健人港人話 Steven Talks

EP 13 | 蛋白質101:食太多蛋白質會腎虧? BCAA,Glutamine 補充品有冇用?

October 09, 2023 Steven Yu
EP 13 | 蛋白質101:食太多蛋白質會腎虧? BCAA,Glutamine 補充品有冇用?
健人港人話 Steven Talks
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健人港人話 Steven Talks
EP 13 | 蛋白質101:食太多蛋白質會腎虧? BCAA,Glutamine 補充品有冇用?
Oct 09, 2023
Steven Yu


大家好!歡迎黎到「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我地會講解蛋白質嘅知識!我哋會回應觀眾嘅問題,提供具體嘅訓練策略同建議,幫助平衡左右邊嘅力量差距。跟住會講解蛋白質嘅基本結構,分析必需氨基酸同非必需氨基酸嘅分別同作用。之後會探討BCAA(支鏈氨基酸)同Glutamine(穀氨酰胺)補充品對於肌肉增長、恢復能力以及運動表現嘅影響。最後會探討過量攝取蛋白質會唔會對健康構成風險,並提供攝取蛋白質嘅建議。我地一齊嚟揭曉呢啲疑問喇!


00:00 廢噏- 生痱滋之痛到想死

05:10 觀眾Q&A:「左右手嘅力量差距好大,點樣可以練番平衡?」

10:31 蛋白質嘅結構同分類 -必需 & 非必需氨基酸

15:21 BCAA (支鏈氨基酸)可以幫助增肌,恢復能力同運動表現?

23:55 Glutamine (穀氨酰胺)可以提升恢復能力?

27:10 攝取太多蛋白質會唔會對健康構成風險?

📖 References:

1. Case Reports on Well-Trained Bodybuilders: Two Years on a High Protein Diet. Antonio and Ellerbroek. (2018)

2. Antonio, J., et al., High protein consumption in trained women: bad to the bone? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2018. 15(1): p. 6.

3 . TA, Burd NA, Mitchell CJ, West DW, Philp A, Marcotte GR, et al. Supplementation of a suboptimal protein dose with leucine or essential amino acids: effects on myofibrillar protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in men. J Physiol. 2012 Jun 1;590(11):2751-65. cription/categories/2148202210/posts/2150070826

4. Moberg M, Apró W, Ekblom B, van Hall G, Holmberg HC, Blomstrand E. Activation of mTORC1 by leucine is potentiated by branched-chain amino acids and even more so by essential amino acids following resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2016 Jun 1;310(11):C874-84.

5. Fedewa MV, Spencer SO, Williams TD, Becker ZE, Fuqua CA. Effect of branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Muscle Soreness following Exercise: A Meta-Analysis. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2019 Nov;89(5-6):348-356.

6. McRae MP. Therapeutic benefits of glutamine: An umbrella review of meta-analyses. Biomed Rep. 2017 May;6(5):576-584.

7. The Use of BCAA to Decrease Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness After a Single Bout of Exercise: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Weber et al. (2021)

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 

👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療

🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名

🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家

Show Notes


大家好!歡迎黎到「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我地會講解蛋白質嘅知識!我哋會回應觀眾嘅問題,提供具體嘅訓練策略同建議,幫助平衡左右邊嘅力量差距。跟住會講解蛋白質嘅基本結構,分析必需氨基酸同非必需氨基酸嘅分別同作用。之後會探討BCAA(支鏈氨基酸)同Glutamine(穀氨酰胺)補充品對於肌肉增長、恢復能力以及運動表現嘅影響。最後會探討過量攝取蛋白質會唔會對健康構成風險,並提供攝取蛋白質嘅建議。我地一齊嚟揭曉呢啲疑問喇!


00:00 廢噏- 生痱滋之痛到想死

05:10 觀眾Q&A:「左右手嘅力量差距好大,點樣可以練番平衡?」

10:31 蛋白質嘅結構同分類 -必需 & 非必需氨基酸

15:21 BCAA (支鏈氨基酸)可以幫助增肌,恢復能力同運動表現?

23:55 Glutamine (穀氨酰胺)可以提升恢復能力?

27:10 攝取太多蛋白質會唔會對健康構成風險?

📖 References:

1. Case Reports on Well-Trained Bodybuilders: Two Years on a High Protein Diet. Antonio and Ellerbroek. (2018)

2. Antonio, J., et al., High protein consumption in trained women: bad to the bone? Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2018. 15(1): p. 6.

3 . TA, Burd NA, Mitchell CJ, West DW, Philp A, Marcotte GR, et al. Supplementation of a suboptimal protein dose with leucine or essential amino acids: effects on myofibrillar protein synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in men. J Physiol. 2012 Jun 1;590(11):2751-65. cription/categories/2148202210/posts/2150070826

4. Moberg M, Apró W, Ekblom B, van Hall G, Holmberg HC, Blomstrand E. Activation of mTORC1 by leucine is potentiated by branched-chain amino acids and even more so by essential amino acids following resistance exercise. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2016 Jun 1;310(11):C874-84.

5. Fedewa MV, Spencer SO, Williams TD, Becker ZE, Fuqua CA. Effect of branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation on Muscle Soreness following Exercise: A Meta-Analysis. Int J Vitam Nutr Res. 2019 Nov;89(5-6):348-356.

6. McRae MP. Therapeutic benefits of glutamine: An umbrella review of meta-analyses. Biomed Rep. 2017 May;6(5):576-584.

7. The Use of BCAA to Decrease Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness After a Single Bout of Exercise: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Weber et al. (2021)

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==

🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 

👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療

🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名

🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家