Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP53 Girl Talk

With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 53

Before you join me today for some "girl talk" be warned that I may share a bit too much about my "mom bra". Specifically, I'm sharing a lot of my feelings about my "mom bra".

Spoiler alert, I'm not too happy about it. More than that though, I talk about how we can put things off, being comfortably uncomfortable, and really limit our own happiness - for no good reason!

When we are unhappy, we are standing in the way of our own power.

So whatever your self-care or self-love practice, there's something deep-down that makes you feel good - don't wait - go do that!

P.S. If any of my stories resonate with you and you'd like to share some of your own in a safe, loving, environment with no judgement, you can always reach me at jodymyciak at gmail dot com