Tales From The DIB
Tales From The DIB relates the experience and stories from aged military industrial complex personnel. We share our experiences and know-how about US federal defense contracting in a fun and engaging format that makes light of the complex mire associated with contracting. Get your waders on, we're going deep into the DIB!
Podcasting since 2023 • 9 episodes
Tales From The DIB
Latest Episodes
Wrapping Up the FCL Process
In this episode, Bob and Frank wrap up the FCL process and give some lessons learned over the last 16 months. We've got our FCL and have successfully gone through the process, giving up our secrets and accepting the perpetual evaluation of our ...
Season 2
Episode 3

Bit Torrent, nVidia, Apple, and The China Connection.
Today Frank and Jake discuss recent discoveries from a splunk investigation into unusual network traffic. Jake explains how some unusual Chinese IP addresses and domains are being used by Apple and nVidia unbeknownst to users. Could it be...
Season 2
Episode 2

Muses in Prompting
Jacob Anderson joins Frank Muller again to discuss artificial intelligence and the evolving world of prompting with conversational intelligence bots. Frank talks about coercive prompts, hacking bots to elicit illicit responses from the bo...
Season 2
Episode 1

Getting Money - Contract Vehicles For Racing With Your Fellow Contractors
Now that you know how to do business with the US Federal government, listen up on how these contracts are created to make you money! Learn about the different instruments used for collecting money from the government, such as the IDIQ or the fi...
Season 1
Episode 6

How To Do Business With The US Government
Have you ever wondered how you would find work with the US federal government? If you've started your business, or are thinking about starting one, then this podcast will help you understand the strategy for finding work that you can bid on wit...
Season 1
Episode 5