Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP35 Baggage Can Weigh You Down

November 08, 2020 With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 35

Join me to today as I share about different kinds of baggage, starting with the physical like old things you don't use anymore, then move to the emotional kind of baggage - stuff that can clutter up your mental space and that's not as obvious as the physical baggage lying around.

No matter what the baggage, it lingers around until you get rid of it. Physical baggage can be thrown away or you can pay someone to take it, but the mental baggage? You have to release that yourself. 

Listen in as I share some self-love practices that I've used to clean my mental house.

So, is something weighing you down? 

Today is the day to remove that clutter! You'll feel so much better when you do!