Graced Health

Amy Uncut - What Would Change in Your Worthy Body Revised Edition

February 09, 2024 Season 17 Episode 46
🔒 Amy Uncut - What Would Change in Your Worthy Body Revised Edition
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Speaker 1:

Hey everyone and happy Friday. We made it. I don't know about you, but this has been a very full week or two. All good things I actually have been. I had blocked off this past week to do to record my audio book and things just kept popping up and I've been, as you know, writing out my prayers and this morning I was like God, I'm just going to trust you because I'm getting anxious that I haven't had the chance to sit down and record these, because recording is kind of like a it's a it's a thing Like I've got pillows all around. Actually, if you're watching this on Friday morning on my stories on Instagram, I should have still should have pictures so you can go check those out, anyway. So I did get a chance to record a big portion of that today, and I should be today being yesterday, because I'm recording this on Thursday night and I should be finishing it up today as you're listening.

Speaker 1:

So on Friday I thought, since we finished your worthy body, and I thought I would take this Amy and cut and talk and do kind of do high level of like. What do they call it? Revised edition? As you know, that book came out in 2021. I wrote it mostly in 2024, I'm sorry, 2020. So it's four years old and I, as you know, have just been learning. I have continued to learn so much, and so I get questions every now and then like do you still count your macros or do you still practice fasting? And so I thought I would just give you all the uncut version. I may do something similar on the main podcast at some point, but I just thought this was a nice time to address, address some of that stuff. So this is in no particular order. This is just me kind of writing down some notes. To answer the question about fasting, I do not, since I wrote that I hit perimenopause and you could not pay me to fast anymore. I just need breakfast. And what's interesting is, since I have started having a higher protein first meal of the day, which is typically like around seven o'clock, sometimes six, sometimes eight. I have noticed that my morning I call it my coffee hot flashes, but those are so much better because my blood sugar is stabilized. So I have found that I feel so much better when I eat breakfast, and I've always been a breakfast eater. That was a really tough transition for me when I wasn't doing it, so I'm glad to be back doing that.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that I wrote about a lot were my fitness classes, and as I was writing that book, I was teaching a fitness class a couple times a week to just a group of ladies in my neighborhood and I loved them, they were my community and I had to press that on pause and then really it just kind of everybody's life, like their life stages, had changed, and so it just made sense to keep that on pause. So I don't do the fitness classes anymore and I really miss that. I actually, just a couple weeks ago, started working out with a with someone because I was like I need I need to be, like I miss community, I miss working out with people, I miss having people, and so I have started that and that has been really nice to be able to do and I think it for both of us for different reasons, it's just working out really well. So I do that. Let's see what's another one. You know I have a chapter called the. You know what's the best diet, and a lot of these are going. Probably the rest of what I'm going to talk about goes into the intuitive eating umbrella and the shift that I have made to that. So you know what's the best diet. The best diet is obeying your body. I think that's what the best diet is, Maybe not necessarily following a particular plan, because that can turn into an idol. Really, you know, if we're not, if we're not careful.

Speaker 1:

Another one that goes with that is macro counting. So I don't count macros I do. However, I do pay attention to my protein, and I have been talking about doing an episode on protein for a while, and I think it'll be coming soon. It's just I just wanna make sure that I do it right, and so I think, if I'm honest, it's the fear of either giving I don't think I would be giving the wrong information but not doing it within the lens of encouraging everyone to continue listening to their body. So I don't count macros, however I do.

Speaker 1:

I am aware of my protein intake on a meal by meal basis, just in general. So I try to get at least 20 grams of protein in per meal, and normally what that is what it turns out to be is breakfast is between 20 and 30. Sometimes it's more, depending on what I'm having. Lunch is probably closer to 30, and dinner is probably closer to 30 to 40. Because I have this son who needs a lot of protein. I mean, you guys, we had pork chops tonight. I think he just eats much protein. I had I made fish last night who eats three filets of mahi, mahi my kid does, and I'm glad. I mean, I'm like I'm not gonna complain about it, but I just need a lot of protein. Like I have to serve a lot of protein at dinner and so I have it.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, that I wouldn't say it's macro counting, I'm just saying it's an awareness of how much protein I am having, not from a weight perspective, but from a just a muscular health perspective and aging, because we do need more as we get older. You know, I mentioned in your worthy body. I talked to him about weightless. It will be not weight loss. It will not be a surprise to you at all that that is not something that I am focused on as much. Does that mean that I never wish that I I'm putting so many negatives in here? I mean, let's see, let me rephrase this. I still get caught into thinking like, oh man, you know what else has changed? I talk in that book about being 146 pounds. Yeah, that's changed, that has changed a lot. And I will also say and I'm gonna say this at some point again and whenever it makes sense I do not believe that that is because I transitioned to intuitive eating.

Speaker 1:

That hit me within the course of about two months, two years ago, I mean. I specifically remember when it was, it was right when my son was graduating, my older one, so that is purely a hormonal thing, like, or I don't even know. But that I don't think it's because, like, I was like all right, woohoo, intuitive eating, I'm gonna have whatever I want, cause I just I don't really eat any differently, I just have a different mindset, if that makes sense. So that's that. And then, another little fun fact that I learned while I was writing your course strength is that the 3,500 calorie benchmark that we have been using forever and ever of like, well, it takes 3,500 calories to gain a pound or to lose a pound that has actually been debunked because of our unique metabolisms and the way that we you know our activity level and all of that kind of stuff, and I'm sorry I'm going off the top of my head, but that has surprisingly been debunked. I didn't know that. So that was something I actually included in your course strength.

Speaker 1:

And then, finally, the one thing that I mean, do I wish I had changed it? What has changed? Like revised version, the whole thing on Cinderella carbs. So I actually I came up with the whole analogy of Cinderella and stepsister carbs and, if I'm honest, I think that was a good analogy, because Cinderella adds value, you know, the stepsisters don't have, you know, a ton of value, but also they kind of do I mean, like they, you know, are still, I don't know. I'm sorry my brain is kind of dumb right now, but I kind of wish that I would not have villainized that, but at the same time I think it's a good differentiation.

Speaker 1:

So I worked and worked and worked on your core strength to include that and I finally just took it out because I couldn't make it nuanced enough at an age-appropriate level to convey the point. So would I put that in a revised version? I don't know, I don't know. But anyway, those are the things that I was just kind of thinking of and, like I said, I will probably do an expanded version of this at some point.

Speaker 1:

But I just thought that I would drop in, since we finished your worthy body, and just say what you know, what's changed, what's changed. So that's that, and when your core strength comes out, or a couple times before it, I will probably start releasing and dripping out the chapters to your core strength. But I can't do it too early because I don't have the audio versions ready yet. But probably beginning in late March, early April, I will start letting you hear those, those chapters, and until then you will still get weekly what are they? Episodes? They will just be the Amy and Cut and I promise they will not be 11 minutes long. So with that I'm gonna sign off. I hope you have a wonderful weekend and we'll talk soon.

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