健人港人話 Steven Talks

EP 19 | 瘦底增肌:Dirty Bulk 會降低胰島素敏感性? Clean Bulk真係適合你?

November 27, 2023 Steven Yu
EP 19 | 瘦底增肌:Dirty Bulk 會降低胰島素敏感性? Clean Bulk真係適合你?
健人港人話 Steven Talks
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健人港人話 Steven Talks
EP 19 | 瘦底增肌:Dirty Bulk 會降低胰島素敏感性? Clean Bulk真係適合你?
Nov 27, 2023
Steven Yu


大家好!歡迎黎到「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我哋會深入講解增肌嘅議題,包括卡路里同增肌嘅關係。之後我哋會探討兩種增肌策略-「乾淨增肌」 &「 骯髒增肌」,解釋佢地嘅定義,優點同缺點。 跟住我哋會探討「骯髒增肌」對胰島素敏感性嘅影響,並講解相關嘅研究。最後我哋會提供實際嘅建議同策略,幫助瘦底人士有效增肌!


00:00 廢噏-Scientific training 等於100%跟足文獻?

06:41 觀眾Q&A:「岩岩開始做gym,練健美定健力好?」

11:11 處於卡路里赤字就一定增唔到肌?

16:25 乾淨增肌 (Clean Bulking) vs 骯髒增肌 (Dirty Bulking)?

18:00 Dirty Bulk 會影響胰島素敏感性?

22:56 點解瘦底食極都唔肥?

📖 References:

  1. de Sousa LGO, Marshall AG, Norman JE, Fuqua JD, Lira VA, Rutledge JC, et al. The Effects of Diet Composition and Chronic Obesity on Muscle Growth and Function. J Appl Physiol. 2020 Nov 19; ePub ahead of print.
  2. Sengupta P. The Laboratory Rat: Relating Its Age With Human’s. Int J Prev Med. 2013 Jun;4(6):624–30.
  3. Lang P, Hasselwander S, Li H, Xia N. Effects of different diets used in diet-induced obesity models on insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction in C57BL/6 mice. Sci Rep. 2019 20;9(1):19556.
  4. Forbes GB. Lean body mass-body fat interrelationships in humans. Nutr Rev. 1987 Aug;45(8):225–31.
  5. Forbes GB. Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000 May;904:359–65.
  6. Hall KD. Body fat and fat-free mass inter-relationships: Forbes’s theory revisited. Br J Nutr. 2007 Jun;97(6):1059–63.
  7. Hu S, Zhang X, Stamatiou M, Hambly C, Huang Y, Ma J, et al. Higher Than Predicted Resting Energy Expenditure And Lower Physical Activity In Healthy Underweight Chinese Adults. Cell Metab. 2022 Jul 14; ePub ahead of print.
  8. Barakat C, Pearson J, Escalante G, Campbell B, De Souza EO. Body Recomposition: Can Trained Individuals Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time? Strength Cond J. 2020 Oct;42(5):7–21.

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 
👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療
🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名
🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家

Show Notes


大家好!歡迎黎到「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我哋會深入講解增肌嘅議題,包括卡路里同增肌嘅關係。之後我哋會探討兩種增肌策略-「乾淨增肌」 &「 骯髒增肌」,解釋佢地嘅定義,優點同缺點。 跟住我哋會探討「骯髒增肌」對胰島素敏感性嘅影響,並講解相關嘅研究。最後我哋會提供實際嘅建議同策略,幫助瘦底人士有效增肌!


00:00 廢噏-Scientific training 等於100%跟足文獻?

06:41 觀眾Q&A:「岩岩開始做gym,練健美定健力好?」

11:11 處於卡路里赤字就一定增唔到肌?

16:25 乾淨增肌 (Clean Bulking) vs 骯髒增肌 (Dirty Bulking)?

18:00 Dirty Bulk 會影響胰島素敏感性?

22:56 點解瘦底食極都唔肥?

📖 References:

  1. de Sousa LGO, Marshall AG, Norman JE, Fuqua JD, Lira VA, Rutledge JC, et al. The Effects of Diet Composition and Chronic Obesity on Muscle Growth and Function. J Appl Physiol. 2020 Nov 19; ePub ahead of print.
  2. Sengupta P. The Laboratory Rat: Relating Its Age With Human’s. Int J Prev Med. 2013 Jun;4(6):624–30.
  3. Lang P, Hasselwander S, Li H, Xia N. Effects of different diets used in diet-induced obesity models on insulin resistance and vascular dysfunction in C57BL/6 mice. Sci Rep. 2019 20;9(1):19556.
  4. Forbes GB. Lean body mass-body fat interrelationships in humans. Nutr Rev. 1987 Aug;45(8):225–31.
  5. Forbes GB. Body fat content influences the body composition response to nutrition and exercise. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2000 May;904:359–65.
  6. Hall KD. Body fat and fat-free mass inter-relationships: Forbes’s theory revisited. Br J Nutr. 2007 Jun;97(6):1059–63.
  7. Hu S, Zhang X, Stamatiou M, Hambly C, Huang Y, Ma J, et al. Higher Than Predicted Resting Energy Expenditure And Lower Physical Activity In Healthy Underweight Chinese Adults. Cell Metab. 2022 Jul 14; ePub ahead of print.
  8. Barakat C, Pearson J, Escalante G, Campbell B, De Souza EO. Body Recomposition: Can Trained Individuals Build Muscle and Lose Fat at the Same Time? Strength Cond J. 2020 Oct;42(5):7–21.

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 
👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療
🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名
🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家