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Preloading and Autoplay Settings

Buzzsprout provides two types of embedded players, minimal player and wave player. While each player has many features, neither player preloads or auto plays episodes by default nor can they be configured to do so. Learn more about our embedding options on our website: Embedding Overview

The main reason for this is that preloads and autoplay configurations can artificially inflate your download statistics. In order to provide the most accurate download statistics possible, Buzzsprout has disabled this functionality.

If you choose to use a different podcast player, on your website or elsewhere, we strongly suggest you disable any preloading or autoplay settings. Do not cache episodes but instead always download the latest episode. We advise against automatically downloading episodes or altering the episode audio URL. Failing to do any of these things will negatively impact the accuracy of your Buzzsprout Podcast Statistics.

Advanced (apps & directories)

  • Use header information - located at the start of the podcast to prevent a full download when not needed.
  • File request - For a full download, ask for the entire file in one go. For a progressive download, ask for the file in slices (byte range). This way a full download can be distinguished from a progressive download.
  • Use the GUID -- as opposed to episode URL, title, publication date, etc. -- to identify new episodes in the RSS feed that should be automatically downloaded to a user’s device.  The GUID is designed to be persistent through changes to hosting environment, titles, etc.
  • Employ an “automatic download unsubscribe” behavior (e.g. - stop auto downloads after 5 episodes of non-listens).
  • Do not automatically download all episodes (e.g. back catalog episodes) by default. This creates unnecessary drain on the publishers’ servers and consumes users’ bandwidth.