Dynamite Divorce and other matters (DDOM)

Episode 26 - Part TWO - with guest Daniel Florey - "Refusing and Accusing" - When a child *is said to be* refusing visitation

Custody and Divorce Attorneys Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson

Custody!  Divorce!  Parenting time!  Money!  Disagreements over children!     


In this Episode 26, PART TWO, Recorded on 2/19/2021, Kevin, Barry and special guest Daniel J. Florey open up the box, spread the pieces on the floor, and attempt to solve a very-difficult puzzle -- one that often arises in custody and visitation disputes:

What if the child is (reportedly or actually) refusing to spend time with the other parent?

  • What if there's no evidence of danger?
  • What if one parent is just trying to hurt or dispose of the other parent?
  • Who should anyone believe?   
  • Should the child have a say?  How much?  
  • What about an attorney appointed to represent the child?  
  • What can be done to fix the situation?   Is there hope?

Custody and Divorce Lawyers Barry C. Boykin and Kevin R. Johnson have more than 50 combined years of experience.  They know first-hand the court battles, stress and struggles that people endure as disputes are resolved in the family-court system.                                                           
Barry and Kevin try to bring hope and clarity to a troubled world, where lawyers, judges and other professionals see the best and worst of human behavior on public display.     

Our Guest:  Daniel J. Florey of the The Law Firm of Dan Florey

"Talking Parents"
- parent communication / texting app
"Our Family Wizard" - parent communication / texting app
"Children in Between" - online parenting-conflict course

CARPLS - legal resources
Illinois Legal Aid Online

Cook Cook (IL) Circuit Court - 

Who we are:
Attorney Kevin R. Johnson - WWW. DIVORCE.NU   

Attorney Barry C. Boykinhttps://www.gclclaw.org/barry-c-boykin

Guest:  Attorney Daniel J. Florey - https://www.danfloreylaw.com/

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