Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)

Episode 32 PART ONE with Michael Wood - Unpaid bills and family stress - 'Debt buyers' and the attacks on you

August 20, 2021 Custody and Divorce Attorneys Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson

Often added to the legal and emotional turmoil of a divorce, custody, parentage, child-support or other family-law dispute are pressures over unpaid bills and debts.  Banks and other creditors sometimes try to collect for a while, but when they give up, they "charge off" the debt and sell it to a "debt buyer" for 3 or 4 cents on the dollar.  Then, a semi-automated collection campaign can begin.

In this Episode 32, parts One and Two, Recorded on 8/10/2021, Barry, Kevin and guest Michael Wood, an experienced Chicago consumer-law attorney, discuss:

  • The clear-eyed (ruthless) way that banks and other creditors look at consumer debt.
  • How consumers live with financial uncertainty as they navigate life's ups-and-downs.
  • How -- on the other hand- banks and creditors face no uncertainty at all -- since they calculate, predict and price for the expected 'defaults.' 
  • How "debt buyers" snap up unpaid consumer debts at 3 or 4 cents on the dollar, but then attempt to collect the full amount through semi-automated pressure campaigns and lawsuits.
  • How you can now use a government-authorized website to "pull your own credit report" not once a year, but every week (for free!) - Annualcreditreport.com


  • Remember that the banks, creditors and "debt buyers" operate on a for-profit basis.
  • While banks and creditors at least provide some goods or services, "debt buyers" provide only collection pressure and stress.
  • Family-law disputes are stressful enough, but debt buyers and their attorneys try to collect payments by further increasing people's stress and turmoil.
  • Debt buyers contact neighbors and extended family -- everyone in the consumer's physical and emotional vicinity -- to increase the collection pressure.
  • A consumer-law attorney may be able to help.


Custody and Divorce Lawyers Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson have more than 50 combined years of experience.  They know first-hand the court battles, stress and struggles that people endure as disputes are resolved in the family-court system.                

Barry and Kevin try to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.      

Our Guest:  Chicago consumer-law attorney Michael Wood    (312) 757-1880


Free, weekly (no longer once/year) access to your own 'credit report':    Annualcreditreport.com

CARPLS - legal resources           www.carpls.org

Illinois Legal Aid Online             www.illinoislegalaid.org

Who we are:                                                                      

Attorney Barry C. Boykinwww.gclclaw.org/barry-c-boykin
Attorney Kevin R. Johnson - www.divorce.nu
Guest:  Attorney Michael Wood - https://communitylawyersgroup.com/