Better Me with BodyByBree

6 of the Worst Myths You've Ever Heard About Weight Loss

BreeAnna Cox

If you've been trying to lose weight but aren't getting anywhere, chances are you've been buying into some common myths about weight loss. This week Bree talks about 6 of the worst weight-loss myths she has heard.

Myth 1: The only way to lose weight is to avoid carbs.
Myth 2: It doesn’t matter what you eat as long as you count calories.
Myth 3: If you want to lose weight, you’ll have to go hungry.
Myth 4: Cutting fat from your diet helps you lose weight.
Myth 5: Going gluten-free is the solution to weight loss.
Myth 6: Food that tastes good is always bad for you.

If you've ever fallen for any of these myths, listen to this week's episode to find out why they are wrong!

Learn more about Bree and her training programs at or follow her on Instagram @bodybybreefitness 

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