Dr Karl Goldkamp - Keto Naturopath

137: Why People Are Breathing Easier On Keto

Dr. Karl Goldkamp

People often ask Dr. Goldkamp about what the “keto rash” is and why they get it. He has never seen it or experienced it himself, so he decided to look into who gets that kind of rash and why. In this episode, Dr. Goldkamp also looks into some new research related to lung improvement with keto and why so many people have reported being able to breathe easier as they get into it. 

Why Dr. Goldkamp got into keto

Dr. Goldkamp got into the ketogenic diet back in 2012-2013 because he was very ill with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s at the same time. He was also severely anemic due to all the medications he was on, and he wanted to feel better. 

A fungal cause

He thought there was a chance that the Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis might have been caused by a fungus, so he asked the doctor to look into it.


He then went onto a medicine not prescribed for Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, and he started to get better. The doctor then had to take him off the medication because what he was using it for was not approved on-label use, even though he was clearly getting better.

Naturopathic anti-fungal treatments

Dr. Goldkamp then started thinking about revisiting his naturopathic anti-fungal treatments for treating problems like candida, which is a fungal infection of the gut that comes about primarily from eating too many carbs.

High ketones

Research has shown that the keto rash tends to happen when people have high ketones with high glucose, which is associated with advanced diabetes.

What causes a keto rash

The keto rash tends to happen when people experience a dramatic and abrupt change from jumping suddenly from a high carb diet into either a no-carb diet or a low carb diet. 

Another cause of a keto rash

Another time when a keto rash has been known to happen is when people go back and forth between foods that are high in processed carbs and a keto diet. 

Exogenous ketones could also cause a keto rash

And another time when people tend to get a keto rash is when they want to get into ketosis very quickly so they gulp down C8 or take other types of exogenous ketones to force their bodies to get into ketosis unnaturally, as opposed to just dropping the carbs and letting their dietary change get them into a measured state of ketosis that they can pick up in their blood with a keto meter.

Better breathing and less inflammation

When people get into the swing of a ketogenic diet, and they start dropping their carbs, moving into a high-fat diet, paying attention to their proteins, and becoming more aware of what they need to be doing, they have found that their breathing gets better and inflammation drops, even in the very early stages of their dietary transition.

Lung fibrosis

Studies have shown that a ketogenic diet can improve lung fibrosis.


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Article: Ketogenic diet induces autophagy to alleviate bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in murine models

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