your your manimal age. And if you're overweight, I want you to understand this is something within your control that you now can bring back. So how you gonna change your quarters? All those. Sorry. How you gonna change your testosterone levels? You're gonna focus on sleep. You're gonna focus on your stress that beat your cortisol. You're gonna focus on dropping your insulin. If you get those things out of the way, you're well on your way. If you work out and start creating some muscle mass, you're also gonna be helping your testosterone. I think those air big points and so you'll find it's kind of ah, running joke. As men get older, if they get rest, they get gonna master. Well, yes and no. That's gonna depend entirely on you. Don't give me the genetics of the background. We're not gonna go in the genomes on this one. We can really tighten it up with just the things I've talked about right here. But what I would suggest is that if you go to your Dakar naturopath, your functional medicine guy or woman, there are number of things where they can intervene, but try not to be so, so driven by. What are the key supplements I need to do to change this? Because if you don't change things we just talked about today you're gonna get yourself in trouble, but just taking supplements because they're gonna help you Initially, they're gonna become less effective and they're gonna cause deficiencies. And yet other sets, just like medications, same thing happens. It's the same way. So focus on the bigger pieces. And while you're doing that, who was ever helping on this can help supplement literally and figuratively things that will improve your metabolism to help this happen more quickly. But don't do that in lieu of the real work you have to do. Okay, I hope it was helpful. Hope it was not too complicated. As always. Send me your questions. It's a big issue out there with a lot of men. We're gonna go into it with women and a number of levels. Not just PCOS, but postmenopausal. What is that about? Muscle mass and so on, so forth. So it's slightly different. So I couldn't put men and women into the same category. Said this. We're going to do something that are similar, but a lot of things are not okay the next time. Hi, this is Dr Gold Camp. I just wanted to encourage you to send in your questions too. Dr Gold, Kampuchea naturopath dot com Many of you have and so what I've done with these questions that gotten back to mostly people I email But some of the questions that were so good and if they're overlapping to other questions, I would combine them and try to put that into the topic of a podcast either via one of the micro topics that are covered in an interview. As you know, we cover a lot of topics and any given interview or some of my own sort of reporting, if you will, on some of these issues. So please keep the questions coming. Feel free to send in an email and I will get back to you. One thing I want to say. A number of questions have come in in which I've given this answer and the email didn't work. So just make sure that you're receiving at the same email that you sent it in. And I think that might have been the difficulty. So I look forward to your questions. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm open to answer your questions. And I think this world of Kato it's not just black and white, you know, it's nice that it's simple, but it's not simple for some. I'm really trying to, you know, go down as anybody, any of you who have listened to all my podcast. We started way back when history and evolution, epilepsy and so on so forth, you know, Now we're seeing some tremendous overlap in various mental disorders, schizophrenia or neurological disorders that are not just epilepsy and also just for people and losing weight. It's sometimes pretty complicated for them to engage in Cato, and so they need some help. And so that's the whole point. Of least that's what I think I'm doing is exploring the world of why are there other factors? So in exploring some of those other factors, we've covered addiction. We've covered hormones, have covered nutritional deficiencies. We've covered certain metabolic lab results, and we'll go further. We'll even get Thio, moron, genome and aspects that these are all just contributions that make for an obstacle for some people to engage easily in the ketogenic diet. This my belief and these are things that I've discovered, and I think other people have discovered some of these things but not ever put them together. So stayed listening. Send in your questions and I will definitely get back to you. But why