Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)

Episode 36 - The Aftermath of Court Orders (and the Before Math)

Custody and Divorce Attorneys Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson

In this Episode 36 - recorded in May, 2022, Barry and Kevin discuss what happens after a Divorce, Allocation Judgment or other Court Order has been entered.  All that work, all the thinking and negotiating and planning -- so easy to fall apart or not work as planned.

Kevin and Barry shares some stories and techniques for smoothing the way to the rest of your life -- your life after Court, when you have to live with the words on paper.

Chicago Lawyers Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson have more than 50 combined years of experience in Custody, Divorce and other Family Law matters.  They know first-hand the court battles, stress and struggles that people endure as disputes are resolved in the family-court system.                

Barry and Kevin work to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.      


CARPLS - legal resources           www.carpls.org

Illinois Legal Aid Online             www.illinoislegalaid.org

Mentioned in this episode:

             The Illinois 'Statewide Financial Affidavit'

             A pointer to the Illinois HFS Child Support Estimator

             The Hewitt case (Illinois Supreme Court, 2016)

Who we are:                                                                      

Attorney Barry C. Boykin -  www.gclclaw.org/barry-c-boykin   
Attorney Kevin R. Johnson - www.divorce.nu