Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP57 Emotional Tug of War

With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 57

Join me today as I describe something I think we've all been through: an emotional tug of war. For me, I can be really happy where I am at the moment and then suddenly something will trigger inside of me and I'll get hit with a wave of sadness.

Seems weird right? To be happy and at peace and then to suddenly feel sad or depressed? You might think, like I used to, that you can't feel that way. That you shouldn't feel that way. Does this sound familiar?

If so, I'm here to remind you that it's ok to feel this way.

It's so important to remember that if you don't feel good, or less empowered, you don't have to ignore or push down those emotions - share them, like I do today with you - in a place where there is no judgement, only love.