Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

128: COVID Common Sense

October 15, 2020 Dr. Karl Goldkamp Episode 128

We are now both covid positive. I thought our story of how we got here was valuable to share you.

And who’s to blame for getting Covid? 

What precautions were taken or not taken?
Should we have done on the trip?

Masking or not masking … the controversy

The Sweden experience … is it transferable? They paid a big price for their current ‘heard immunity’ status.
Where are the airlines now with covid? And our experience with American Airlines.

In today’s podcast, Dr. Goldkamp will be covering this controversial topic by not pretending to be an authority, even though he is medically equipped to understand any of the studies out there. 

This show got recorded on the 9th of October 2020. Dr. Goldkamp and his wife were diagnosed with Covid a few days before that. Today, he will tell the story of what they experienced.

Imprecise studies

A lot of the Covid studies that Dr. Goldkamp read were very imprecise and contained some information which is yet to be proven.  

Seven months in

Now, seven months into the pandemic, nothing relevant, outside of naturopathic protocols, is being used to treat Covid. 

Before getting diagnosed

About a month before getting diagnosed with Covid, Dr. Goldkamp and his wife had to go to a meeting.

Three flights

It took three flights to get to their meeting. The last flight was with American Airlines, and it was full, yet there was no social distancing, and no temperatures got taken before boarding. The lady sitting next to Dr. Goldkamp was very sick, and she kept on taking off her mask to blow her nose.

Getting sick

Within a day of arriving at his destination, Dr. Goldkamp started to feel off, and it got progressively worse. It was a horrible situation because everyone was aware that he could have Covid, and he did not know when it would be appropriate to remove himself from the group. 

A Covid positive group

After four days, everyone left to go home. The whole group has subsequently tested Covid-positive, apart from two people who did not get tested.

No social distancing

Before taking the flight, he and his wife thought that there would be social distancing, but American Airlines stopped social distancing on their flights a week before, in late September, even though the airports were full of people.

Getting tested

To get tested, you have to stay in your car, and no one could tell Dr. Goldkamp where to park. After 45 minutes of driving around, two women came out in protective clothing, and they took nasal swabs that were very painful. A few hours later, they called to say that the tests were positive. After that, the state called them to do the tracing, but the people who called could hardly speak any English, and there were no follow-ups whatsoever after that. 


Dr. Goldkamp and his wife got told to self-quarantine for ten days, but they were unsure of what to do, or when the ten days were supposed to start. All their symptoms were the same as flu, but with no respiratory or lung conditions at all, which Dr. Goldkamp attributes to both of them being in ketosis.

The reality

The reality is that it is on you to go forward and get the diagnosis. And if you are positive, there is no quick fix, and it is up to you to manage your symptoms. 

A perspective change

Dr. Goldkamp’s perspective has changed in that he now knows that the Covid virus is alive and well, and it is out there. You need not fear it, but you do need to take precautions.

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