Discount Storytime
Each week brings you a stand-alone humorous short story for grown-ups, with engaging plots, rich character development, and intelligent dialogue carefully edited out. Enjoy!
Podcasting since 2024 • 45 episodes
Discount Storytime
Latest Episodes
Hold onto your seats, dear listeners, because I read comics to my kids for the first time! And it is so exciting and not made up at all! Our sponsor today is the upcoming 17-hour film 'Wuthering Bottoms.' Enjoy!Content warning for profan...
Season 1
Episode 44

Cookie Cabana
Have you ever wondered what might want from a small beachside bakery? Join us for a thrilling tale at Cookie Cabana, where Mandy and Barry find themselves in the midst of an unexpected heist led by a trio of blue-furred, feather-adorned robbers...
Season 1
Episode 43

Update: Scaling Back for Quality
Hello Listeners. A while back the show went to twice weekly, and unfortunately, I've felt a drop in quality while trying to maintain that schedule. You deserve better than that! Discount Storytime will return to publishing every Mo...
Season 1
Episode 42

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