I Don't Know How You Do It
Meet the people who stretch the limits of what we think is possible and hear "I don't know how you do it" every single day. Each week we talk with a guest whose life seems unimaginable from the outside. Some of our guests were thrust into extraordinary circumstances. Others chose them voluntarily.
People like:
The athlete who learned to walk again and became a paralympic gold medalist after being in a coma for four years…
The woman who left the security of her job and home to live full-time on a small sailboat...
The child-welfare advocate who grew up homeless and turned his gut-wrenching childhood into a lifetime of making a difference...
The mother who worked with scientists to develop a custom treatment for her daughter’s rare disease…
They share their stories of challenge and success and dive into what makes them able to do things that look undoable. Where do they find their drive? Their resilience? Their purpose and passion?
You'll leave each candid conversation with new insights, ideas, and the inspiration to say, "I can do it too," whatever your "it" is.
Two Moms Get Real: Grief, Hope, and Fierce Joy, with Morgan Motsinger and Jessica Fein

The Unexpected Adventure: Athletes, Access, and Inspiration Porn, with Tim Brown

Hope is Dope: Grief, Growth, and Extraordinary Parents, with Larry Carlat

Nearly Departed: Cancer, Kids, and Courage, with Gila Pfeffer

Faith, Medicine, and Fatherhood: Where Terror and Wonder Meet, with James Robinson

Happiness, Hope, and Crazy Socks: Reimagining What's Possible, with John and Mark Cronin

My Brother's Keeper: Sibling Loss and the Forgotten Mourners, with Annie Sklaver Orenstein

Infertility, Adoption, and Baby Steps To Guatemala: How I Found my Family

Radical Bravery: Living and Ending Well with Dr. Shoshana Ungerleider

Fair is a Four Letter Word, The Fall and Recovery of Joanne De Simone

From Medical Gaslighting to Empowered Advocate: Mackenzie Abramson's Rare Odyssey

The Manicurist's Daughter: Mystery, Loss, and Legacy, with Susan Lieu

The Power of Acknowledging the Suck, Real Talk with Amanda Griffith-Atkins

The Pollyanna Principle: Resilience, Writing, and Reinvention, with Caroline Leavitt

Redefining Hope: A Mother, Her Son, and The Chicken Who Saved Them, with Kristin Jarvis Adams

Forgiving Dead Bastards: Grief, Betrayal, and Healing, with Jessica Waite

Chasing Fireworks: A Breath Taking Excerpt -- Minisode

Love, Loss, and Living On: A Mother's Journey, with Heather Straughter

How to Script a Joyful Life, with Bestselling Author Jean Meltzer

Reimagined Motherhood: A No BS Zone, with Myra Sack

From Grief Thieves to Effing Growth Opportunities, with Lisa Keefauver

Powering Inclusion: What Gisele Got Right, with Dawn Oates

Complex Parenting Times Two, Ambiguous Living with Parvathy Krishnan

How an Elite Climber Survived Kidnapping and Found a Softer Strength, with Beth Rodden

Parenting on the Precipice, with Jessica Patay