High Impact Leaders

Christmas Team Building Activities to Build Morale in the Workplace

November 28, 2022 Doug Staneart

Happy Thanksgiving week, everyone. I hope you had a fantastic time with your family, and overeating, and watching a lot of football. If you are outside of the United States, welcome, and I hope you had a relaxing regular week.

Since we are in the holiday spirit, I wanted to focus this week on a few ways to build morale in the workplace during the holidays. Companies, big and small, will often schedule Christmas parties or annual meetings in December. Others will want to kick off the new year with new goals and strategies. So, on this episode, I'm going to share with you some of the best ways that I have come across to do something fun and rewarding for your team during the holidays. I've broken the tips into three sections. First, I'll give my best strategies for small groups (25 people or fewer.) Next, I'll give you tips for bigger groups. Then, finally, I'll give you some of the best strategies for virtual end-of-year meetings and parties.

Show Notes: Christmas Team Building Activities to Build Morale in the Workplace (https://www.leadersinstitute.com/christmas-team-building-activities-to-build-morale-and-fun-at-work/)