健人港人話 Steven Talks

EP 24 | 壓力激素:令健身者又愛又恨的「皮質醇」?增肌減脂的關鍵荷爾蒙?

February 05, 2024 Steven Yu
EP 24 | 壓力激素:令健身者又愛又恨的「皮質醇」?增肌減脂的關鍵荷爾蒙?
健人港人話 Steven Talks
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健人港人話 Steven Talks
EP 24 | 壓力激素:令健身者又愛又恨的「皮質醇」?增肌減脂的關鍵荷爾蒙?
Feb 05, 2024
Steven Yu


大家好!歡迎返嚟「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我哋會探討訓練方式同荷爾蒙對於增肌嘅影響。首先哋會討論自由重量同機械式器材訓練嘅優劣,包括佢哋對於增加肌肉質量嘅效果,同埋點樣結合兩者來優化你嘅訓練計劃。之後我哋會介紹皮質醇嘅基本功能,同埋佢點樣影響你嘅身體健康。而皮質醇有時被標籤為「壞」荷爾蒙,但實際情況要複雜得多。我哋會深入講解皮質醇嘅正面同負面影響,以及點樣平衡體內嘅皮質醇水平。最後,我哋會探討高皮質醇水平點樣影響肌肉生長同恢復,等我哋一齊嚟揭曉呢啲疑問啦!


00:00 廢噏 -學無止境

04:55 觀眾Q&A:「自由重量vs 機械式器材,邊種對增肌最有效?」

09:40  點樣會提升皮質醇水平?

14:14 皮質醇真係一種「壞」荷爾蒙?

17:00 皮質醇對肌肉生長有咩影響?

📖 References:
1. Henkus, H. E., de Witte, P. B., Nelissen, R. G. H. H., Brand, R., van Arkel, E. R. A., Henkus, ! H E, & van Arkel, ! E R A. (2009). Bursectomy compared with acromioplasty in the management of subacromial impingement syndrome A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMISED STUDY. 91–504. https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.91B

2. Cheng, C., Chen, B., Xu, H., Zhang, Z., & Xu, W. (2018). Efficacy of concomitant acromioplasty in the treatment of rotator cuff tears: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In PLoS ONE (Vol. 13, Issue 11). Public Library of Science.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207306

3. Paavola, M., Malmivaara, A., Taimela, S., Kanto, K., Inkinen, J., Kalske, J., Sinisaari, I., Savolainen, V., Ranstam, J., & Järvinen, T. L. N. (2018). Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial. Bmj, 362, 2860. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k2860

4. Bailey J, Irving R, Dawson P, Brown DR, Campbell E. Influence of Training-induced Testosterone and Cortisol Changes on Skeletal Muscle and Performance in Elite Junior Athletes. Am J Sports Sci Med. 2021 Dec 16;9(1):13–23.

5. Ferrando AA, Stuart CA, Sheffield-Moore M, Wolfe RR. Inactivity Amplifies the Catabolic Response of Skeletal Muscle to Cortisol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999 Oct 1;84(10):3515–21.

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 
👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療
🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名
🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家

Show Notes


大家好!歡迎返嚟「健人港人話 Steven Talks」。今集我哋會探討訓練方式同荷爾蒙對於增肌嘅影響。首先哋會討論自由重量同機械式器材訓練嘅優劣,包括佢哋對於增加肌肉質量嘅效果,同埋點樣結合兩者來優化你嘅訓練計劃。之後我哋會介紹皮質醇嘅基本功能,同埋佢點樣影響你嘅身體健康。而皮質醇有時被標籤為「壞」荷爾蒙,但實際情況要複雜得多。我哋會深入講解皮質醇嘅正面同負面影響,以及點樣平衡體內嘅皮質醇水平。最後,我哋會探討高皮質醇水平點樣影響肌肉生長同恢復,等我哋一齊嚟揭曉呢啲疑問啦!


00:00 廢噏 -學無止境

04:55 觀眾Q&A:「自由重量vs 機械式器材,邊種對增肌最有效?」

09:40  點樣會提升皮質醇水平?

14:14 皮質醇真係一種「壞」荷爾蒙?

17:00 皮質醇對肌肉生長有咩影響?

📖 References:
1. Henkus, H. E., de Witte, P. B., Nelissen, R. G. H. H., Brand, R., van Arkel, E. R. A., Henkus, ! H E, & van Arkel, ! E R A. (2009). Bursectomy compared with acromioplasty in the management of subacromial impingement syndrome A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMISED STUDY. 91–504. https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.91B

2. Cheng, C., Chen, B., Xu, H., Zhang, Z., & Xu, W. (2018). Efficacy of concomitant acromioplasty in the treatment of rotator cuff tears: A systematic review and meta-analysis. In PLoS ONE (Vol. 13, Issue 11). Public Library of Science.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0207306

3. Paavola, M., Malmivaara, A., Taimela, S., Kanto, K., Inkinen, J., Kalske, J., Sinisaari, I., Savolainen, V., Ranstam, J., & Järvinen, T. L. N. (2018). Subacromial decompression versus diagnostic arthroscopy for shoulder impingement: randomised, placebo surgery controlled clinical trial. Bmj, 362, 2860. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.k2860

4. Bailey J, Irving R, Dawson P, Brown DR, Campbell E. Influence of Training-induced Testosterone and Cortisol Changes on Skeletal Muscle and Performance in Elite Junior Athletes. Am J Sports Sci Med. 2021 Dec 16;9(1):13–23.

5. Ferrando AA, Stuart CA, Sheffield-Moore M, Wolfe RR. Inactivity Amplifies the Catabolic Response of Skeletal Muscle to Cortisol. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1999 Oct 1;84(10):3515–21.

🎧 逢星期一更新

🔎 Instagram :  https://instagram.com/ywc__steven?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
🏋🏻 主持人簡介:
Steven Yu 
👨🏻‍🎓 教育背景
現正於都會大學 —修讀物理治療
🤾🏻‍♂️ 運動背景
HKNBF新秀組健體 - 亞軍
HKNBF青年組健體 - 季軍
HKNBF青年組古典健美 - 第五名
HKNBF青年組運動模特 - 第五名
🎖️ 專業資格
美國國家肌力和體能協會 - 肌力與體能訓練專家