Submit podcast to TuneIn

How to Submit Your Podcast to TuneIn: 5 Steps

Listing your show in podcast directories like Spotify, Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), and Google Podcasts is essential to successful podcasting, but don't stop there.

We suggest you list your podcast feed to those major outlets first, but once you've done that, take the time to submit your show to other directories your listeners might be using.

TuneIn is an audio streaming service for podcasts, radio stations, music, news, and sports.

Keep in mind, a lot of podcast listeners have Androids, not iPhones. Podcasters should submit their podcasts to Android-friendly apps their non-iPhone-users can easily download on Google Play.

How to submit to TuneIn (for Buzzsprout users)

Buzzsprout users can follow these instructions to submit their podcast to the directory.

1. Log in to Buzzsprout and click the directories tab.

Buzzsprout dashboard with directories tab highlighted

2. Click Get Listed under TuneIn + Alexa in the bottom right corner

Buzzsprout dashboard with Tunein + Alexa box highlighted

3. Copy your RSS feed url 

Buzzsprout dashboard with RSS feed highlighted

4. Click Go to the TuneIn website. This will take you to's submission form where you will enter your podcast's details.

Buzzsprout dashboard with Tunein website link highlighted

5. Wait for TuneIn to approve your podcast submission. Once you fill out the form and submit it, you will need to wait for TuneIn to approve your podcast submission. This can take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks, so be patient!

Buzzsprout dashboard with Tunein URL box highlighted

That's it! We'll let your listeners know your podcast episodes are now available on TuneIn's streaming service!

Tip: Make sure your images are .png or.jpg format, with dimensions of 1200x1200 or above. 

How to submit to TuneIn (for non Buzzsprout users)

If you are not a Buzzsprout user, click here to fill out Tunein's submission form. Copy your RSS feed URL from your podcast hosting service and paste it into the submission form.  

TuneIn website podcast submission form

For any other questions relating to submitting your podcast to TuneIn, consult your podcast hosting service and visit TuneIn's help page.

Podcast Distribution: Where else should you list your podcast?

Getting listed in the top podcast directories should be the first step of your podcast marketing plan. Here are our step-by-step guides on how to get your podcast into the essential podcast directories.