High Impact Leaders

How to Motivate Your Team Members in Uncertain Times

October 31, 2022 Doug Staneart

Need some Team Motivation?

Want a few tips about how to build team spirit when you hear words like “slow down,” recession, and uncertainty? You are not alone. Goldman Sachs published a report recently saying that

 93% of small business owners fear a recession in the next year.

Uncertainty causes fear. Fear can lead to reduced morale and decreased job satisfaction. If you are a team leader and you do nothing to help, you may be inadvertently pouring fuel on the fire. In this post, we will give you a motivation strategy to help you develop happy employees — even during hard times.

In fact, if you use just a few of these new ideas, you can improve employee engagement. You can help your team feel that they are a part of a unique team culture and build loyalty and… dare I say… more of a family atmosphere.

Most Wealth Is Created During Hard Times.

Before I get into the tips to motivate your team during a recession, let’s explore the opportunities that a bad economy creates. Recessions (and depressions) often terror in the minds of most people.

I’m a history buff. I remember learning about The Great Depression in school, in movies, and from my Granddad. Each of these sources depicted the depression as an awful time when everyone became poorer. However, a few people become unbelievably wealthy during the Great Depression.

Show Notes:  How to Motivate Your Team Members in Uncertain Times (https://www.leadersinstitute.com/team-motivation-teams-learn-faster-when-theyre-having-fun/)