Loving Me, Myself & Life

S1EP58 Me-Retreat

With Jody Myciak Season 1 Episode 58

Today I'd like to share something about how I've been feeling this past week. Spoiler: it hasn't been great. Despite being an Empowerment Coach, developing and using a variety of self-love and self-care tools, and wanting nothing more than to help YOU be your best-self, sometimes I don't feel like my best-self either...

I'm getting better at noticing that though, taking a step back and examining my "tree" - which has branches for the Social, Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Pleasure, Sensory, and Support aspects of my life.

So thinking about myself and where am I right now as a "tree", I look for "branches" that need tending. Please join me today as I talk about this "tree" of mine and how I've started taking "Me-Retreats" to help heal those areas (or branches) that have been neglected.

P.S. This episode is chock-full of examples!
P.P.S. If you want a free copy of the "tree" for yourself to refer to, just e-mail me at info at jodymyciak dot com and I'll happily pass it along!