High Impact Leaders

How to Delegate Effectively with Brandon Woodside

Doug Staneart

This week, I interview Brandon Woodside of The Leaders Institute to discuss how to delegate effectively in 2023. The more virtual our world gets, the more difficult it is to delegate tasks to team members. Brandon has done a ton of research and has years of practical experience managing team members to increase efficiency and help entrepreneurs and business leaders gain back time.

Great leaders know how to delegate effectively and who to assign tasks to. But how did they learn how to do this? Is there a step-by-step way to delegate tasks so you can free up your time and empower your team? Well… Yes, but first, we have to change the way that we think.

In this episode, we cover a step-by-step guide on how to delegate effectively and gain back upwards of 20 hours of your week.

Enjoy the interview with Brandon Woodside.

Show Notes: How to Delegate Effectively to Empower Your Team & Free Up Time (https://www.leadersinstitute.com/how-to-delegate-effectively-to-empower-your-team-free-up-time/)