Holistic Strategies for Healthy Living Podcast Artwork Image

Holistic Strategies for Healthy Living

Audrey Clarke Giles

In these Podcasts I will talk about things that I learned over the years regarding restoring your health holistically, also from a biblical perspective.  These are things that I learned as my dad journeyed through cancer starting in 1992.  He lived for 15 years with cancer during which time we were able to change his diet and lifestyle, which I believed allowed him to live 15 additional years.  I want to share the information that I have learned.  

The information in these Podcasts are for educational purposes only, they are not a prescription or advice for any health issues, just basic information that taught me to change my mindset, lifestyle and outlook on life.  If you have a health condition, please see your doctor.

This episode is an introduction to how I began my health journey over 30 years ago.  Now at the age of 66, I am thriving in health, because of the lifestyle changes that I made and is currently living by.  In this episode I shared 7 Principles that will help you on your journey to a healthy and fulfilling life.  

May you be blessed with good health and longevity.

Peace and Blessings, 
Audrey Giles, CPT, IIN Health Coach , 
