High Impact Leaders

President Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation (Oct 3, 1863) [with Commentary]

Doug Staneart

Happy Thanksgiving. And for those of you outside of the United States, happy third week of November.
I wanted to take a break from the normal public speaking tips and share with you this week one of Abraham Lincoln's least quoted speeches but the one that has a significant impact on US citizens every November, his Thanksgiving proclamation that created the holiday.

Where did the Thanksgiving Holiday come from? Yes, the pilgrim created the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth. And yes, President George Washington made the first Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789. But it was actually Abe Lincoln who created the national holiday. Ole’ Abe reinstituted the holiday that Washington created during his presidency.

This episode covers the words of the Thanksgiving proclamation. I also add a little commentary to show you how you can incorporate some of Lincoln’s techniques into your own speeches as well!

Show Notes: Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation