Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

Episode 105: The Surprising Lab Discoveries After Two Years Of Doing Labs and Coaching Keto

May 07, 2020 Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 105

 Not every overweight person becomes heavy in the same way. Doing labs on each person has let me see certain patterns, one that I absolutely wouldn’t have expected, but now knowing this, I can coach people very differently...than I did initially. 

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Until next time, Dr. Karl

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Hi, This is Dr Carl Gold Camp. If you're interested in learning about the ketogenic diet like I was to save my own life, then this is probably the podcast for you. Eight years ago, I knew nothing about it. Six years ago, it saved my life. Three years ago, I started researching and talking with some of the authorities in the field and attending medical conferences about this. To understand why and how, kiddo, so dramatically changed my my life studios lives. The first of his podcast is to share our journey of discoveries with you and understanding how Kato is so effective improving so many different conditions from obesity, epilepsy, diabetes, infertility, M s, Alzheimer's heart disease, a name a few. So take a step away from all the hype you've probably heard and roll up your sleeves with me and join me weekly to explore this living miracle. Then anyone can access. We'll talk. Science will talk food. Well, explorer, its history and evolution to today, which is that the sheer wonder the ketogenic way of eating has changed untold number of lives, unlike anything before, And in case you forget to mention it, please join our Facebook group. Kato Naturopath. Hi, this is Dr Gold Camp. Welcome back to another episode. The cuter naturopath. Um, I have to apologize. I've been delayed. I've been waylaid by a number of things. We put a lot of effort into finishing up another session over men's group coaching bio integration. We lost code for men on. That was a 90 day program preceded by a two weeks Get your lab is done. And they did four different kinds of labs that did the metabolic. That did. Ah, intracellular micronutrients analysis or assessment that the data hormonal basically a 24 hour hormonal panel. And then we did some genome analysis. So all that stuff So all that took a while I really had a focus on it, and it was a good group. They're all pretty dedicated. But what I wanted to talk about today was and what the the I think the exciting thing is that you know, now that I start to have my own database of labs that I have run and you know what are different about my labs that I have run that other people I haven't run or even labs that I didn't do when I was practicing in a bricks and mortar context of traditional medicine, even though I was an alternative medicine practitioner, is because when you have your own program, you can design it to have all the tests that you want in there. Clearly, these tests come at a cost, and so it's part of the program. It's built into the program, and you can choose how much is cost And how much are you gonna have your time paid for. And so at thes earlier stages, Really, over the preceding two years, for the most part, that I was curious about certain labs that I knew insurance would never cover. So I could. I never ordered them before, and I heard very little about him. And certainly you didn't hear many people talk about him. You could you could look up under Pub Med and you would get some research. And so what? I'm certainly is glue gun, but also I didn't hear a lot of people talk about that's a red blood cell, full late levels or method moronic acid or, you know, free T four versus Total T. For things like this, you can tease out so over time you are labs that you're offering. Yes, are abroad, but they're also more refined. You're saying, Well, I don't need these labs because they don't really give me additional information. So I thought I'd go through some of these upshot. Some of these conclusions said, I have, ah, person he realized, and anybody who's in the most recent of our our classes, I'll call them, You know, I share it with them. It's not like a sneaky secret. Now we look at each other's labs. We see how they're different, We see how they're similar, and I've done labs each time I add another lab to you that I I don't know if I'll be adding any to the next go round. I'm pretty much at what I would like to look at, but what I've realized is this so that we go through writing. I take it from the top down. So when you look at basic blood work, and so the very basic blood work is what they call a CBC, it's ah, they call Complete are believe it or not. They call it a complete blood chemistry. It's not a complete blood chemistry, but that's what they called it, then that's your red cells in your white cells. And why would I be excited about any any of this? Well, there's one small test that I probably never really eyeballed much before because it was normal and 99% of the cases. Well, now that I'm correlating platelet counts with, you know their inflammatory markers, meaning primarily CRP and or Premier Li said rate, it's very obvious that your platelets otherwise known as throb a sites. This is your clotting propensity to your blood. So if you have a lot of if you have a lot of platelets worth rumba sites, there's gonna be a concern there that you're going to clot someplace in a small cap, Hillary, which will usually either be your brain or your heart or maybe even your legs so you'll get a stroke or you'll get a heart attack or a partial heart attack. Some sort of perhaps ischemia, which is the dying of cells that were being fed by that particular cap Hillary. Or if it happens in your leg, it's phlebitis. You know, you get those pains in your legs I haven't had, um so I can't speak to that, but seeing enough people who have so they have painful lakes, and it's not a bone pain. It's usually a muscle pain or sometimes even feels like a nerve pain. Anyway. That's what happens when you have an increase in threats. Besides increase and clots, they do through a clock in a small cap. Hillary. Well, that's not good, obviously, but it's a strong correlation for inflammatory marker. So when you see people so off this CBC, which is probably a $10 test, it was $10 back when I was in med school. It's 20 years ago. There was probably about the same, um, that in itself when it's out of range, where when it's above what I think to 50 which is a sweet spot there. Um, it's direct, consistent and direct correlation. So it gives me a degree. Should I be worried about somebody and you can measure that number and start, you know, start adding, in other aspects of this person, are they on various medications? Do they have dairy or not? You know, what's their carb? Will they come to me obviously to get off the carbs, but before me when I took these labs, they might have been carb eaters. Car bores, as they say. Right? Um, and you find that correlation and afterwards that number drops down. So that's pretty remarkable. And, ah, as a Segway, by the way, for those who are paying attention to any of the cove it news and the the next medication is being suggested. And so on so forth. You've heard the idea that blood thinners are now being used to treat Cove It not as a curative thing, right? Not upset like like they thought that the hydroxy Clark and Clark win with Z Pak was going to be. But now it makes perfect sense, given what is explained about throwing. Besides, is that the reason you would use a blood thinner cause blood thinners are the thing that's very specifically drops you're thrown beside count in your bloods. So they've now decreased the risk of you throwing a clot someplace. Okay, so that now that makes sense. So it's not curative. But when you hear people saying, Oh, now they're on blood thinners. What a blood thinners do. Well, they do a lot of bad things, but the good thing I do. And the reason they're uses people who have heart conditions and heart consenting and cardiovascular candor concerns, um, are put on blood thinners. And so this is why so I see that here, too. And it's a direct correlation. And so it makes perfect sense in the way conventional medicine works. So what? Are there other discoveries? Well, I could go through all the labs, and I'm not gonna bore you with some things. I want to give you some bigger, um, take homes. And I hope you like data because that's what I like in my spreadsheets of different people in putting their labs there and saying, Is it It's interesting. I can, you know, I now can read is kind of like an X ray with me. I can look at their labs, put him on my spreadsheet and saying So how much, Terry do you really have? And so what? Do I correlate with dairy? A. Stick to that little theme besides elevated platelets. Um, it's usually I g f, which is insulin like growth factor, and it's a test you're going to order, obviously. But across the board, you know, they're not out of range. They're just the higher enrage. And so I get to spot. It's basically a dairy marker I could do if I was really just trying to look for dairy, I would probably do an allergy panel. But why waste anybody's money that's not pertinent to what I'm doing? Um, and so I look at that, I can see the dairy and one doesn't want to be too high and I g f i g f often high I g f often is associated with various cancers. You're feeding insulin like growth factor. Um, in the I g f that comes from cows on dairy is exactly like the I G f. That isn't humans. So when you eat or drink your GF from a cow, it it it initiates. It creates it stimulates even more I g f production in ourselves. So that's where these numbers come from. And that's why it's sort of a compound ID. I'm reading your I g efs and I'm reading the I G f. You ate from the cow in the G's or the milk or that Whatever. Um, so that was pretty interesting, but I would say Let me boil down to areas have per called up that I would never percolated up that I would have never suspected before and probably the most expensive tests that I do. And it's ah, total luxury in terms of being able to do labs is glue gun, you know, and I have had to go back and negotiate with Quest, which is working with their retail outlets called, uh, ultra Labs. And the cost. Issa's high as $200 a test. And so because I have this long panel, I get to basically get a package deal right, they come down in their cost. So for that one test, they come down to $100. But if I was to say, I just wanted somebody go retake their global gone, that's a very expensive ah request to make. However, it would be nice to do before and afters for sure. So across the board, everybody who has limit just double check now, um, everybody who I have tested glue gone four has come in below as an, um, hypo below their standard glue gun range. I'll just give you an example. So the range is 50 to 150 pretty round numbers for a range, and so the numbers as an average are 40. Ah, low forties, 41 42. But in there. So that's alot. That's below 50 obviously, so that I have the low, lower, lower of the low right? So the lower the low means now those who come in mid thirties, It's not only they below 50 they're kind of below my running average. And then I have the very low, and I've even had somebody below 10. So the question is, why would that be? Why would everybody be low? And there's a couple ways you can answer this one is this test is to been taken so few times. I mean, if you were to go to your doctor and I'm assuming you have a family doctor some and saying So, um, would you take my glue gun? First of all, you better double check their spelling and double check. They understand what you just asked them to do because you're probably the first patient that ever asked them to do it. Or they might say, I remember reading in medical school 10 2030 40 50 years ago that this was a venture is back in the sixties and seventies. It's that it still should be of interest now. And but it was one of those things they only read about. They didn't actually go out and do. They didn't take it on themselves, and so they never really learned about it. So, consequently, because the demand whether artificial or riel, is not there for glue gone, it remains an expensive test, whereas obviously glucose is a huge demand for it. It's $3. Insulin's under 10. So you see this on a protest basis. If it's highly ordered and very common, it's a cheaper, cost cheaper price test. Grogan has not got there yet. I would like to see the day. So anyway, on these low anybody who has a low loads that would be mid thirties to certainly one that I have. It's under 10. They also have thyroid problems. There were problems How Well, um, it's not black or white. I'd like to present black white conclusions, you know. Don't we all want that? That's a problem up practicing medicine. You can you know, you can read all the articles you want, and they give a kind of a black white scenario. This does this that does this. Well, in reality, you have people that me be pretty close to a diagnosis, but not really. They don't have all the factors there. Um, and I'll tell you, talked about that a little more. And so All right, so we said they have Logan. What is glue Gun? Duke glue. Gone is the master switch for you to be able to make your own glucose, right. So when you're fasting, where's your glucose come from? Cause you're still both creating key tones ideally, and you're creating glucose because part you brain need to have their They are obligate consumers of glucose. And your red blood cells are obligate consumers of glucose. They can't live on key tone, so there isn't a switch for them. So you do have to be burning some glucose for some of some Oregon. Some functions themselves okay. In your body, it's never one way or the other, but however most your body can be fed by key tones. Okay, so if your glue gun is low, it means you cannot make quote unquote make your own glucose. Very well. We can partially make it well well, if you think it through. And the people, all these people that I'm working with are insulin resistance, meaning they have on an average high levels of of insulin, right? Which means they have had probably decades of high levels of glucose. They drove the high levels of insulin, and the insulin is trying to get the glucose down by story in the various fat cells. And now anywhere right? Probably the liver and the pancreas, and so on, so forth. So that's what its job is. Get the glucose out of the blood. Okay, well, it's been doing that for decades. And, ah, so the insulin is is high. Its multiple serve out of range high. So in the idea of getting your glucose out of the bloodstream, it's also has a relationship with Google gone by saying, Absolutely, Don't make any glucose on your own. We don't need more glucose in the blood. It's a yin and yang, if you will. So the black and white relationship in a very hyper simplistic way of talking about insulin to Google gone insulin's about removing glucose from the blood stream and glue guns about creating glucose. To put it in the bloodstream and primarily its source of glucose is is glycogen. So glycogen that's in your liver primarily. But this glycogen throughout your body. So it activates. It converts glycogen to glucose just a step away. All right, so it makes sense. All these guys over decades of having high glucose and high insulin, he would make sense that on a daily basis they're getting a message of I don't need to make my own glucose got play, except maybe when they sleep when they're on a daily fast, okay, and that's usually what happens. So they're glue gone has been forced to be low on a daily basis that it stops even trying to be normal so that normal level gets to be lower and lower and lower. And so we're assuming all the sensor correct. We're not gonna go with lab hair or anything else that these numbers get to be lower and lower and lower as an average. Just like our fasting glucose gets to be higher and higher and higher as an average and are fasting. Insulin gets to be higher and higher and higher over decades as an average, so these people that get to be really low. You know, the people in the mid thirties and I'm telling about and people under 10 is that the person under 10 has definitely has what they call antibodies to thyroid. So that means that they're headed to either an auto immune condition, which is pretty common with thyroid. And that will either be ah, hypo thyroid, meaning that it's underperforming. Your thyroid is underperforming, so you're gonna be slow and left very lethargic. And, um, you're probably going to be not sleeping well. And so on so forth and kind of always tired. So thyroids the first thing people think about when they think about the t lack of energy, quote unquote. Okay, well, there's that. But what I'm saying is the first thing that goes up before you see the Hypo Thyroid is a rise in the advise. It's pretty consistent. So Logan goes to, um, pretty elevated anybody's against the thyroid, which may or may not. You know, here's the black or white. It's not a Yep, it's Hypo thyroid, meaning your TSH is very high thyroid stimulating hormone where your T three and T four zehr low. It's not that black away it's in that direction. But it's not that black away, so the auto immune process has started. So now he's saying Hi at Low Blue gone. The thing that makes your own glucose is associated with high antibodies to thyroid. And so the person in the thirties had still high antibodies here. Thyroid not as high as a person in there in their below 10 never for the clue guy. So that was pretty interesting. Ah, there's no research on this. So now it begins a question of certainly the connection between glue, gun and thyroid, which there is a connection, by the way. And when you think of the thyroid is the thermostat of your body, that's where all thought. It's thermostat. So it should. It should increase your energy, your burning right that you make sure turn it on up. So your warm enough and turn enough. You have enough energy, Um, and so if you're if you're mechanism for making your own glucose is not doing so well. Your thyroid steps in and said, Hey, we'll help you out. That's how it should be. So it's low in your thyroid should possibly start to crank up, but there's an auto immune response. They keep your thyroid from working that way. So how does this pan out? Well, some of the people who come to me, right they go, I wanna lose weight. I like your program. It's a data deep dive, data driven transformation is what we described as that and the four labs that I told you about. So they come in and they want all about that. Well, they may not have the really high insulin levels. They may not have their really high fasting glucose levels, and they may have pretty low Google gone levels, and they probably will have pretty high antibodies to the thyroids. So they now are not the obvious candidate for insulin resistance. Maybe it's happens. Maybe it's, you know, there's a lot of data we could get, but we're not spending her money on yet to book more deeply, but they are people that really the center of their case. The center of what you can do for them is around the thyroid. So what are the things would probably be, and these are fewer cases of the cases that I see is that, you know, talk to their doc, get them on a thyroid or increase their thyroid dosage. So get their thyroid working correctly. As you begin working on these other things, changing their diet and so on so forth. It's still going through the same program of coming, cutting back on the carbs and so on. But now you vastly improved their feelings. You know, they feel good there, sleeping better. Their mental clarity's there. But really, what you've done is you've addressed their thyroid, and now they're paying attention. And they really can implement. You know, all the other recommendations, certainly dropping your carbs and understanding the whole macro thing. And they can follow in the their continual glucose monitor and you contract them on what they're eating through chronometer just the way we do it. But it's actually really pretty interesting. So you need to take care of the thing it affects them, allows them to be human again. And so that often is Theis. You so some people coming to me and say, Well, I've been on thyroid all my life, you know, I've been on fire after 25 years, and I'm gonna, um, hypertension medication for my blood pressure. Well, the story there may go that they stay were overweight way back when and so the obvious thing was, put him on thyroid. And who knows if their thyroid qualified 25 years ago or not for for Hypo Thyroid. But the doc put him on thyroid. They probably lost a little bit of weight by ramping up their thyroid, and then it normalized and then and needed an increased thyroid again. And so over time they kept on increasing the thyroid. Well, what happens when you start doing that? You start creating that the weight itself, the weight itself may being overweight itself may create, um, hypertension. So you may have to treat that Or, um, sometimes what happens is your cranking up the thyroid medication gives you hypertension. So now they have another medication. They have to go on, and it gets progressively more. One state you'll faded, but more problematic and scenario. Thyroid and hypertension and then hypertension medications have certainly been in the news relative to Cove, it and, um, the angiotensin blocking receptor ARBs medications. So you have all that. So the point here and summarises that you may want to look for a thyroid issue for weight gain. And that might be the initial step you take in helping these people that come to you or come to me by treating their thyroid. And so that would be verified. You probably see elevated anybody. So they're on their way where they're already in in autoimmune thyroid problem if anyone. But yet the auto communities there meaning the auto antibodies to thyroid or there there's two different types. So now you've discovered something, you know? So when we try to talk about oh, life is so easy, You know, um, in terms of simple understand, we'd like to give the understanding so people do follow a concept. But the reality is you then have very Asians along the theme of this particular concept. So not everybody comes in life. I've had 2010 2030 years of elevated glucose, and therefore you have 10 2030 years of elevated insulin, and that's why I'm heavy. That's why I'm obese. That is the majority story, by the way, that that is the majority story. People can be heavy and not be of elevated insulin, so therefore you have to rethink it, and those people are probably going to be the people that have lo glue gone and nobody's ever looked there. Nobody ever looked there. Go check that one up on Google. Um, elevated glue gun was the last time somebody looked into that real research sixties early seventies. And that was Dr Hunger and I can't remember his first name. So he began that he challenged it. He said that glue gun is really the center of all diabetes. You need to address that first. And I'm starting to think that he's correct. Isn't that interesting? So that was my first discovery. First big, different discovery that is not like all the others. I've never heard of this being brought into any particular conference. And there's in a conventional medical doctor. If they discovered this, they would probably either do something. Teoh Ah, boost up. Your Google gone or it is never ways that they could approach this, but they would probably also start with treating skyward first. And that would depend on, um, other blood pressure serving as well. So is that interesting? So that's kind of a breakthrough in terms of what we're looking at, some of the more traditional, you know, I can I can almost guess this person's blood work that would be they will have high triglycerides. They will have low HDL, and primarily that becomes from If you want to get your HDL up, that means have saturated fats, which are really in your meats for the most part, your meats being your beef in your pork, for the most part. And yes, there in chicken and yes, sir and fish, But far, far, far less, almost to the point that they're not there. So saturated fats, the ones everybody has told to stay away from actually will increase your HDL, so to drop your trackless rides. And I'm sure everybody knows this already Who's listening to this issue? Drop your carbs so those two things you can be back into the sweet spot of normal. And if you can make those to your HDL, your trackless rides your HDL treasury triglyceride ratio. Specifically, you drop that down under 1.5. You've changed a lot of other things. You could go back and check your insulin and inflammatory markers and so on, and they will of all changed as well. So that's kind of the heart of it. I don't value total cholesterol much anymore. Did I ever? Not really. But that should be increasing with time. So people, when I see people in their sixties fifties, sixties and seventies, I expect their numbers to be high two hundreds, three hundreds and maybe even the four hundreds that I'm fine with that. As long as they have a good HDL and ah, low trackless rise and so on, it would what I think are essential labs to take. You really do need to take your inflammatory markers, which is CRP and ah, you're fasting insulin, your fasting glucose, thes air, just home run pieces of information you can't be without it. I know you've probably heard of hemoglobin it one a C, which is like your average percent of elevated Blake glucose. That's good. That's but it doesn't give me more information that I already know. So I go take that because it's everybody can relate to. It's kind of become the standard, but it's not new information. It doesn't change what I'm going to change. Talk to these people about and how to implement this program, obviously, do. Your liver enzyme is one of the first liver enzymes that I see starting to get out of whack is ah Elkin facilities and that there's really five different ways that that can get. Elevator one is your liver, But it's also your bone in your heart, your blood. So, um, but from my from my group of people that I'm looking at, which are 99% insulin resistance, you'll see Al cross at the top or over, and you start changing seventies parameters. You'll see it go back to normal. That's the gratifying for sure. It's gratifying. Um, the other thing I think is really important is to do a omega six omega three um fatty acid essential fatty acids panel and you get see the ratios. They have a lot to do with information. And, um, it also allows you to open up the conversation to the person about you know, you're inflammations all about seed oils. Let's just get that garbage out your diet and let's bring in fish oils and leave it at that and we talk about C eight, but they can bring bring that in as a well as a condiment, and so that's a very important and you don't see people doing that you don't see people getting that panel done, and therefore they're guessing I should have more omega threes than they really need. So there is that other than that we check the vitamin D. Of course, that has nothing to do with not much to do with insulin sensitivity or not. I mean, if you're low, the chances are there. It exacerbates the situations way look at, so you have to take care of it. It in itself is not going to change the picture without you changing what you're eating. And of course, exercise is a big deal. So anyway, I thought I would share that with you Is like Luca Gun has not talked about. Nor is a connection of glue gone Teoh thyroid talked about and the idea of auto immune with glue gun. Nobody talks about that. That's too far off their panel. But those are the kind of things in my era is the doctors are supposed to take and saying these relationships I'm seeing go check it in the real world. Talk to their colleagues about it Now, in course, you can go online and say, Can you verify this? Is this out there. Has anybody else seen this? That's how medicine gets better not by regurgitating the same studies that have been there and done in the last 10 or 20 years. Those were good, I hope, and without a conflict of interest. But looking and saying some unusual relationships and saying If you have a bonafide observation and how many how many people do you need to see this relationship in to say it's significant? That makes for a good conversation. Okay, with that, I'm gonna close this particular podcast. Hope it wasn't too technical, but it appeals to those who really like to look at their data. So I would go out and asking and totally irritate your doctor and ask for these labs. And if you have any questions on this, if this is over your head, what is my less I will send you the panel that we use. It's not a secret. Go get it done. Take care of your own health. You know this is within your hands. You know, data doesn't have to be dependent on somebody like me to interpret it for you. You go out and get it. You learn to understand it and you can double check it with a number of people. Okay, so until next time, take care. This is Dr Gold Camp. I just wanted to encourage you to send in your questions too. Dr Gold, Kampuchea naturopath dot com Many of you have and so what I've done with these questions that gotten back to mostly people I email. But some of the questions that were so good and if they're overlapping to other questions, I would combine them and try to put that into the topic of a podcast, either via one of the micro top Exeter covered in an interview. As you know, we cover a lot of topics in any given interview or some of my own sort of reporting, if you will, on some of these issues. So please keep the questions coming. Feel free to send in an email and I will get back to you. One thing I want to say. A number of questions have come in in which I've given this answer and the email didn't work. So just make sure that you're receiving at the same email that you sent it in, and I think that might have been the difficulty, so I look forward to your questions. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that I'm open to answer your questions. And I think this world of Kato is not just black and white. You know, it's nice that it's simple, but it's not simple for some. I'm really trying to, you know, go down as anybody, any of you who have listened to all my podcast. We started way back when history, evolution, epilepsy and so on, so forth, you know, now we're seeing some tremendous overlap in various mental disorders, schizophrenia or neurological disorders that are not just epilepsy and also just for people and losing weight. It's sometimes pretty complicated for them to engage in Kyoto, and so they need some help. And so that's the whole point of these. That's what I think I'm doing is exploring the world of why are there other factors? So in exploring some of those other factors, we've covered addiction. We've covered hormones, have covered nutritional deficiencies, we've covered certain metabolic lab results, and we'll go further. We'll even get Teoh more on genome and aspect. So these are all just contributions that make for an obstacle for some people to engage easily in the ketogenic diet. This my belief and these are things that I've discovered, and I think other people have discovered some of these things but not ever put them together. So stay listening. Send in your questions and I will definitely get back to you by morning.