Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP31 You Are Not Alone

October 11, 2020 With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 31

Today I'd like to lovingly remind all of you listeners out there that you don't have to do everything yourself.

We live in a society with a lot of expectations on us as parents, partners, and individuals.

But we're not meant to do everything by ourselves. For me, it's been a journey of self-love and self-discovery to learn to ask for help, and even to accept it when it's offered. I need support too. I need a cheerleader sometimes too. And that's ok!

Asking for help can be the hardest thing you can do if you're not used to it. But you're not asking someone or something to "fix" everything for you, you're asking for a helping hand - that's not weakness. That's showing humility, humanity, and true strength.