Graced Health

Amy Uncut Exciting: Your Free Gift + Updates to Your CORE Strength

March 15, 2024 Season 17 Episode 50
đź”’ Amy Uncut Exciting: Your Free Gift + Updates to Your CORE Strength
Graced Health
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Graced Health
Amy Uncut Exciting: Your Free Gift + Updates to Your CORE Strength
Mar 15, 2024 Season 17 Episode 50

Subscriber-only episode

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Ever faced technological setbacks that threw a wrench in your plans? That's exactly what happened with our podcast schedule, but like a phoenix rising, we've come back stronger, armed with a treasure trove of updates and gifts just for you. Get the behind-the-scenes look as I share the trials and triumphs of completing the audiobook for "Your Core Strength" and the meticulous dance of finalizing the book design, including the tricky spine measurement. But the real showstopper is Steve Kuhn's interior design, a masterpiece that perfectly captures the essence of a book meant to inspire young girls.

This episode isn't just a journey through the creative process. It's also a strategic map to the upcoming release. I'm taking a new approach with preorders, navigating the waters of independent publishing through KDP and Ingram Spark to bring you physical copies with a cherry on top—preorder bonuses that will enrich your experience. Don't miss out on how to claim your free parents' guide, a heartfelt thank you from me to you, and a sneak peek into the invaluable resources that await anyone guiding young women towards their true potential.

Receive my free monthly journal full of food, fitness, faith, fun & more

Core Essentials: Episode 1 2 3 4
30+ Non-Gym Ways to Improve Your Health (free download)

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Show Notes Transcript

Subscriber-only episode

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Ever faced technological setbacks that threw a wrench in your plans? That's exactly what happened with our podcast schedule, but like a phoenix rising, we've come back stronger, armed with a treasure trove of updates and gifts just for you. Get the behind-the-scenes look as I share the trials and triumphs of completing the audiobook for "Your Core Strength" and the meticulous dance of finalizing the book design, including the tricky spine measurement. But the real showstopper is Steve Kuhn's interior design, a masterpiece that perfectly captures the essence of a book meant to inspire young girls.

This episode isn't just a journey through the creative process. It's also a strategic map to the upcoming release. I'm taking a new approach with preorders, navigating the waters of independent publishing through KDP and Ingram Spark to bring you physical copies with a cherry on top—preorder bonuses that will enrich your experience. Don't miss out on how to claim your free parents' guide, a heartfelt thank you from me to you, and a sneak peek into the invaluable resources that await anyone guiding young women towards their true potential.

Receive my free monthly journal full of food, fitness, faith, fun & more

Core Essentials: Episode 1 2 3 4
30+ Non-Gym Ways to Improve Your Health (free download)

Connect with Amy:
Join the Graced Health community on Facebook!
Instagram: @GracedHealth
YouTube: @AmyConnell

Join GracedHealth+ for virtual community meetups and bonus episodes

Leave a one-time tip of $5

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone. I often like to record these when I am out on a walk. Today I am not. I am actually recording in my office with my new mic. I was in the middle of a Zoom meeting last week and I have no idea what happened, but my mic just completely died. I did all kinds of troubleshooting and I had like one section of the audiobook I had to rerecord. So I kind of went into crisis mode, which I think I told you about in the email last week, because then I had to get. I just I just went into crisis mode. So, anyway, sorry first or sorry again about not having an episode last week, but I hope you were able to enjoy all of the goodies that I emailed with workouts and movements and all of that kind of stuff. I wanted to take today to just give you a little bit of an update on your core strength. I know many of you have young women in your life who might be interested in reading this, so I wanted to just give you an update and then actually share with you a special gift I am sending just you, just you, because you guys mean so much to me. So we're going to put the checkbox like finally officially done. The audiobook finally officially done. It is ready to go.

Speaker 1:

I have all the files the book cover and back of the book, which actually takes longer than you might realize, because you have to get the interior completely done. So you know how many pages are in the book, so you know how thick to make the spine. So it's one of those things that, like we started with it and then we had to just put it on pause until we were completely done with everything else, and so that's. The third part is I've got the PDF. Like I have the interior done and you guys, it's so pretty. I'm so happy with this and it's amazing to me.

Speaker 1:

This is this is a growth point for me. I'm not proud to admit this, but I chose to use the same designer for the book cover or who did your worthy body, and I knew he did interior design. The interior designer who did your worthy body just wasn't available. Our timing didn't really work out, so I was like you know what he can do this too. His name is Steve Kuhn. Amazing, he did such a great job. It's so pretty. I was a little worried it wouldn't be appropriate for young girls, but he nailed it. I'm so happy with him.

Speaker 1:

So all of those things are finally finally done and I feel like I will have more focus now, because whenever I had updates and edits and that kind of stuff come in, I felt like I needed to do it. So I have been feeling very fragmented lately. Case in point no, amy Encut last week. So anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. And then I wanted to share with you one of the things that I am hoping and my strategy in my head and the vision in my head says it's going to work. I'm hoping it does. I've got to figure it all out, but everything is figure outable.

Speaker 1:

So what I am planning on doing is putting this up for preorder. Your worthy body was not up for preorder. It was basically like go buy the book on the day that it was available. I'm doing this a bit differently and using two different independent publishing arms. One of them is KDP through Amazon, and then the other is Ingram Spark. Between the two of them, I should be able to get a physical preorder available for purchase on Amazon whenever I can get that done. So that's on the list of things to figure out.

Speaker 1:

I am trying to sweeten the deal with some preorder bonuses. With those bonuses, you will get again depending or dependent on me being able to figure this out the audiobook. So you'll actually get a free audiobook with a preorder purchase of a physical copy. You will get a free parents guide, which will be a low cost item on my website for purchase, and then also discussion guide, which I have not made yet, but I will be on the list to do everybody. Now, what I wanted to give you, or what I wanted to share with you, is the parents guide is done and this is my gift to you. I'm actually going to put this in your email so you can check it out at the end of the day, and so it's just my little gift to you. Whether or not you preorder or not, you support the show in this capacity and I'm grateful for that.

Speaker 1:

Having said that, this has not gone live. So if you see something that is an error, if you see something that needs to be edited my editor did take a look at it, but then I've kind of made some adjustments and changes throughout the way Please let me know. I would so appreciate that. Like that's a gift to me. When you see something that needs a change. That's a gift, so feel free to reach out if that is something that you notice. Now also, the fun news is starting next week you will begin to get your core strength dripped out. So every other week you will get a chapter. They are a little bit shorter than your worthy body, so if I have some that are super short, I may put like two in on one week. But now that I'm thinking through that, I don't know if I'm going to do that or not. So anyway, we'll see, because it might be hard for you to get, but you will start getting the audio book as being, or because you are a graced health plus subscriber. Now, if I can, I would love some prayer for you from you.

Speaker 1:

First thing is just figuring out this whole, like Ingram, spark and KDP and how do I get the preorder up? And just making, just helping me to figure it out, like God can show me how to do it. So I'm going to start with the first thing. I'm going to start with the first thing, I'm going to get my book ready and then I'm going to just get the preorder out, like God can show me how to figure it out. Another thing for prayer is focus. I have, like I said, been pretty fragmented and I'm sitting here looking at the calendar and I'm like, oh my gosh, I am like 40 days out, which is crazy. So I have a lot of Just that God gets this book to who it needs. I don't think I'm going to do a launch team.

Speaker 1:

This year I'm going to do, or this time I'm gonna do it a bit differently. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, idea or not, not idea. Hello Southern comes out every now and then. So, anyway, trying to figure all of that out, but I, yeah, I would just love prayer with that. So I feel a little guilty that I have taken all of this time today to talk about what I'm working on, but, on the other hand, I always like it when I follow people and they give me a little bit of the back end. So that is the back end, and I will send you the Parents Guide via email later on this afternoon. Thank you, as always, for being a member of this Grace Tealth Plus subscription community, and I will talk to you soon.

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