Red Truck Marriage
Are you one of the many couples who began your relationship in what we call the "high octane" or honeymoon stage, only to now wonder, “where did all that love and connection go?” Perhaps at times you experience misunderstanding, indifference, disconnect, resentment, and a lack of romance. If this is part of your current story, the Red Truck Marriage Podcast will help. Hosted by speaker and marriage counselor, David Anderson, Ph.D., and his wife, Stuart Anderson, M.S., speaker and author, the Red Truck Marriage Podcast will bring you practical tools in an authentic and inspirational way to help you become the heroes of your marriage story. You will also hear conversations with other experts and thought leaders in the fields of relationship building, parenting, personality assessment, financial planning, and spiritual growth. Last but not least, you will get to know real couples who share their struggles and successes as they create “God’s Best” in marriage, a marriage based on Grace, Truth, and Compassion.
70 episodes
The Secret to Managing Money In Marriage
Welcome to our 6th and final episode discussing what we believe are the Top 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Today, we discuss the Secret to Managing Money in Marriage with our guests, Christopher and Ligia Labadie. Chr...
Season 4
Episode 70

We’re Back! Our Story of Navigating Hardship
We're back! It's been over eight months since we recorded our Red Truck Marriage podcast, and it feels great to finally connect with our audience! Today, we tell the story of how we navigated the personal struggle that kept us away duri...
Season 5
Episode 69

Power and Control in Marriage
Welcome to our 5th of 6 episodes discussing what we believe are the Top 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Today we discuss the issue of Power and Control in Marriage. **We want to be clear that this...
Season 4
Episode 68

How to Manage Household Responsibilities
Welcome to our 4th of 6 episodes discussing what we believe are the Top 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Today we discuss How To Manage Household Responsibilities in your marriage.We have found that many spouses...
Season 4
Episode 67

How to Talk About the Frequency & Quality of Sex
Welcome to our third of 6 episodes discussing what we believe are the Top 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Today we discuss How To Talk About the Frequency & Quality of Sex in your marriage.So have you ...
Season 4
Episode 66

"Happy" New Year or Is It? Here's Our Story!
So we decided to take a quick detour from our series the 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Instead, we are discussing our story of struggle as we bring in the New Year, and how we are trying to navigate one day at a time....
Season 4
Episode 65

How Couples Can Manage Disagreement in Parenting
Welcome to our second of 6 episodes discussing what we believe are the 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. Today we talk about How Couples Can Manage Disagreement in Parenting.So have you ever wondered why parentin...
Season 3
Episode 64

How to Respond to the Lack of Attention & Affection in Marriage
Welcome to our first episode discussing what we believe are the 6 Topics Couples Argue About in Marriage. The first topic we cover today is: How to Respond to the Lack of Attention and Affection in Marriage. So have you ...
Season 3
Episode 63

How to Stop Constant Arguing in Marriage
Are you like many couples who long to put an end to constant arguing? In marriage, we ALL face the daily challenge of preventing conversations from turning into conflict. When we allow conflict to become a daily occurrence, we develop destructi...
Season 3
Episode 62

"Whatever May Come; Your Heart I Will Choose" (Pro Tips for Staying Connected to Your Spouse)
Today we talk about an experience we had while out to dinner with friends. One of the couples was celebrating their wedding anniversary, which made the moment "ripe" for meaningful discussion about marriage. The question we threw out to t...
Season 3
Episode 61

"Couple-Care" In the Midst of a Busy Life
We are inundated with magazine articles, YouTube videos, TV commercials, and even podcasts about the importance of self-care... but what about Couple-Care? The lack of Couple-Care is the reason Stuart and I frequently hear couples say, "W...

How to Exit an Argument Before It Gets Ugly
Let's face it, arguments between spouses occur way more than most couples would like to admit. The question is whether or not the argument crosses the line into being hurtful or destructive. We have all behaved (out of escalated emotions) in wa...
Season 3
Episode 59

How to Manage Stress-Induced Conflict in Marriage
Have you ever noticed that oftentimes conflict in your marriage is fueled by stress? If you are like many couples, the answer is "yes" to this question. Stress is a common thread that all people share, and it can become very destructive i...
Season 3
Episode 58

The Scandalous Act of Grace and Forgiveness
So why is Grace and Forgiveness so Scandalous? It's the most unnatural act of humankind, and goes against almost every fiber in our body! Yet, we are all starving for the freedom, peace, restoration, and joy that only Grace and Forgiveness can ...
Season 3
Episode 57

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, Who Do You See After All?
Do you remember in the story Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the Evil Queen became angry when the mirror answered her question with THE TRUTH? Apparently, the Evil Queen was not interested in the truth that could help her become ...
Season 3
Episode 56

The "Secret Sauce" To A Thriving Marriage
So have you ever "punched up" a particular dish you are serving with your secret sauce, those ingredients that would take your meal from ho-hum to spectacular? Marriage can sometimes seem ho-hum and in need of some secret sauce! If this is your...
Season 3
Episode 55

Finding Peace in the Midst of Life's Urgencies
Do you ever find yourself expending a ton of physical and emotional energy on tasks that don’t really seem to satisfy the desires of your heart and soul? Maybe you're that person who is constantly responding to the demands that pop up thr...
Season 2
Episode 54

Keeping the "Merry" with Extended Family During the Holidays
The holidays can be a very stressful time of the year for a whole host of reasons. Many couples say that navigating the expectations of their extended family is on or near the top of the list of reasons for experiencing stress! Why is this so p...
Season 2
Episode 53

How to Make Your Marriage the Ideal Place to Hear and Express Feelings
One of the most common complaints spouses have is that their partner won't talk about their feelings. The absence of sharing feelings frequently leaves couples wondering if there is more to married life than simply managing the mundane day-to-d...
Season 2
Episode 52

Putting "PLAY" Back into Your Marriage
Have you ever watched a child play and wondered why they have so much joy? Perhaps their joy and zest for life come from the play itself! Couples who are intentional about play tend to describe their marriage as life-giving (at least most days)...
Season 2
Episode 51

Is It Sex or "Love-Making?"
Why is it that the topic of sex catches almost everyone's attention? Perhaps it's because sex is linked to such a huge bag of emotions... some good and some not-so-good.For many couples, there are very positive associations like emotion...
Season 2
Episode 50

It's Your Marriage Story; Let's Write It Well!
Everyone's authentic marriage story is powerful and sacred! Is it possible that there is a Greater Author to that story, and we are invited to "co-author" it with Him? Today we discuss our own marriage story, both the wonderful an...
Season 2
Episode 49

From Desert to Greener Pastures in Marriage
If you’ve been married for a while, you have experienced those seasons in your marriage when it seems the emotional or physical juices aren’t exactly flowing. Perhaps there are some obvious reasons that you can identify or maybe not… all you kn...
Season 2
Episode 48

Navigating Conflict Without Trying to Change Your Spouse
Have you ever tried to address a conflict within your marriage, but resorted to trying desperately to change your spouse? Or perhaps a better question... have you ever felt frustrated, hopeless, or even angry because your spouse won't do or act...
Season 2
Episode 47

Managing Stress, It's In The Foundation
If you are like most people, the feeling of stress or anxiety is at full strength this time of year. For many couples, their children are starting back to school, fall sports are in high gear, and our world continues to struggle through health,...
Season 2
Episode 46