Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)
Custody! Divorce! Parenting time! Money! Disagreements over children! Custody and Divorce Lawyers Marjie Nielsen, Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson have more than 70 combined years of experience. They know first-hand the court battles, psychological warfare, pain and frustration that parents, spouses, partners and children endure as disputes are resolved in the family-court system. From their perspective as Chicago attorneys, Barry, Marjie and Kevin attempt to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.
Podcasting since 2020 • 54 episodes
Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)
Latest Episodes
Episode 43 with Carmen Quinones, an Attorney and a Guardian ad litem for children
We met with Attorney Carmen Quinones, from Wilmette (a suburb of Chicago.) She's fun to talk with. Parking her car in our weed-strewn parking lot and making it safely down the stairs to our drafty, underground virtual studio, Carmen...

Episode 42 with Judge Mark Lopez, retired
In this Episode 42 - recorded on May 8th, 2024, Marjie, Barry and Kevin host retired Judge Mark Lopez, formerly of the Cook County (IL) Circuit Court, Domestic Relations Division. In this wide-ranging discussion, Judge Lopez shares some i...

Episode 41 with Attorney Igor Bozic - "Juvenile Court - a former prosecutor explains"
In this Episode 41 - recorded on January 19, 2024, Marjie, Barry and Kevin sit down with former prosecutor ('Assistant State's Attorney') Igor Bozic to talk about Juvenile Court -- and the RISKS that parents face in not maintaining a calm, stea...

Episode 40 with Dr. Pascale Piron - "OVERthinking and UNDERthinking in family-law conflicts"
In this Episode 40 - recorded on September 8, 2023, Marjie (our new co-host), Barry and Kevin sit down with: Doctor of Psychology Pascale Piron https://emergepg.com/pascale-piron
Episode 40

Episode 39 - Answering some "Frequently Asked Questions"
In this Episode 39 - recorded on July 20, 2023, Barry and Kevin answer some of the questions commonly asked of them by non-lawyers. There are links included below, including "Illinois Legal Aid Online," for people who would like some onl...